Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 59

Coming in the best day Nick asked me to bring his cell phone so that he can talk to me whenever. I agreed, I wanted to talk to him all the time. He was still my everything and I wanted to talk to him whenever.

"Hey babe" I said kissing him & leaning over
"Hey" he said

We smiled & I sat down next to his bed like usual.

"Here is your phone" I said handing it to him
"Thank you baby" he said

He turned it on and he didn't even wait 10 minutes until he was texting someone.

"So I was thinking that we could go to the doctor on Monday" I said
"Uh huh"
"And I was wondering if you wanted to maybe go to the movies after and spend some alone time?"
"Uh huh"
"What about if we go ahead and start looking for houses?" I asked excited & talking with my hands
"Yep sure babe" he said
"Nick are you paying attention?" I asked

He suddenly dropped his phone in his lap and looked at me smirking.

"Yes, house, baby and what?" he said
"Movies…" I said dryly
"Right, we'll do that" he said picking his phone back up

I just ignored him and I figured it's because he was deprived of texting. Opening my oceanography book I popped my iPod in my ears and went on with my day. Nick ignored me so I figured I'd ignore him as well. I went down to the cafeteria for some frozen ice cream but when I came back Nick was mad that I went.

"Excuse me, where have you been?"
"In the caff" I said
"Well why didn't you get me anything?" he asked
"Because you've been ignoring me since I brought you your damn phone so I decided to be in my own world." I said smiling a shitty smile and sitting down
"Give me some of that" he said very sweetly, almost as if he wasn't just throwing a tantrum
"NO!" I said

He kept trying to grab it and it was annoying me so I took it and smashed it into his face.


He moved the cup and he started licking his face.

"Damn, you have big bitch fits when you're pregnant…hope this shit stops" he said
"REALLY? Bitch Fit? I asked you 3 things since I've been here & you just keep texting on your damn phone. I just wanted you to talk to me Nick!!" I started to yell
"Just chill, now you're really turning it into a bitch fit!" he said

I wasn't going to take this. I was mad that he wasn't giving me the attention I actually needed. I asked him to listen to me for 2 minutes and I didn't even get a second. I got my chair, moved it to the other side of the room and sat on the couch that was on the windowsill. I sat there and worked on my homework there. I'm 21 years old, married to a soldier & I'm pregnant. I wouldn't have wanted this life for me when I saw myself at 17.

As I listened to Kevin Rudolf's album I heard a nurse come in. I didn't bother to look away from the window. If Nick was going to be the way he was, he can take care of himself right?

"Is that your wife?" the nurse asked wiping his face with a wash cloth

When I heard this I paused my music and acted like I was still looking out the window.

"Yeah, we just got into a little fight, that's all" he said
"Can she hear us?" she asked
"Most likely not. When she studies, she blocks the whole world out." He said

I suddenly heard giggling and laughing. There was something that didn't want me looking over but there was a huge part of me wanting my face to go the other direction. I heard the nurse say something a pregnant woman shouldn't hear.

"So, I'd like to fuck you long and hard…"
"Oh really? Well when I get out of here why don't you show me your feisty side. Trust me, I'd show you what it's like with a real soldier" he said

I was beyond shocked. My Nick, the one that loved me near and dear was planning on cheating on me…and I'm pregnant.

"Text me sexy"

I heard the nurse place her hand below the covers and into his boxers. I heard him yelp then moan which told me that she was doing something that not even I did. I kept hearing him deep breathe but he suddenly groaned and you could hear them both smile as she finished him off.

"That was better than my wife…"

A tear fell down my face now, I was strong before this but when he said that I couldn't get that out of my head.

"That was better than my wife…"

You could hear him kiss her goodbye and then you could hear her leave. As I looked out the window I saw a bird. I felt like I wanted to be that bird, just fly away with no problems to be in complete freedom. As the silent tears were falling I felt someone touch my shoulder. I looked back to see it was Nick, with a cane hanging onto me for tear life. He obviously was about to fall, so what did I do? I let him fall.

