Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 65

One Month Later
“Hello?” I answered the phone delightfully as I was working on Nick & I’s scrapbook
“Hey, Laura…it’s Taylor” he said

I dropped my scissors and the paper I had…it’s been a least a month since I talked to him and this has got to get awkward.

“Hey…Taylor” I said

I brushed a piece of hair behind my ear as I sat and listened to his voice. Nick was in class then going to the studio so I knew he wouldn’t be walking in on me anytime soon.

“How’s life with the kids?” he asked
“Great actually…I just want them to come out already because I’m getting huge like a balloon” I said giggling
“I’m sure you’re still beautiful though…”

He said it sweet and low toned sending a smile on my face.

“Um, so how’s life, with love?” I asked
“Uh, not so good. I…look I called because I can’t stand the fact that you and I finished on bad terms. Laura I’m crazy about you and I love everything about you, even if you’re pregnant with another man’s baby…”

I paused and didn’t say anything but placed my hand on my eyes and forehead

“Taylor, why are you still making me part of your life?” I asked
“Because I have this gut feeling that you’re going to need me or something is going to happen to you and I’m going to be the only one that can help.”
“Ok Taylor, don’t think too high of yourself…” I said smiling
“Sure, you’ll need me…” he said laughing

I sighed as I heard Taylor’s voice settle and I remembered what it was like to be with him. It was great, especially being close to him with the feeling of protection.

“So what are you up to today?” he asked
“You called for a reason Taylor…” I said questioning his motives
“Look, I just needed to hear your voice and at least make sure you’re ok”
“Ok, by what?”
“Like to make sure Nick isn’t being an ass to you or anything. I mean at one point in time I was mentally preparing to be a father…” he said
“Wait, what?” I asked
“Nick was never around and if he was, he was an ass to you. I didn’t want those kids around someone who is going to be a bad influence on them. They’re innocent kids, I mean what did they do to him?”

As he finished that I was touched. Taylor was planning on being a dad in Nick’s place. I mean Nick wouldn’t have been ok with it, but it’s the point of knowing you have stability.

“So, what are you doing today?” he asked
“Well I’m just scrapbooking right now, you can come over if you want” I said
“Sure, and I’m glad that we’re still friends after I, you know, said what I did…” he said
“Yeah, and hey, it’s in the past and we can’t change it so it’s ok” I said
“Will Nick be mad if I come over?” he asked
“Um, he shouldn’t be. Even if he is I can calm him down” I said smiling
“Ok, if you say so. See ya in like 10 minutes”

As we hung up I smiled because I realized that I really didn’t have any friends and it was nice to have Taylor to at least talk to. My phone went buzzing off and I picked it up and smiled at who it was.

“Hey Laura!” I heard
“LAUREN! Of how are you?” I asked
“Great, Christian is moving though. Haha, he’s giving me a hard time!” she said smiling

Lauren was a girl I met in one of my Lil Ma’s classes. She was having a little boy and her and her husband are great fans of Nick & I but her and I just hit it off.

“So you’re due next week though right?” I asked
“Yep! On Wednesday but I’m so scared” she said
“You’ll do fine, trust me”

We talked for a little longer until Taylor was knocking at the door.

“Hey girlie, can I call you back? There is someone at the door”

As I got up, slowly I may add, I opened the door smiling and Taylor’s eyes grew when he saw me.

“Wow you look…”
“Big? I know since there are two in here, I’m like a big marshmallow” I said smiling
“No, you are just glowing. You…you look great” he said
“Ok sure, now get in here before you talk between me and the door” I said completely joking

He smiled and walked in and stood there as I shut the door. As I turned to look at him he reached his arms out and hugged me.

“You really do have a big belly! I can hardly hug you” he said smiling
“Yeah but Jeremiah and Daphne will be here eventually…” I said smiling

You saw his face fall as he heard me say the babies names. It was almost like he was hurt when I said it…

“You ok?” I asked touching his arm
“Um, yeah. Let’s sit, you don’t need to be standing”

He made sure I sat down ok and sat next to me

“So, what’s new?” he asked
“Well I’m half way done with my degree. I’ll be done in 3 years and not 4 like I thought but other than that uh not much. Nick is going and taking government classes. He’s still chasing that dream for 2040” I said smiling

He looked down at his feet and sighed but I could tell he didn’t like it.

“Look I’m not here to offend you but, I mean…he literally took your heart out of your chest and broke it and you took him back for one. Then you talk so highly of him like nothing ever happened. Maybe I just hold grudges too easily but it seems like you purposefully made yourself ignore it.” He said

He was right, I ignored it. I really didn’t want to think the whole situation and Nick and I agreed to put it in the past.

