Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 62

Three weeks had passed and I've already started forming my baby bump that's noticeable. I was so beyond excited to see I was showing and I knew that this was really going to be happening. I was standing against the wall sideways as Taylor sketched my stomach out on his wall.

"See you've already progressed some" he said smiling

We stood back and looked at what I was just 2 weeks ago and then 2 weeks before that. I didn't notice how I was growing already.

"Wow…it's, great! Thanks so much Taylor for doing this for me, I always wanted to do it in my house" I said
"No problem, plus it's my wall. Haha, I can permanently have you as well" he said smiling

I smiled at him and kissed his cheek because I couldn't get over how cute he was. He always brought me breakfast whether it was at my house or his, he always brought me at least one flower a day & he even will cook dinner for me while I take a bubble bath. Now tell me that’s perfect.

Taylor hugged me sideways and I smiled. We aren't officially together but we can't because my divorce isn't final yet. Nick & I went to court and we filed for Infidelity & Irreconcilable Differences. Because of Nick & I having fame and our name everywhere they said that our divorce should be finished in a week. It would normally take months to do but Nick & I both wanted out…fast.

"So what are we to do?" Taylor asked looking at me
"I don't know what do you want to do?" I asked
"Well since I know how much you love ice cream and movies, I was wondering if you'd like to join me on a date on the couch with Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream?" he asked

I knew this was bad when he mentioned ice cream but I totally forgot to tell him about my allergy.

"Oh, that's so cute, of course" I said
"Ok, let me go get the ice cream, I'll be right back" he said smiling

I already felt my stomach turning and I was getting nervous as I sat down on the couch in my pajamas. When I have a lot of ice cream I tend to…fart…A LOT so this should be rather mortifying. I can't take any medication either due to the baby so I hope that Taylor understands…and is ready for a great laugh.

As he came back in I was expecting to see a small bowl of ice cream but I saw him bring in a gallon of Ben & Jerry's ice cream. Let's just say my stomach started turning.

"Special delivery from Vermont!" he said jumping into his seat
"That's so sweet of you" I said smiling

He just smiled and handed me a spoon and I just took a bite knowing I didn't want to offend him. The movie started and I smiled at what it was.

"You've got to be kidding me" I said laughing and smiling
"I go for classics all the way" he said taking a bite of ice cream

Good Burger was on the TV and I have to admit that is my favorite movie of all times. I grew up watching it all the time and from what it sounds like Taylor did too. I took another bit of ice cream and Taylor was sitting extremely close to me so it was starting to freak me out a little. I have this fear of moving on from Nick. Something is telling me to keep him in my heart but there is more of me telling me to push him away and make him learn.

"Welcome to Good Burger, home of the good burger can I take your order?"

I smiled as the movie came on but I wasn't showing any teeth when I smiled. I felt like I needed to figure myself out then figure out who I want to love.

Taylor took me home but the car ride was silent. Nothing bad happened between him & I…I just wasn't in the mood now that Nick was still in my mind.

"Laura, you've been extremely quiet the whole time you were here. Are you ok?" he asked
"Yeah, I'm just…huh, this pregnancy is making me really tired, and that's all." I said sighing

He grabbed my hand and I just stared out the window. Was it bad to say that I missed Nick slightly?

When we arrived at my apartment I didn't let Taylor walk me up. I wanted to not really see neither him nor Nick and get my head on straight. I needed to take care of my babies. As I walked up the stairs to my door I saw the one person I really didn't need to see.

"Hey" I whispered as my keys were in my hand but I dropped them on accident

Nick rushed to get them and bent over to pick the keys up. As he stood up he graced his glance up to my eyes and followed them as he stood up.

"Huhhhh…" he smiled sighing
"Hey" he said back

I blushed as Nick kissed my cheek handing me my keys.

"Um, can we talk for a few seconds. I know you're busy with school and stuff but I…huh, I just need a second" he said
"I'm not busy actually, um…yeah, come in" I said walking and holding my stomach putting the keys in.

I felt Nick's arms snake around me and began rubbing my stomach. My old instincts checked in and I rested myself against Nick and let him hold me. I felt our cheeks touch and I felt him grip me against him with security…like he use to. I placed one hand up to the left side of Nick's face and slightly rubbed his cheek. Nick bent his head to look at me as I looked at him but he brought me completely against him. He leaned in to kiss me and our lips lingered on each others, slightly touching but not kissing when a neighbor came out of their apartment.

