Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 6

I woke up early to the bus morning on a bumpy road well beltway now I think about it. I looked at the clock I had up in my bunk… 7:30 AM. That wasn’t an unreasonable time to wake up. I looked out at the window to see the sun already rose and the state line to Florida. We have a show in Orlando and I’m really excited because we are going to Cocoa Beach. I sat down at the table and tried reading my book but there was no use. I was thinking about that kiss that Nick gave me and it made me feel great. I just had to write a song about him…well the way he use to be before he was mean.

I grabbed a pen and paper and wrote down what I thought was a good idea until the juices started…again. I ended up writing the piece From Autumn to Ashes:

Autumn to Ashes

Oh why can't I be what you need?
A new improved version of me
But I'm nothing so good
No, I'm nothing
Just bones, a lonely ghost burning down songs
Of violence of love and of sorrow
I beg for just one more tomorrow
Where you hold me down, fold me in
Deep, deep, deep in the heart of your sins

I break in two over you, oh
I break in two
And each piece of me dies
And only you can give the breath of life
But you don't see me, you don't

Here I'm pinned between darkness and light
Bleached and blinded by these nights
Where I'm tossing and tortured 'til dawn
By you, visions of you then you're gone.
The shock bleeds the red from my face
When I hear someone's taken my place.
How could love be so thoughtless, so cruel?
When all, all that I did was for you

I break in two over you, oh
I break in two
And each piece of me dies
And only you can give the breath of life
But you don't see me, you don't

I break in two over you, oh
I break in two over you, over you
I break in two
I would break in two for you
Now you see me
Now you don't
Now you need me
Now you don't

After writing it down I ran to Sam’s guitar in the back room, shut the door and started figuring out the chords. I couldn’t help myself to the fact that I had to finish it…like I was getting something off my chest. As I started playing her acoustic I realized I needed that heartbeat of a bass so I went to my bass to try to figure it out. As I was playing it on my bass Nick…of all people walk through the door.

“What are you doing?” he asked kindly and tired I may add
“Just writing a song. I had an inspiration and I just went on it.” I said
“Well can I help you work it out?” he asked
“Sure.” I said

As I said that I realized I should have told him no because now he is going to be reading the song that is about him. This is either going to be mortifying or just bad.

As he read the song he had a smile on his face but the smile soon fell. I was hoping he didn’t realize that it was about him.

“Man, whoever this guy is, is a douche.” He said

Wow if only he knew that he just called himself a douche.

“Oh, yeah.” I said swallowing hard.

He sat there and started bopping his head back and forth slowly. I’m glad he understood this song would be slow…not Live to Party fast!

“I love it!” he said
“Really?” I asked shocked
“Yeah, I think it should be slow though!” he said
“Oh, that’s the only way I wanted it!” I said

He smiled at me and grabbed Sam’s guitar.

“Ok so I think that it should go like this…” he said picking up the guitar and singing
“Oh why can't I, (breathe,) be what you need?” he sang

As he sang that I was about to flip out mentally. He was singing my song and I was glad that we were starting to get along.

“That was exactly what I was thinking.” I said
“That’s amazing!” he said

We finfished the song and ended up playing it with two guitars and without the bass. I was sad but it was what rang in my heart…little did he know it was making me like him even more.
As I ate my Golden Grahams I was about to get ready for the beach.

“Laura get up from eating and get dressed. We’ll be at the beach in three minutes.” Ryan sai
“Ok…*bitch*” I coughed under my breath
“Heard that.” She said walking down the hall in her bikini.

I hated all the girls on this tour because they could wear a bikini, could Laura…no! Laura was the bigger girl of them all…and couldn’t. Go me! (Complete sarcasm!)

As I made my way back to change I decided on a bikini top but board shorts. I had a small frame up top but I had bigger hips. The suit was green with stripes on it and the bottoms were just green. I packed a bottom incase I get hot also.

Walking on the beach is fun. I love the feeling of sand between your toes and the water hitting your body. It’s so fun and relaxing. As I set my towel down I ran with Ryan into the water and just jumped around. We ended up having a water fight…that was until we saw they boys come out. Dear Jesus, help me because I was staring. I know it’s rude but I swear to god, my heart stopped the minute I saw all three of them topless…and pant less…sorta. Ryan, Anne, Hailey, Rachel, Sam and I all stopped at literally stared at them. We were well…gawking.

“Hey girls, wanna play some beach Nerf football?” Joe asked
“YES!” Sam screamed and started running out of the water first.

We all just stared and snickered secretly.

“Come on girls! It’ll be fun!” Nick said
“Ok he’s got me as long as he can tackle me!” I said running

With the reminder they might tackle us, I think all of us realized we wanted that. We sprinted out of the water…soaking wet and ready to play.

