Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 57

After Kevin & Joe dropped me off at the apartment I felt a huge relief go off my chest.

"He's ok" I said grabbing my chest relieved.

I smiled and walked back to our bedroom and shut the door behind me. I couldn't get over how Nick really was ok and he was home! He was really home…you probably think I'm a pussy. He's only been gone for a few months, but we haven't really established anything with our marriage yet so I'm allowed to be a pussy.

I opened my suitcase that was placed on my bed and started unpacking. I put the clean clothes away and started placing my cosmetics in our bathroom. Placing my make-up bag in the drawer I smiled seeing Nick's cologne bottle there. Picking it up I smelt it, sprayed it on my shirt and placed it back on the counter.

I loved Nick's smell & with him not here, it's like a tease. I can see him, but I can't be with him 24-7. Such a teaser for a newlywed, pregnant girl if you ask me.

Lying in bed, I was in one of Nick's button up shirts, smelling his collars and pressing them to my nose. I curled up into bed when I leaned over to set my alarm in case I fell asleep and hit something.

"What the hell was that?" I murmured

I looked to see it was a little Hershey kiss on Nick's pillow. I smiled looking at it, taking it and eating it.

"Nick, you're such a good kisser" I said giggling and set my alarm.

As I watched T.V I started getting hungry so I went to the kitchen to order Chinese. After ordering I got a glass from the cabinet and got some water from the dispenser on the refrigerator. As I sat on the counter I tapped the glass on the counter and thought, I couldn't stop thinking of Nick. Although it was 8:45 almost 9:00 I had to call fast if I was going to catch him before they cut the phone lines off for the night. I ran into the bedroom and grabbed my cell and dialed his room.

"Hello?" he asked groggy
"Oh, did I wake you?" I asked softly
"Yeah, but to talk to you, it's worth it" he said softly

I could hear him smile through the phone and it made me smile even more.

"So, what is Mrs. Nick Jonas going to do tonight?" he asked
"Well, I came home, turned on the T.V. & ordered Chinese. Talking to you is so much better though" I said smiling
"Trust me, I miss you being here" he said
"Nick you have no idea how much I miss you" I said sighing
I could hear him smile again and it kept my heart rate up. Beating faster and faster I was getting those school girl butterflies I use to when I would look at him at seventeen years old.

"So…are you nervous about carrying our baby?" Nick asked hearing that smile again
"Slightly, but when you come home, I'll have two babies to take care of" I said smiling
"You have no idea how excited I am to have a little baby growing inside of you" he said

There had to have been a permanent smile plastered onto his face because I could practically see his smile through the phone.

"Well I'm glad that I'm not at this alone" I said
"Baby, you'll never be at it alone" he said
"I'm so glad I have you as my husband" I said
"Well I'm glad I've got a strong, beautiful wife like you" he said again smiling

There was a silence that grew between us and Nick suddenly changed the topic.

"So…what are you wearing?"
"Nick!" I said laughing

He started laughing slightly and it sounded like he was in pain but he continued.

"No seriously, what are you wearing?" he asked
"Your burgundy button up shirt I love…" I whispered
"I'll be sure to wear that when I get home" he said playing along

Suddenly, an annoying proctor came on.


"Well baby, I'm glad you called *cough*." He said
"Well I'm glad I got to talk to you in time" I said
"You're so great with timing... Alright baby, I'll see you tomorrow and kiss my other baby goodnight" he said
"I will, I love you Nick" I said
"I love you too. Hey baby…" he said
"Yeah?" I asked
"Could you bring me something to really eat tomorrow? The food sucks here…" he said
"Haha, ok baby. Take care of yourself tonight ok? I'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning." I said
"I love you"
"I love you too"
"Night" we both said

As I hung my phone up I heard the door knock and all I kept thinking to myself was what Nick said:

"You're so great with timing…"

I giggled at myself, knowing Nick was right and got off the bed.

"Coming" I said grabbing the money off the counter

I opened the door and was counting the money to check.

"So I owe you $8.6-" I started but I saw not the Chinese delivery guy
"Laura, you've got some nerve leaving me" I heard David say

Rage was in his eyes and he obviously was drunk beyond his whit.

"David, leave me alone. I'm working on school work. Please leave now!" I said shutting the door

Before I got the door totally shut David swung at me and punched me in the eye.

"That's what you get bitch for leaving me & cheating on me!" he said

I gripped my eye as I slammed the door shut and locked the door, along with the chair and dead bolt. My eye could wait but I needed to call the police on David. After dialing franticly to the police station I took some ice, placed it in a Ziploc bag, sealing it and wrapping it in a wash cloth. I sat at the breakfast island, placing the ice on my eye and sighing. Within 10 minutes I heard commotion outside my door and walked over to the door to see through the peephole. I saw they were getting David off the floor & handcuffing him when I saw an officer knock on my door. I counted to 10 making it seem as though I wasn't watching and opened the door.

"Hello?" I asked with the ice on my eye
"Yes, Mrs. Jonas? You called about a disturbance and from what I can tell some physical violence. Is Mr. Archuleta here the culprit?" he asked

I looked at David and he was so drunk I knew he'd regret it in the morning but he needed to learn.

"Yes" I said

The officer nodded and looked at me.

"Can I see your eye?" he asked

I took the ice off and I saw his facial reaction go from concern to shock.

