Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 61

Taylor ended up making my day hanging out with him. He never pushed to talk about anything and for the first time I felt like a guy was actually listening to me talk, not like Nick and his rants he would get on. Taylor and I went to lunch but didn't stay.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he took the bags from the counter
"Well, I decided that if we're going to talk about what we need to, we should talk more privately. The last thing I want is your business on the papers tomorrow." He said
"Oh! Ok" I said smiling and kinda shocked
"Trust me, I'm not using you or anything, I'm not that type of guy. Never have and never will be" he said smiling and taking a sip of his Slurpee.

I smiled to myself as we walked out of the small burger shop and walked to his car. When he started the car he smiled and looked at me.

"What?" I asked curiously
"You…you're just prettier in real life, that's all" he said smiling

I blushed at his comment but I knew that Nick played those same lines at me. I just told myself that I can't fall for Taylor; this is just lunch with a friend. That's it…

"So…" he started as we were driving on the freeway
"Tell me more about this story with Nick. You only gave me the overview and I wanted to know what really happened." He said

I sighed and then looked at him. Thank god the windows were up because I was going to have to yell & personally it was going to give me a headache fast.

"Um, well, Nick & I met on tour when we were seventeen and we dated for a little while until we got into a fight, we didn't talk and he thought we broke up so he started dating Miley…but we never broke up. So we did separate, I dated David and…"
"Yeah, that I heard was a bad break up…" he said
"It was because I…my heart was really for Nick and it ended up that I cheated on David…twice with Nick." I said feeling worse as I said it
"Oh…" Taylor said
"Yeah, I'm not proud of it, actually I feel like complete shit that I did it but at the time I wasn't worried about other people's feelings, only my own. I was eighteen when we got back together and I was naïve…"
"Laura, everyone does that in their life. Being naïve I mean. We make decisions that we think are rational at the time but, they are most likely the most stupidest ideas when we think back at it." He said
"True, so true." I said
"So what happened after you and Nick got back together?" he asked
"Well we were together all the time, so happy, and I mean we were inseparable. Until he asked me to marry him…"

Taylor stopped the car and we were at the beach at a secluded little beach house.
"Whoa! Beach house?" I asked
"Yeah, it's my house…if that's ok…"
"It's not problem" I said

We walked out of his car and into his house where we sat down on his couch. He placed the food on the coffee table, then distributing it and we began to talk again.

"So he asked you to marry him the first time? The asked you twice I'm assuming from what it sound…" he said
"Yeah, but my mom didn't allow me to marry him. She said he wasn't good for me and was a distraction. So she sent me to be on a dating show." I said
"Really? I saw ads for it but I never saw it come on. You know I applied for that show?" he said smiling at me while eating a fry
"Aww, you're too cute. It's crazy to believe we're the same age." I said
"It is but I'm glad that you're mature about this whole thing. You're not doing the Hollywood 'My Life Is Falling Apart' scenario. It's honestly…nice." He said

He was dead serious and he looked at me sideways. His eyes were…sexy, to be honest. It was hard to resist him. He smiled again for the hundredth time since we've been here and it made me smile.

"So go on…" he said
"Yeah so it ended up I realized that Nick & I truly were meant to be so my best friend, Ryan and I packed our shit and left with Nick…" I said
"I meant to tell you this but I'm sorry about Ryan. You could tell you two were meant to be best friends forever. I'm truly sorry about her death…" he said
"It's…It's honestly ok now. If you asked me that about a year ago, I would have balled my face out just at the sound of her name. Thank you though, she…she was my twin." I said

He just smiled and he listened to the rest of my story. When I began to tell him about Nick being burned you saw his facial expression go from happiness, to anger.

"So he got burned by the skin grafting? You know Laura, I'm going to say this and I really don't want to offend you but…"
"You can say it. If it offends me, I'll tell you." I said
"Ok, well…the more you tell me this story, I feel like what happened to him was karma. You know? Like he got burned because he burned you in the long run. I still feel so bad for what you're going through…" he said

A tear fell down my face and I tried to look away but he scoots to me. I began crying a lot harder and he moved our food into the coffee table. I was crying into my left shoulder, hiding but he moved my face gracefully to look at him. I saw his soft eyes and they made me feel safe again. I looked into his eyes and he moved the piece of hair that fell in my face behind my ear. I saw concern in his eyes as he rubbed my cheek.