Being shocked back into place I pulled away, turning the key at the lock and then putting the key into the knob to unlock the other lock. You heard Nick distressed and sighed considering how close we were to kissing, I'm sure he's mad about it.

As I turned the knob and walked in he smiled. The foyer/living room was painted aqua, like we always wanted and it was beach themed but the house smelt had a slight cinnamon scent. When Nick walked in, he placed his sachet down at my desk and smiled taking the place in all with one breath.

"I miss this place…" he said to himself
"Excuse me?" I asked wondering if he said it to me as I took my shoes off
"Oh, it was nothing…"

Oh so he never meant to tell me that, smooth Nick. Haha, he always made me laugh.

My stomach was a lot bigger than I thought so I began to waddle a little.

"So no offense but, um, you look bigger than a normal pregnant woman…" Nick said
"Yeah, I've got to talk to you as well" I said
"About what? Oh god, the baby, is it ok? Do you know the sex?" he asked going from scared to excited
"No…" I said looking down and holding my stomach

I felt a tear form and a smile plastered over my face. As I looked up the smile appeared and my hands were rubbing my stomach now.

"Nick…we're having twins" I said smiling as I blinked away my tear.
"W-W-W-What?" he asked shocked and smiling
"Yeah, I went…the day I last saw you" I said
"Oh…Oh my god, this makes my news so much better to say" he said

As I sat down on the couch slowly he ran to help me sit down. He sat next to me and he was now smiling.

"What are you smiling about?" I asked kinda getting freaked out
"Well…it ends up that I'm not the father to Olivia's baby. She ended up having sex with 4 other guys in our platoon, just we were the ones caught…" he said looking ashamed

I sat there not smiling but more confused than ever. I wanted Nick but there was part of me that wanted him to learn. He hurt me extremely bad and I can't just bring him back…he…he needs to know what it's like to feel hurt like I did…

I sat there lost in his daze, wondering, how all of this happened. I thought about whose fault it truly was and what this whole situation meant. I was so tired of being hurt by someone but I wanted Nick back in my life…I think.
“So Olivia’s baby isn’t yours?” I asked calmly trying to grasp the concept
“Yes! YES, that’s exactly what I’m trying to say Laura” he said

He was at my knees, looking up at me now but my head was down. I couldn’t decide what I wanted and I needed a sign to tell me that it’s ok to let Nick back into my life. I just stared at my hands in Nick’s that were placed on my lap, looking at how that use to be us, months and months ago with our hands happily together as a couple…well a married family.

“Laura, what’s wrong babe?” he asked
“Oh, it’s nothing…” I said trying to avoid him
“No…something is wrong. Please, tell me” he said
“Well…” I said getting worried and scared
“What is it?” he asked

He had his hands around my face and was staring deeply into my eyes. Trusting Nick was a big leap I’d take but I can’t just hurt Taylor like that. I did that once in my life and I’m not doing that to another innocent guy to be with Nick. I messed up with David and now I’m somehow starting to mess up with Taylor because of Nick again.

“Nick, I don’t know if I can trust you” I said

I silently began to cry as he removed his hands from my face and looking at the floor. He realized I had right to feel the way I did because of our babies.

“What can I do to change that?” he asked getting slightly choked up
“I…I don’t know, you just have to prove to me that I can trust you” I said
“How do I do that?” he asked almost begging for an answer
“I don’t know Nick that’s up to you” I said

I was now 12 weeks along and I was getting larger and larger by the day. I could not even possibly think about getting into my jeans I had before or even the shirts I had. Many people didn’t realized I was having 2 babies and most thought I was farther along but since I’m carrying 2 babies I had shown a lot sooner.

“Ok Mrs. Jonas let’s see how far along you are” the nurse said as I laid back

As she rubbed the cool gel and sonogram scanner over my stomach I looked to my left and forgot who I was with.

“Oh wow, that’s…that’s my babies” I heard as I kept my eyes closed

I smiled at the sound of Nick’s voice and he was in complete shock.

“My…my babies are so beautiful!” he said smiling

I looked at the screen to see the two small shapes of babies. Smiling I realized that Nick was actually here, on time when I asked him to come. He didn’t make up an excuse or be an ass about anything he was…my Nick.

She printed a picture for Nick and he smiled as we looked at it together. When we were making the next appointment at the front desk we both had a moment that made things slightly awkward.

“Alright Mr. & Mrs. Jonas the next appointment date open for 4 more weeks are...October 17th, is that good for you two?”

