Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 63

The next morning I was with Taylor. He had come over to visit me seeing as he thought he did something wrong the night before.

“Taylor you did nothing wrong” I said smiling him and seeing a hand of daisies

Nick use to give me daisies all the time but now it felt weird.

“Ok, it’s just you were so quiet and I didn’t hear from you last night so I was worried that you were hurt or I did something to hurt you” he said
“Never, Taylor you’re great. Actually more than great!” I said

We were in my kitchen and I was placing them on the counter as I reached for a vase. I stretched up into the cabinet when Taylor came up behind me and grabbed it for me. As we both stood back planted on the ground I felt Taylor bring me against him. My instincts again checked in and I leaned back and kissed him. He obviously enjoyed this because he pulled my lower half against his and I could feel his bulge between his pants and mine. There was defiantly a sexual attraction now between him & I and it was really noticeable.

“God you make me crazy” he said smiling and laughing
“Sorry, I just…my mind just went crazy there” I sad pulling away
“I like it though. It was really hot, you know, making out in the kitchen! I’m just kidding!” he said
“Haha, sure Taylor, sure” I said smiling

I finally got the vase out and put the flowers in water. As I placed the flowers in I could feel Taylor staring at me.

“What’s wrong?” I asked curious
“Do you want to go shopping?” he asked eyeing me.
“Umm, sure I guess if you want to. I mean I think my clothes…wait, no…they don’t fit” I said kind of embarrassed.
“Come with me”

He grabbed my hand and my purse on the desk.

“Where are we going?” I asked
“To a place I know you’ll find something that fits you and your babies’” he said smiling

When we got to the store he had me picking out anything. As I looked around I forgot that I was still the “New Hollywood” and I forgot that there would be paparazzi everywhere. Taylor and I walked fast to get upstairs to the private boutiques where I could have some privacy. The manager came and he was obviously gay but he was so fun to be around.

“Hey girl, you look so beautiful! OH MY GOD! You’re Laura Jonas, oh I loved your music when you were in the band, girl that was girl power let me tell ya that!” he said

I just smiled and laughed slightly.

“Thank you so much” I said
“So you’re here for some mommy baby clothes!” he said
“Uh yeah, bring her anything she wants” Taylor said

I looked at him and my eyes were huge & the manager walked away getting clothes to start out with.

“Taylor! No, I can pay for these, go tell him to just bring me a shirt” I said
“No, chill out and take a breath. I’m getting you some clothes because honestly, you need them. I know you can’t afford them because of your tuition with school but that’s why I’m doing this” he said

I smiled without showing my teeth and he kissed my forehead.

“Ok my beautiful, I have 3 racks of clothes to start with” he said
“Well this will be a long day” I said smiling
After 3 hours I was walking out with over 35 outfits, thanks to Taylor. I was wearing one out I loved some so much. My shirt was a cute blue boho shirt with a pair of loose white shorts with my Old Navy flip-flops I was wearing before.

As we walked out I was smiling so much because Taylor was right I needed new clothes and I didn’t realize I was probably hurting my babies by wearing my old clothes. I felt much more comfortable in my own skin now. I could be able to go out and people not always stare like they use to.

Taylor and I were walking up the slight hill to his car when the paparazzi were after us again. As we were pulling out of the parking spot on the street Taylor couldn’t really move because of all of them taking pictures so he had to do the only thing.

“MOVE OUT OF MY WAY!!” he yelled and revved the engine

They eventually moved allowing us to drive along Buena Vista all in privacy. As we got back to his house he was all fun and games, literally. We were playing checkers just for fun and I think he was cheating.

“Oh, that was so cheating Taylor!” I said
“No, see the prize is what I’m after” he said
“Well what is that?” I asked
“You’ll have to find out” he said winking

Now I really wanted to cheat because I wanted to know the prize.

“Hey! You cheated!” he said
“No it’s the prize I want!”
“Well that’s the prize?”

He had way to much fun mocking me but it was fun

“You’ll have to find out Mr. Lautner” I said smiling

Within seconds he had me somehow straddling him, making out with him in his living room. You know it had been about 4 months now since I’ve had sex and to honest, I kind of wanted to have some.

He had his hands on my hips and had me as close as possible to him. As I was sitting there and he was acting very differently almost telling me “I want to go there with you” but reality had checked in with me.

“I…I…I can’t go there yet, especially with me being pregnant. I, I can’t do that” I said standing up

Taylor stood up but this time as I was walking around he was mad.

“Get your stuff and meet me in the car”

He slammed the house door as he came out and I heard the engine start. I was so confused and lost about what just happened but I quietly grabbed my coat, all my bags and put my shoes back on then walking out of the door.

The car ride home was quieter than it was that other time. It was awkward because I didn’t know what was wrong with Taylor, what did I do to him that made him so angry at me?

