Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 60

"No, Laura I can't give these to him…" Joe said
"Yes, you can…& you will" I said

He sighed slamming the papers to his hips and just gave up.

"Look, you know this is going to crush him…" Joe said looking at me mad
"Yeah and you know what, I've just got a feeling there is more to this story so I decided to get the papers going." I said
"Fine, you know what, just fine!" Joe said about to walk away

He was leaving the door but he suddenly went back and came back to me.

"No, no! I'm going to fight this, why?" he said
"Joe, there is more to this story I don't know about and I need to know…" I said
"Well what if there isn't?" he said
"There is…" I said getting mad and throwing the magazine that was on the counter at him
"You are psycho!" he said ducking
"Whatever, I'll give him the papers but I'm not here to argue with you anymore" he said
"Fine, get the hell out. Get his shit too, and tell him I want those papers back by Friday" I said

He slammed the door behind him and I took a deep breathe. I began to rub my small stomach that was forming and I smiled. A tear was blinked out of my eyes and I forced a smile to stay.

"We'll make it through" I said


Later that day I decided to get my mind off of Nick so I was studying for my final in Oceanography when there was a knock at the door. I got up slowly and walked over to the door. Peaking into the peak-hole I saw it was Nick…

"Go away Nick!" I said through the door
"Not until you explain why you're divorcing me" he said

I opened the door slightly and peaked my head out of the door.

"Nick, there is nothing to explain. You cheat on me, right in front of me, not caring whether I'm there or not, then you're begging for me to help you even stand? Make's perfect sense to me…" I said

I looked down and saw he had his cane and he was stressed out. He kept looking deep into my eyes but it made me begin to feel bad.

"Look, Laura, I know that I messed up but there is…huh, there is something else I need to tell you…" he said
"What is it?" I said
"Can I come in?"
"What's this, Jonas's wanting in my apartment?" I said giggling trying to lighten the mood.

He just smiled at me, looking again into my eyes and just sat at the breakfast island. I sat next to him and only looked me in the eyes. He studied my face, my stomach, my clothes but he smiled mainly when he got to my stomach.

"Um, I've got to tell you something and I don't know if you're going to be happy about it…" he said
"What is it?" I asked
"Um, well when I was in Afghanistan, you know how things are very secluded and we're in the middle of nowhere?" he said
"Uhh no but ok" I said
"Well, there were girls in our platoon and well long story short, one girl named Olivia…uh, we kinda slept together and we got caught. I was actually on my way back from being dismissed when I was hit with a car bomb & that's how I covered it up…" he said

I sat there straight faced but I felt a tear fall out of my eye as I blinked. Seriously, it's been longer than I thought? And he just said it like it was nothing…

"Um, I'm actually not done yet…"

I stared at him in shock but he looked like it was hard for him to say what he was about to say. He started coughing and not looking at me but he took a deep breathe.

"Nick what is it?" I said

His leg was shaking up and down and he was trying not to break down.

"Nick just spit it out!" I said loudly and annoyed.
"Um, Laura…Olivia is pregnant as well…" he said

I looked at him, tears now pouring out of me and I felt as though I couldn't breathe. My chest tightened up and I knew I had to get up and get away from him.

"Where are you going?" he asked crying
"If I don't get up, I'm going to faint and personally I don't need you to help me at all…" I said

I walked into the kitchen, where he could partially see me and cried into hysterics. I grabbed a towel and ran it under the cold water in the sink. Placing it on my face I realized how hot my face had gotten. I couldn't breathe and I was panicking. Nick…was going to be a father of two kids. And one of them is not mine.

I slid down the cabinets and was feeling the hot burning tears fall down my face. My husband, my new husband decided to cheat on me with some other girl. I began to cry even harder, letting screams come out of me. I couldn't cool myself down enough so I lied on the floor and cried shaking back and forth. Nick waddled in with his cane and he saw me in so much pain but instead of trying to comfort me he just stood there.

"Laura I-" he started
"JUST GO AWAY!" I said wailing
"I'm…I'm so sorry" he said blinking away tears

I ignored him and continued to cry on the floor. As I heard him waddle out I heard the door open and him suddenly say something:

"I always loved you and now you're gone"

I cried and actually fell asleep on the floor that night, crying my eyes out from the pain.

I woke up in a panic the next morning it was 11:30 and I had my exam at 12:15.

"DAMN YOU NICK!" I yelled getting off the floor and running into the bedroom. I grabbed my school sweatpants, sweatshirt and put my hair in a clip. I got my glasses on and grabbed my textbook and notes, rushing them into my coach bag then running out the door. The air got colder in California and I wasn't in the mood to be the cute, dressed up girl that I usually was. Driving in the car I was speeding the whole time to the UCLA campus. I was crying as I was driving fearing I was going to be late for my test and ultimately fail but I had to calm myself down. As I parked into my parking spot I slammed the car in parking spot and literally ran into the lecture building. I was running down the hall when I slammed into someone and fell on the floor.

"Hey, you ok?" I heard

I looked up to see the Taylor Lautner.