"Laura, you shouldn't cry for him"
"I know, but it's the fact that I'm now permanently connected to him with my baby." I said
"Well, you don't need to worry about that right now. You need to start taking care of this baby and yourself then starting of your divorce. You have so much to do and to worry about but…"

He grasped my hands and looked me deep into my eyes.

"I'm not trying to pressure or push you but…I'm here for you. I know we just met but I feel like I've known you forever. That…that sounds so creepy, uh, you make me so nervous…"

He pulled away, not as close to me and took a deep breathe. It made me forget about why I was crying and what he was doing was so….cute. I was smiling as he was trying to find the right words.

"Taylor…" I said
"Yeah?" he asked worried
"I know what you're trying to say and…thank you" I said smiling

He smiled at me and you could see he relived. I wiped my eyes, picked up our food and we went back to eating but this time directly next to each other.


"I'm going to catch you!" he said

He was chasing me on the beach and it was fun. Taylor was being gentle with me knowing I've got a little human in me but it was the most fun I've had since the wedding.

I was being chased when Taylor finally caught me.

"GOTCHA!" he said smiling and laughing behind me

His arms were around me and he was standing behind me, it was…nice.

"You win" I said turning to face him smiling
"I always win" he said winking and kissing my cheek

As he walked behind me I did a little girly giggle squeal. When I looked behind me I saw him shirtless in his Bermuda jean shorts. I tucked my wet hair behind me and smiled walking to him. He had his hands in his pockets looking at the sunset but as I walked next to him my hair let go from behind my ear and the ocean drift blew my hair back. I closed my eyes, stuck my hands up and breathed in the air that was being blown against me. Taylor was looking at me…I could feel it. As I let my arms fall I was lifted up into Taylor's arms and was being walked with him into more water.

"HAHA!" I smiled laughing as water was being splashed on me as he carried me.

When he placed me down he held me near but I realized we were in wait deep water. As we stood there I saw a better the best view of his chest I've ever seen in my life. I must admit, I've always had a little crush on him since he started Twilight. Even before then when he stared in Shark Boy & Lava Girl…that was a classic.

He brought me to him closer and he smiled as he looked at me. It looked as though he was trying to decide whether to do something but he hesitated. He dropped his arms and frowned.

"What's wrong?" I asked worried as he turned his back to me
"Nothing…" he said
"Taylor seriously, tell me…" I said worried
"I want to kiss you, so…so badly" he said softly
"…but you're still married. It'd be cheating…"

I understood what he meant and I stepped back from him.

"I was…I was stupid." He said
"No, you're not!" I said
"I brought you to my beach house because I knew that you loved the beach and I knew it would make you happy…"
"Taylor, this day was so incredible. I needed a break from what I've been dealing with for the past two weeks. You honestly have no idea what it's like to know someone still cares for you even though you feel like you made the mistake."

A tear fell down my face and I felt like he didn't understand.

"Taylor I feel like Nick did what he did because of me. I always wanted to talk to him and I was so selfish about him joining the military. He made me so angry when he took me back to D.C for no reason and then takes me to the opera, my favorite on I may add, and then is like 'I'm joining the military'. I think he joined it to get away from me sometimes I mean why else would Nick randomly join the military? I mean it's all my-"

I was cut off by Taylor kissing me and holding me up above the water.

"Don't you ever…ever blame yourself…" he said

Our foreheads were still touching and we were breathing deep. Maybe he was right…maybe this really wasn't my fault…

The next morning I was going to the OBG-YN alone. I needed to get myself started on my prenatal vitamins plus seeing my progression. I'm 9 weeks along from my calendar but I'm hoping I didn't miss anything important. I don't look very pregnant yet but to be honest my boobs look like they're pregnant. I already had a bigger chest but I didn't think that they had to get bigger…

As I walked out of the door I saw Nick sitting on the floor there.