"Oh, wow, you know what will take the swelling down?" he said
"SWELLING?" I asked freaking out
"Uhhh, yeah, it's steak. Whatever is in steak makes swelling & bruising go down" he said
"Thank you for the advice" I said almost about to shut the door
"We'll call tomorrow morning about your status on charges" he said
"Very well" I said smiling

I was about to shut the door when I saw the Chinese delivery guy come.

"$8.60?" I asked

He just nodded his head and I handed him the money that I forgot was still in my hand.
I shut the door and locked all the locks. I had to go into my lock-down mode because I didn't trust anyone right now. I went into the kitchen, placed the ice into the sink and took my dinner in the bedroom. I saw that Sex in the City: The Movie was coming on so I ran into the bathroom and checked the swelling. It was slightly swollen but most defiantly bruised. I just shrugged my shoulders and jumped onto the bed, opening up the bag and smiling as I saw Carrie, Charlotte, Samantha & Miranda fill my T.V. with the laughter I needed.


The next morning waking up was easy. I was tired but ready to see Nick in a few hours. I got showered and changed into sweatpants, a t-shirt and flip-flops but I decided to at least look semi-decent for Nick so I put some make-up on and round brushed my hair putting it into a bump. As I put my light sip-up jacket on I remembered my bruise. I went back to the bathroom and covered up the bruise and left.

Arriving at the hospital I had a teddy bear for him and before I walked in I sprayed it with my perfume and then sprayed myself. The elevator ride was long as I held the teddy bear in front of me with my arms around it. It was a piece of me Nick could have while he was away, even though I wanted him near me so badly. Spending time with me and as newlyweds. You know as newlyweds I'm even mad at the fact that I'm even pregnant. I feel tied down now but hey, we'll have to have fun with it.

As I walked out on the floor I saw Nick was in a wheelchair coming out of his room.

"Hey beautiful!" I heard Nick said
"Where are you going?" I asked
"Well I wanted to wait for you by the elevator. But I wanted to go look at the view at the end of the floor once you got here." He said smiling
"Ok, well let's go" I said smiling

I put my stuff down in his room and grabbed the teddy still in my hands. I handed him it as I walked out. I kissed his neck and smiled.

"Here ya go babe. I sprayed it with my perfume for you so you can snuggle with it and have me right there" I said smiling
"Thank you" he said smiling with his eyes and kissing me
"C'mon, we're blocking the hall out here" I said smiling

I pushed him to the end of the hall and he had a great view of the city and the helipad. Spending time with Nick was important for me and it was making up for what happened last night.

As we were staring out of the view I felt Nick's frail, pale hand reach for mine. I looked at him smiling. He had his head bandage gone but had tons of stitches in his head. His legs were still bandaged up but he wasn't consumed in gauze like he was yesterday. Nick still had bandages on his stomach but I knew that it'd be best not to touch him with the fear of hurting him.

"I love you baby" he said smiling and his eyes barely open
"I love you too" I said

I was about to look away when Nick stopped me. He held my shoulder and looked at my face.

"Baby, what happened to your face?" he asked about to be mad
"Nothing, I fell and hit my head on the edge of the counter…" I said looking away

I didn't like lying to him but I didn't want him to be worried in his condition. Nick didn't need to be stressed out about anything other than himself. He pushed the piece of hair out of my face and smiled holding my jaw.

"That's my silly girl for ya" he said smiling
"Yep" I said smiling
"You gotta be careful until I get home" he said
"I know baby" I said smiling

I kissed his hand and he smiled. We eventually went back to his room and decided to watch some T.V.

"So, how is baby Nick?" he asked
"Oh, so we're naming it Nick?" I asked
"If it's a boy, sure" he said
"Well what if it's a girl?" I asked curious
"Then you can name her" he said
"Ha-ha, ok fair. But they are good, I mean nothing has happened yet so much but I need to get to the doctors before too long" I said
"Well, I'll be out at the end of the week. Want to go next week…together?" he asked looking at me, deep in my eyes.
"Absolutely" I said smiling

We were lying in his bed, watching the news when a nurse came in.

"Well good morning Mr. Jonas & I'm assuming Mrs. Jonas?" she asked smiling
"Yes" I said smiling
"Well I'm Ryan and I'll be your nurse for the morning" she said

Ryan?... Her name was….Ryan…

"Thanks" Nick said
"Another nurse will be in to take your vitals so just telling you Mrs. Jonas you might need to move" she said smiling

That smile….was exactly like Ryan's…

"Oh, ok" I said smiling

Her hair, coal black, blue eyes…she looked almost like her.

As Ryan left the room Nick looked at me strange.

"You ok baby?" he asked still holding me
"Yeah…I just thought that girl looked a lot like Ryan…" I said
"Couldn't be…" he said
"I know but…I miss her" I said tucking into his arm and falling into a nap.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok so as you can tell the winner of the banner contest is up but here is the problem, i got it sent anonymously, which i didn't know that was possible on Mibba. So i was able to recreate it on Polyvore & put it into the layout but I'm wanting someone to claim it.

I'd really like it if someone claimed it so i can give you the credit (& the character added) into the story.

Please, (i'm not mad & won't ask quesitons but someone please claim it, it's beautiful!), claim it by messaging me :)

Comment & Message


-Beautiful Symphony ;;
-Ms Pigtails
-Decode Me 16
-heart of gold ;;
-sugarrluvr :D
-Lon3ly angel