"You dumb bitch, you let me fall" he yelled grabbing his ribs
"No Nick…" I said leaning down to him on the floor
"You let me fall." I said then kicking him in the groin

He yelped and started coughing, holding himself. Personally I felt proud of myself, because he was being an asshole but I was going to fight him on it. I grabbed my books, placed them into my large coach bag and walked back over to him.

"Oh and by the way…" I said hovering over him
"If you're going to cheat on me, make sure your bitch cleans you up next time…" I said pointing to his wet, stained boxers.

As I left you could hear Nick trying to yell for help but I shut the door so NO ONE could hear him. Walking down the hall to the elevator I saw the young nurse that was just with Nick and I stopped her.

"Oh hi Mrs. Jonas" she said smiling
"Hey bitch, I just wanted to tell you. Haha, if you're going to give my husband a blow job in the same room as me you need to clean him up. He's a little trashy, like you" I said

I gave her a shitty look and walked from the nurse's station into the waiting elevator. As I shut the door she was staring at me in shock still so I did the only thing that would finish her off. I grabbed a condom out of my bag and threw it at her.

"Here bitch, you may be trashy but you need some protection!"

As the doors shut and the elevator was in motion I fell into a deep cry. I heard Nick cheat on me and I didn't have the nerve to look over and see him. All I know is this baby is going to be mine & not Nick's…even if it's the last thing I ever do to him.

It was Sunday & I was in our apartment, no excuse me my apartment and I called Joe. Joe & Kevin were great together but I needed Joe's wisdom. He was literally a guy version of me & I needed to know his perspective of this. I had packed most of Nick's stuff up and I had his name taken off the lease. I noticed waking up this morning I started getting a very small round belly and it made me smile but then frown knowing Nick was now permanently with me. I will love this baby no matter what because they're half of me but I will say that if they looks a lot like Nick, I'm going to have a hard time accepting it.

I heard the knock at my apartment door and I opened it seeing Joe.

"Hey…" he said disappointed
"Hey" I said not really smiling

He just hugged me and didn't really say much.

"So I thought about everything and…well can I come in first?" he asked
"Of course" I said moving

He sat at the dining room table but was seriously stressed out. He gripped his bridge of his nose and looked at me.

"Ok so I know you're pregnant and everything but you need to think about what you're doing for the baby. Laura, you grew up in a broken household, do you want the baby to suffer like that?" he asked
"No, but Joe…it's a lot more complicated then that…" I said

I got up and started pacing.

"Laura explain it to me" he said
"Joe…" I started but got angry about the situation
"you…" my eyes began to well and a tear blinked out of my eyes
"you didn't hear Nick groan and get turned on by this girl when I was the only one in his life that has pleased him in that way. Nick and I have a permanent connection not only with our virginities but with our baby. Joe…I've never been so angry in my life. Nick and I were supposed to be married and happy together not him claiming to be psycho and fucking girls in the hospital then letting me wait on him, head and foot & I get nothing in the end? Joe, you tell me what it's like to hear, oh I don't know Holly, remember your girlfriend of 5 years being pleased by another guy while you're sitting there, scared out of your mind to what's happening but not strong enough to look…"

I wiped my pouring tears and tried to gather myself for my sanity, the baby & Joe's freight level.

Joe just shook his head and looked down in disbelief. I think he understood that there was nothing he could say that could make me change my mind.

"Huh, ok, well…I tired fighting his side for him but you made a valid point. So where is his stuff? I've got the moving truck downstairs with guys waiting to pick his stuff up." He said

I pointed to the corner of the room and he nodded his head once and went down stairs to the movers. When he came up I had a packet waiting for Joe.

"Hey when are you going to see Nick?" I asked
"When I drop his crap off, he's at my house why?" Joe asked

I went to the kitchen island, picked up the yellow envelope and handed it to him.

"What is this?" he asked
"Divorce papers…" I said
♠ ♠ ♠
So the story has twisted a 180 degrees :) I'm sneaky, just when you think everything is great, BAM! shit hits the fan :) haha. Well comment on the story :) I love your feedback & enjoy reading your criticism :)

Oh & i forgot to tell you all that i decided on 2 people as the lucky characters. I will be notifying you by message whether or not you were chosen.

Thanks so much you guys :)


-Beautiful Symphony ; ;
-sugarrluvr :D
-heart of gold ;;