"Nick?" I asked
"What!" he said
"Why are you outside here?" I asked
"Well…I found out that you've moved on, already. Moving fast Laura!" he said standing up
"Nick, I haven't moved on!" I said
"Sure, tell it to the media, who now hates me!" he said

He threw the stack of paparazzi ads at my feet. I saw the OceanUp ad on top and saw the pictures of Taylor & I at the beach but I was glad that not one of the magazines had a picture of our kiss.

"Nick, we only went for lunch. We…nothing happened…" I said feeling guilty
"Sure…"he said

He made me feel like shit about what happened but then I realized what he did to me and anger filled me.


Nick looked at me hurt and I had to look past him and his eyes.

"You want the papers signed?" he asked
"Yes" I said starting to cry

He looked at me extremely hurt, about to cry himself and pulled out the papers from his sachet. He began to cry as he signed the papers where needed and then handed them to me.

"I want to see my child…" he said
"Nick, I…I can't do that. I don't want my child knowing about this whole situation…" I said

His eyes were starting to get more hurt and more tears fell down his face as I cried as well but he understood.

"Laura…I…I never meant to hurt you" he said
"Nick, I don't want to hear it…" I said shaking my head not looking at him

He handed me the papers and stepped to me. He kissed my cheek and hugged me one last time.

"I promise I won't bother you but I love you. I know I can't take back Olivia being pregnant but know I never meant to hurt you…I just needed sex…" he said
"Really Nick, that's your last words to your wife?" I asked now mad
"Yeah but…I'm going to miss your body…" he said

I slapped him across the face and looked at him angry.

"What is wrong with you? You're some asshole now…" I said
"Well, I'll tell you. I'm an alcoholic, I've got 2 children with 2 different women and I am a sex addict. What else do you want to know?" he asked

I looked into Nick's eyes and I didn't see the Nick I use to know. I saw…who he became overseas.

"Nick I need to go" I said walking past him
"Where, to see Taylor Lautner?" he asked obviously jealous
"No…to my OBG-YN to take care of my baby" I said

I started to walk away again when he said the worse thing I could think of.

"I never wanted kids anyways! So you can kill that thing if you want!"

I turned around with my fists in a ball and said something that only anger would say.

"I'm not going to give you that satisfaction!"

As I walked off I began to cry. Part of me was glad I was leaving him but the other half made me sad knowing that I had part of him with me and I'm going to take care of it. Nick has officially shattered my heart and if he ever wants me back…I don't know if I'd let him.

Driving out of the parking garage I was in histarics and I called the one person I knew I could count on now.

"Taylor?" I asked crying
"Laura what's wrong?" he asked
"Can you meet me somewhere?"

"Ok, Mrs. Jonas…"

I cringe every time I hear that now but I knew that I had Taylor with me now helping me along the way.

"Would you like to hear the baby's heartbeat?" she asked
"YES!" I said more than excited

As she placed the sonogram scope over my stomach she smiled as she unplugged her headphones and let the thump of the heart beat flood into the ceiling. Taylor was holding my hand and was smiling just as much as I was.

The thumping of the baby's heart made my heart skip beats. I was so thrilled and excited but when the technician scanned over my stomach she stopped and looked.

"Oh, do you hear that?" she asked
"Hear what?" I asked looking at Taylor
"There…There are two heartbeats…" she said excited
"What does that mean? Does my baby have two hearts or something?" I asked worried

Her and Taylor were giggling at my comment but I was relieved when she spoke.

"No honey, you're having twins!"
♠ ♠ ♠
SURPRISE!!! She's having twins :) So i got so angry writing the chapter and thinking if Nick was saying these things to me. (Needless to say i get really into my stories) haha but i hope you all enjoyed it. The new characters are going to be coming in very soon :) Tell me what you think :)

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-Beautiful Symphony ;;
-sugarrluvr :D
-heart of gold ;;