We both looked at each other but Nick was smiling like a mad man.

“That appointment will be fine, thank you so much”

He was obviously more excited then I was to be named that but then again I was the person divorcing him so of course I wouldn’t be too happy about what was just said.

After the appointment Nick and I walked slowly out from the building onto the bridge that connected the parking garage to the doctor’s office. As we walked across the bridge I looked down at my stomach and rubbed it slowly smiling at the large belly I had formed. I could feel Nick looking at me as we walked but I couldn’t tell if he was starting at me because of what I was doing or the fact that he knows I’m not his for very long. When we got into the parking garage we stopped about to say our goodbyes when I realized something was different. As I grabbed my keys out of my purse, I looked up at Nick about to leave him when he pulled me forward as fast as he could and kissed me. I ended up dropping my keys and wrapping my arms around his neck. He rested his arms on the small of my back but because of my big belly we couldn’t be as close as we were before.

“Sorry, I…I just think you’re so beautiful” he said smiling

My heart was beating a hundred miles an hour and I didn’t want to be here with him…I didn’t know what I wanted in life.

“I-I-I have to go” I said trying to pull my keys harder out of my purse

I was getting stressed out when Nick rubbed my hips and made me look at him.

“Babe, please…just, look at me” he said
“Nick, I can’t look at you without crying. I can’t even go a day without even thinking about you or why you did what you did to me. I keep thinking it’s my fault. Everything you’ve done I sit back and think that I did it to myself or I deserve it. God, Nick, what did I do to you to make you want to hurt me?”

I sniffled and was hiccupping as I turned from him crying. I crossed my arms and started walking to the car.

“Loneliness Laura…it’s because I was lonely and all I wanted was to be with you. I never meant to hurt you or make you cry but I did. I really messed up but I love you so much. You are the women I want to wake up to every morning and hold every night. God, I get so mad at myself knowing you wake up next to Taylor, the guy I can never be and the guy that will give you all you ever wanted plus more. I am not the perfect guy that Taylor is and I would never want you to be unhappy so if being with him makes you happy then I’m ok with that, but I want to see my kids” he said

I stood there tears still falling down my face as he finished his speech.

“I’ve got to go Nick” I said unlocking my car
“Fine, but now you know the truth” he said
“Don’t forget about the divorce finalization on Friday”
“Yeah, don’t remind me” he said

I turned around still crying my eyes out knowing that I wanted Nick now more than anything in the world…yet I didn’t trust him one bit.


Getting back home I was depressed more than ever. I wasn't sure what I wanted and all I knew was I wanted to be happy with who I am and who was truly for me.

I couldn't stop crying as I walked into the kitchen and dropped my purse on the counter and could still feel the hot tears fall down my face. I grabbed my stomach and was about to scream from pain and confusion.

As I grabbed a hand towel and ran it under the water I heard a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" I asked sniffling and obviously sounding like I've been crying

No one responded so I walked to the door wiping my face and trying to compose myself. As I undid all the locks and opened the door I saw Nick with his head down. When he lifted his head I saw he was crying just as I was.

"I was going to go get drunk because of everything but I couldn't let myself do that. God, Laura I love you so much yet I don't have you" he said

A tear fell down his face as he stared at me. I leaned my head against the door and stared at him as he had his hands in his pockets staring at me.

"Come in, we need to talk" I said opening the door wider as he walked in

He stood there as I lightly shut the door and locked it. I held my stomach and rested my head against the door as I finished locking the door.

"Laura, please, please come let me hold you"

He was literally begging me to come over there and I've never heard him want to be with me this bad.

I turned around to look at him and he was standing there looking at me holding his arms out. I did the only thing that my mental mind let me do and walked to him. As he wrapped his arms around my hips I placed my head into his neck and sighed. I missed his hugs and especially his presence. He held my hair and my head but kissed my head lightly. I started to silently cry knowing still I can't trust him.

"Laura" Nick said

I lifted up to look at him and he picked me up and carried me back to my room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry guys, this update is late. I had my prom last night and i've been busy and gearing up for finals & graduation :) I'm so excited :) Sad enough, with finals gearing up, i'm going to have to tell you all my updates are going to be kinda slow. I promise they are still coming just slower. I'll tell you guys after this when the updates will be more regular.

So, what team are you on now? Team Taylor or Nick? Nick is...Nick is changing back into who he use to be :)

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-Beautiful Symphony ;;
-debba 8255
-sugarrluvr :D
-heart of gold;