“So if it’s not obvious I’m kinda pissed at you” he said
“Because I know the only reason you won’t go farther with me is because of that scumbag of a husband you have named Nick. He had sex with some other chick now why can’t you show him what it’s like?”

He was pissed and his face was red as a tomato. The more I thought about what he was saying I realized more that it was making me more and more angry. He was right though, I couldn’t because of Nick.

“You want to know why? Because two wrongs don’t make a right and if you come out doing nothing and causing no more drama then you are the better person. Plus, Nick and I aren’t legally divorced yet so technically I’m cheating on him with you but he knows that. God, Taylor you don’t understand, you obviously don’t understand at all what it’s like to be a single mom. That’s what I am right now. I don’t want you or Nick’s help. I can do this all on my own without one time complaining.” I yelled finishing
“Really? You’re a coward to me” he said
“Well that’s great! Thank you so much for calling yourself a hypocrite!” I said smiling
“Hypocrite? Really? How about your husband is a hypocrite. He told you he loved you and then he goes and sleeps with another girl!”
“He was lonely, you wouldn’t understand!” I said
“Oh yeah I totally don’t. Even though every girl I’ve dated has dumped me for another guy…yeah, keep telling me I don’t understand!” he said
“No you still don’t Taylor, because you don’t know what it’s like to married. You don’t know what it’s like to be with the person you love to for two days and then have them taken from you. Then the next time you see them, they are on their death bed almost!” I said

He pulled up to the apartment and I got out of the car faster than I could blink.

“Oh, if it’s not obvious, it’s over Laura!”
“WHAT?!?!” I yelled turning around and looking at him
“Ha, yeah, you are too in love with Nick and you can’t see past him to see me. So you and Nick can get married then divorced then married again over and over again and I’m going to be with one girl, not playing people.”

I grabbed my bags of clothes, making them the last thing that Taylor would give me and slammed the door. I walked up the stairs to my apartment on the 5th and top floor. I couldn’t stop crying knowing it was over between Taylor and me within a month. As I walked up the final flight of stairs I couldn’t stop crying but I saw the one person I thought t shouldn’t have heard everything I had just said to Taylor.


I looked up to see Nick standing there…waiting for me.

“Nick…” I said sighing and sniffling

I walked to put the key into the lock when he touched me and I broke down crying more.

“I love you” he said

He took my hand away from the lock and made me look at him. I couldn’t stop crying as I stared at him, deep into his eyes but all he did was hug me. We both had a death grip on each other, holding on and not wanting to let go.

“I love you Nick” I said crying hard into his neck

Nick unlocked the door, pushed it open and carried me in to my apartment. The keys were taken out and the door was locked all in a swift movement leaving him to carry me into my bedroom and set me on the bed sitting up. He looked at me dead in the eyes and frowned…he knew I was hurting, but you could see he was glad for once it wasn’t him.

He went into the bathroom, grabbing a wash cloth and came back with it. It was warm against my face as he wiped my make-up away from my face and then leaving me completely bare of make-up. After drying my face off with a dry towel he kissed my head lightly and sat down next to me.

“Oh Laura, I hate seeing you like this…” Nick said holding me
“Well then don’t…” I said
“I’m not leaving. I’m staying until you’re at least stable” he said
“Thanks” I said

I stood up and started taking my shorts off by my closet when I totally forgot Nick was in the room.

“Oh crap, sorry, I’ll put them…” I started
“No it’s fine. You can get changed here, it’s not like I haven’t seen you” he said smiling

I smiled and finished taking my shorts off and tossed them in the laundry hamper in the corner. I took my shirt off and I was wearing a cami. I tossed the shirt in the hamper but when I turned around I saw Nick standing right in front of me.

“You’re teasing me” he said
“How? I’m fat, ugly and pregnant” I said
“You have this aura that beams off of you and it’s like it clings onto me and I can’t separate myself from you.”

He kissed me and then bent down to my stomach.

“How are my babies doing?” he asked as he moved my cami up

He kissed my stomach and held onto me. I saw him look down and when he looked up a tear fell from his face.

“You guys, when you’re born I’m going to teach you all about how important your mommy is. I’m important but your mommy is…”

He looked up at me into my eyes.

“Amazing, Beautiful and my soul mate…”

We were about to kiss when he pulled away and he kissed my stomach.

“Well I better go” he said
“Wait, Nick why were you here?” I asked
“I…I came by just to see you. I needed to see you” he said

I ran to him and hugged him tight. I started kissing his neck when he started to loosen up and he let out a slight moan when he pulled me away.