"Um, no..." I sniffled and realized I had 5 minutes to get there.
"I'm about to take a test and I'm so late and uh long story short my life is falling apart." I said smiling and wiping my eyes
"You're Laura Jonas, Nick Jonas's wife. Lucky man" he said
"Uh…yeah" I said
"We need to get you off the floor. I heard you're pregnant so I really need to get you off the floor. Don't want to hurt the little one." he said helping me up
"Um could you keep that on the down low, ha, I'm kinda dealing with a crisis right now…" I said fixing my bag as I stood up
"Actually, would you like to talk about it after your test?" he said
"Actually…I'd love that" I said
"Ok, so I'll meet you outside your lecture hall?" he said
"Sure" I said smiling

I turned around and walked to the lecture hall a little happier but was reminded that I was now 3 minutes until I had to be there. I ran to the door, making a scene as I walked in and took my seat in the large lecture hall.

"Good Luck" I heard next to me
"Oh thanks" I said to a brown haired girl
"Ariel" she said
"Laura" I said
"I know we met on our last day but, I think we have classes together next semester" she said
"That's awesome, at least I'll know someone" I said smiling
"Well good luck again" she said
"Good luck to you" I said smiling

As I took my test I was trying my best to concentrate on my test but I couldn't stop thinking about Nick and now Taylor. I knew it was way too soon but there was nothing wrong with going out s friends to lunch. Of course I'd ask to go and get showered before going out but uh, I needed to concentrate.

"Ok, so sea floor spreading has what affect on the earth?"

I was debating what the answer was and I just had to decide which one was best for me. I settled with the third answer and went on with my test.

The test was going to be graded in a scantron before I left so I would know my fate before I left. As I walked down the stairs and to my professor my hands were trembling and I was terrified to turn it but I had to do it eventually.

"Ready?" my professor asked
"Yes" I said quietly

He placed it in the scantron and it slid out within seconds.

"110%...well done" he said smiling
"REALLY?!?!" I yelled excited

I was shhh-ed and I took my grade sheet from my professor.

"Congrats, I'll see you next semester?" he asked
"In what class?" I asked
"Physics" he said
"Of course. Thanks Professor West" I said smiling and leaving

I walked out smiling and laughing just looking at my grade sheet. I passed that class, I was so happy and I wanted to celebrate with…oh wait, I had no one to celebrate with…

"Hey Laura!" I heard

I smiled and turned around to see Taylor reading an oceanography textbook on the bench.

"So, it ends up that sea floor spreading is important to the earth and I have to say volcanoes that erupt under water are the coolest thing I've ever heard of." He said
"Well those volcanoes are killing the marine life, if you'd have read just a paragraph later Mr. Lautner" I said holding my textbook to my chest.
"Right…" he said smiling, looking down and getting up

He came to me and smiled.

"So, lunch?" he asked
"Actually can I go home and change?" I asked
"Sure, and you can tell me all about your life" he said smiling

I was smiling until I realized I was going out with Taylor 5 days after the Nick incident…I can't do this.

"Um actually I can't do this…" I said starting to cry
"Hey, Hey, Hey, what's wrong?" he asked sitting me on the bench

I ended up explaining the situation to him and he was getting madder the more I told him the story.

"So he cheated on you and got you pregnant and now he's got another girl pregnant? That's…beyond messed up. He honestly never took care of you and you deserve so much better." He said
"That's why I can't do this…" I said
"Ok, well this is not a date and we're only going to lunch. What's the harm in that?" he said raising his arms and smiling
"Nothing…" I said smiling but wiping my eyes sighing but realizing he was right
"So, let's go to your house, get changed and lunch is on me" he said
"Haha, ok but I blame your charm." I said
"Sure, blame the good looks" he said smiling

When we were at my apartment I ended up getting changed into a hippie shirt, bermuda shorts & black sandals. I was wearing a hawaiian ring, a hawaiian necklace & not realizing I was showing off my Hawaiian flower tattoo. I finally got ready and I came out with my make up done, hair down and my sunglasses and purse ready.

When I came out Taylor was looking at my pictures of Ryan and me that I placed out. They were the replacement pictures of the ones that I had of Nick & my wedding.

"Wow, you…you look great. Feel better?" he asked
"Haha yeah, much better" I said

He stood there with his hands in his pocket looking at me, smiling when he almost woke himself up and responded.

"Ok well are we ready?" he asked
"Yep" I said smiling

He opened his arm for me to place my arm through his and we walked out of my apartment.

Little did I know then that Nick was waiting around the corner of the apartment that day…
♠ ♠ ♠
So...who's side are you on now? Well Nick is officially going to be a daddy...times two. Just wait until the media finds out...

Ok, so i need to clarify something. What I'm doing with this story is all planned out and i'm not going to just drop this story like it's nothing. I've gotten some nasty messages from readers who are "pissed off and will quit reading" if i don't put the two back together. Personally it pissed me off. I'm writing this to satisfy you all and myself but i try to make compromises. Life doesn't go the way you expect to and you know what fantasies don't always either. I'm sorry if i seem like a bitch but I'm so angry about this right now.

Ok well on a more positive note, i chose the two winners of the character find and they are...

merangel96 & laurenj23

I hope i do not lose any readers because of this but i honestly picked girls that were similar to what i had already wrote out. I'm really sorry if i hurt anyone. I still love everyone that entered. :) I'll read anyone's story and comment on it if you'd like as a compromise :)

Well thanks guys for reading and honestly if you have TRUE, honest criticism and not whining please comment.


-Beautiful Symphony ; ;
-LoveSick ;; Melody
-heart of gold ;;
-sugarrluvr :D