As the game started we were about an hour into it and I hadn’t been tackled my Nick. I was hoping that he would so we could get closer…and get that kiss I have wanted for what seems like forever. I looked over and saw the paparazzi all hiding so we just continued like there was no problem. Suddenly the play turned bad and I finally go the tackle I wanted. I started running towards our touchdown area and I jumped up for it at the same time that Nick did. I caught the ball but he landed right on top of me.

"GOT IT!" I screamed
"Not Fair!" Nick said
"Whatever I win!" I said

We laid there for about another two seconds and just smiled until Ryan yelled.

"Laura, hurry up!" Ryan yelled

With that Nick got up and walked away. It kinda hurt; he didn't give eye contact or anything. Well, guess that's the way it goes.

As we started up the next play I noticed that Nick was behind me. Wonder why? I hiked the ball to Joe…our team quarterback and I suddenly hear whispered in my ear…

"I hated you all along and you're such an easy girl to get to. Payback is a bitch I guess."

I realized it too late when I soon saw my top was untied and yanked off of me. I looked around to see Nick with it in his hands. Pictures were flashing and going off like crazy. My face turned red and I was embarrassed of myself that I didn't like what I was doing anyways but he took it too far. I covered myself up quickly and ran for my towel, but when I ran for it, it was gone. I just grabbed Nick's and his stuff and ran for the bus.

At that point I was done playing. These pranks were getting too serious and I wasn't going to be embarrassed because of his stupidity. I officially hated Nick Jonas. All of the trust he built up was officially gone. Robert, the body guard, remember him? Saw me and he instantly ran to me.

"Laura what happened?" he asked
"Nothing, just get me on the bus." I said starting to cry

As I got to the surroundings of the bus I saw the paparazzi swarmed around the bus door. There were still flashes going off and I hated it. Couldn't they just leave me alone? I took a step into the crowd of paparazzi and was already annoyed. Constant questions being thrown at me and it was making me annoyed.

"MOVE, NOW!" I heard Robert scream

Within seconds it was as though Moses had spread the read sea…again. I could finally see the bus and the door itself, which made me happy I am about to go to my sanctuary. Robert opened the door and let me step up.

"Laura, I'll be right outside here. If you need anything just tap on the glass three times." He said
"Ok, promise." I said as another tear fell.

Once the door was shut, I hit the button for the shades to fall on the windows and took my towel off. I hated what just happened and I was mortified because I knew that within hours my boobs would be all over the internet…because of Nick Jonas. I did what was the only thing I could think of…and dumped all of Nick's stuff out of his bunk, suitcase, bathroom stuff and used his shaving cream to write on his pillow, 'Laura Wins!'

I went to the bathroom, still upset and feeling good after my rant and took a shower to get the sand off and out of every nook and cranny. I changed into a t-shirt and shorts as I came out of the bathroom but as I came out with my wet hair everyone came back. Everyone was talking except for Ryan. She looked pissed and especially the look she gave me when she walked past me. As Nick came on the bus he actually had the nerve to talk to me.

"Hey Laura wha-" he started
"Well someone got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, sounds like a bitch to me!" he said

I just slapped his across the face…twice and gave him the nastiest look I could think of.

"You can prank me all you want, but you will not ever fucking disrespect me!" I said as a tear fell

No, he wasn't supposed to be seeing my tears fall in front of him. As I did so, his Adam's apple stuck out and I could tell now he was starting to feel guilt…then again it could be acting. I didn't want to believe it so I just walked away and left him standing there.

I went into my bunk and closed the curtain but before I watched T.V. I decided to listen to his reaction when he saw his "stuff"

"Nick, clean this up!" Joe said tripping…I think
"I didn't do it, the bitch did it." Nick said
"Nick, if you weren't such an ass to her and didn't try playing her…she wouldn't have done it. Since you played her, be expecting more." Joe said
"Whatever, then she's calling for war." Nick said
"Dude, why do you hate her?" he asked
"Because…I have a reason and I don't want to say anything." Nick said
"What's sad Nick, I'd expect that from you. Think wisely about your decisions little bro." he said walking away…I think. Remember I'm eavesdropping so I can't be accurate.

"Whatever, now I hate her even more." Nick said
"Well I love Laura!" yelled Ryan loud
"Shut Up Ryan!" Nick said
"Don't tell me to shut up when my best friend just cried herself to sleep." She said
"She's not asleep." He said

I instantly rolled over sideways to make it look like I was sleeping and hid my 'awake' cover.

"See she's not asle-" he said pulling my curtain open and noticing I was 'asleep'
"Told you…asshole" I heard her close her curtain and turn her T.V. on

Nick closed my curtain and went back to his 'cleaning'

I assume Nick was talking to himself because no one responded when he spoke outloud

"I honestly don't know why I hate her." He said then picking his stuff up and walking to the bathroom.

Within seconds I fell into a cry where I felt both hurt and betrayed. I'll never trust Nick Jonas ever again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys, i'm so pumped about this story, that i've actually ran out of ideas. I'm being competely serious. I'm like...empty on the creative juices... :(

Anyways, comment and message me! :)

Laura :)