“Laura, I can’t get more attached to you if we’re getting divorced. Even though I love you and I always will, I can’t let you keep leading me on…”

I didn’t resist or argue. He was right though, I was supposed to be getting divorced from him…but at this point in time, I didn’t want to even be away from him, I wanted to be married to Nick for the rest of my life…

Today was Friday, the day Nick and I go to court and finalize our divorce. The drive to the courthouse with my lawyer was long and I was so depressed that I even wore all black. I had a black cardigan, with a black shirt and a black skirt and of course black heals. It was raining and it kinda described my mood about today. I didn’t know if this was the right thing to be doing but part of me said yes but even more of me was screaming “NO STOP THIS NOW!!”

As I walked up the stone stairs with my umbrella protecting me I saw that Nick’s car had arrived also. The man I loved so much had the same idea in mind. He was wearing all black and he didn’t have a smile on his face. As I stood at the top of the stairs I looked back at him he smiled slightly but kept his gaze on me.

“Laura we have to enter the courthouse” my lawyer said tapping me

My eyes never separated from Nick’s as I answered him

“Ok” I said
“That means now…” he said

I looked at Nick and I tear welled up on my face and it fell. I love Nick so much and I couldn’t let him just go, but the way Nick talked was that it was what he wanted.

I turned and walked into the courtroom and sat on the right side desk and opened my bag. I sat in the chair closest to the isle and Nick was to be sat the chair closest to the isle.

As Nick entered the courtroom I stared at him, along with the others that came to see this. My girls, his brothers and family, my brother and even my mother who would be the only one enjoying this day were there. Nick sat down, looking depressed like I was and looked at me. I saw him wipe a tear away and not look at me.

“All rise for the honorable Judge Joshua Coach!” the bailiff said

As we rose and saw the judge enter I became the most depressed I had in a long while. This was it; there was no way that I was going to be saved from this. I wanted Nick so bad and he obviously wanted me too but neither one of us seemed to have wanted to say something.

“You may be seated. Court is now in secession. The case of Jonas v. Jonas has now began”

As we looked at the judge I began to shake and I became very pale.

“Mrs. Jonas, are you ok?” Judge Coach asked
“Um, yes….yes your honor” I said

I looked at Nick and he looked like he was gearing up to say something but I didn’t know what.

“Your honor, can I please read a note to my wife before all of this is finalized?” he asked
“Ummm, sure” the judge said

Nick pulled out a piece of paper from his all black coat and walked over to where I was. He stood in front of the desk but I realized his hands were shaking.

“Laura, before you go through this, I want to remind you of October 12th, 2007. It was the first time that I saw you. You were wearing a Simple Plan t-shirt and had your odd aroma of coffee from that girl Alex Mariana spilling coffee on your dress. I'd never seen anything so perfect. I remember thinking that I had to have you or I'd die... then you whispered that you loved me when we were on tour and we stopped at the Colorado resort, we sat by the fireplace wrapped in a blanket, and I felt so peaceful... and safe... because I knew that no matter what happened, from that day on, nothing can ever be that bad... because I had you. And then I, huh... I grew up and I lost my way. And I hurt you by breaking the greatest vow with the most power. And I know that you think you have to do this today... but I don't want you to. But I guess... if I love you, I should let you move on.”

Nick placed the note down on the table before he left the courtroom, hurt and I picked up the paper to see it was just directions to the courthouse. He made it all up, on the spot…

“Your honor can we have a recess? I-I-I’ve got to go catch my husband!”

I didn’t even wait for his response and I went running out the doors after Nick. I was running, a pregnant woman running (which I shouldn’t be doing) to get to him. I got to the end of the hall then turned right to see Nick was outside crying. I took my shoes off and ran as fast as I could to the doors. I swung the doors open and saw Nick standing there. His face was lost and confused as he saw me stand there breathless; staring at him but all I did was throw my shoes to the side and jump against him and kissed him.

He kissed aggressively and passionately. For the first time in a long time Nick and I cried of joy knowing we both wanted each other.

He pulled away and smiled as we stood in the rain.

“This is just like the last time we got back together” he said
“How?” I asked
“We were kissing in the rain and I said one thing that I can’t wait to say again…”
“What’s that?” I asked

He kissed me again and smiled.

“Laura this was never over…we, were never over!”

I smiled remembering when we were 19 years old, making up after me dating David.

“I love you so much!” I said
“I love you so much too Laura!” Nick said

Nick kissed me again but this time picked me up and spun me around in the rain.

We heard people running down the hall and we didn’t care we were still kissing and we weren’t going to stop for anyone but I saw pictures being taken as Nick and I were getting wet.

“Promise me one thing?” Nick asked
“What’s that?” I asked smiley and giggly
“Never divorce me again!”
“I promise!” I said as we kissed in the rain as still our married couple.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, i'll admit, i cried reading this chapter :) Even i the writer got into it, haha. Well I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. It's not over yet so don't leave me yet. I've got some tricks up my sleeve still to come.

So tell me what you think of the chapter :)

Comment & Message :)


-sugarrluvr :D
-Elizabeth Marie!