“Well it’s in the past Taylor, I can’t do anything about it. I love him and he’s the father of my children so it’s not like he’s going to be completely out of my life.” I said
“I know but i…I feel like this is a real like Twilight, just we’re not mythical creatures. Like I wished you picked me instead of him. He’ll never treat you the way I treat you…”

I was getting a headache at this because he was stressing me out. I didn’t want to talk about this at all with him, at least not right now.

“Look, I can’t talk about this right now. I…I made my decision. Please don’t make me doubt my decision” I said

He shook his head and leaned forward to look at the scrapbook page I was almost done with. It was the last page in Nick & I’s scrapbook. It was decorated for Daphne and Jeremiah, awaiting their arrival.

“So Jeremiah & Daphne? Those are cute” he said
“Yeah Nick picked Jeremiah James and I picked Daphne Lian” I said smiling
“I don’t like Jeremiah” he said

Way to be harsh and blunt much?

“Oh, well that’s ok. It was really hard for us to make a decision…”

I was kinda offended at this so I was trying to not be mean. You could obviously see that he was mad but I think he’s kinda being a brat at the moment.

“Well as long as you all like them, that’s all that matters” he said
“Yeah…” I said
“The page is cute” he said
“Thanks, I’m surprising Nick when he gets home with it. I want him to see our scrapbook finished with pictures from years ago until now but now we have our family” I said
“It’s cute” he said

As I was placing the picture into it’s photo corners the door opened and Nick came in.

“Hey babe! How are you-“

He was ok until he saw Taylor.

“What the fuck is he doing here?” he asked
“I invited him. He called and we hadn’t hung out in a while so he came over” I said

Nick’s face was dead serious. His mouth turned into one line and staring at him.

“So you invite the guy you cheated on me with into our house without me knowing?” he yelled
“Nick he’s still my friend!” I said
“Oh right! Just “friends” right?”
“I don’t know, why don’t you ask your friend!”

“Stop talking to her like that!” I heard

I turned around to see Taylor standing behind me, starring into Nick’s eyes looking like he was going to hit him.

“Or what? You’ll bite me? No you’ll turn into a scary doggie! AHH” Nick fired back with acting like a school girl
“No but I at least respect her enough to not yell at her and let her have friends”
“Really? Because she does have friends but I don’t approve of you”

Nick was in his face at this point. I saw Nick had flowers in his hand and if they were for me I honestly didn’t want them ruined so I really needed to separate them.

“BOYS STOP!” I said standing between them
“No move! I’m going to give him what he needs!” Nick said
“NO STOP! Taylor, just…just go for now” I said
“But Laura-“
“No, go…” I said

He looked at Nick one more time as my head fell to the floor and locked the door as he left.
When I walked back to Nick he dropped the flowers on the floor and stepped on them as he walked to the bedroom.

“So when were you going to tell me you and Taylor were ‘friends’ again?” Nick yelled
“Nick he just called about 45 minutes ago. I haven’t talked to him since you and I were semi-together” I said
“Well I think that’s bull”

Nick was taking his tie off and hanging it in the closet along with his suit.

“Really? Really? So you’re not going to believe your pregnant wife?” I asked
“No, I’m not! And personally I don’t care if you’re pregnant! Stop throwing the pregnant card out there! It’s an overused guilt trip!” he said
“Fine, if that’s what you want! Nick, let’s be honest, ok. Huh, where to start? I think you’ve been the biggest jerk no more like asshole to me. Even since I met you, you’ve had something against me and I always wanted to figure out why. You cheated on me more than once and I cheated on guys for you causing me to break peoples heart, which is who I’m not. I sacrificed so much wanting to be with you. I pretty much banned my family and band mates out to be all of you. I’m tired of it!” I yelled

He stood there and looked like he wasn’t enthused.

“Really, so I’m an asshole? What about you? You are the one who wants me to dedicate all her attention to you. I’m only one man Laura! What else do you want? I give you everything you’ve wanted, minus a house and you’ve got a family waiting for you in you. You make me so mad! I feel like you don’t understand me at all…why the fuck did I marry you?”

He threw his tie off him and onto the floor of the closet. He stared at me breathing deep…I was pissed.

“You know if you’re going to yell like this, I’d hate to see you with kids…” he said walking out of the closet in shorts and a t-shirt.

“WHAT?” I asked pissed
“I’m saying you’re going to be a horrible mother at this rate of you’re going to flip out like a little girl like you are now and I refuse to have my daughter like you!!!”

As he finished yelling I was shocked and hurt by him.

“I’m…shit, I’m sorry Laura”
“GET THE FUCK OUT!” I yelled

Nick’s eyes got huge when he realized I was basically kicking him out again


He just stood there and realized he made himself look like the asshole after what he said. I held my stomach in pain from yelling at him and to just control myself.

“I’ll be with Joe if you need me then…”

He turned around and went down the hall to the door. I followed him to make sure he was leaving and to shut the door.

“Laura call me if you need anything” he said
“Whatever” I said slamming the door in his face

I heard the engine start and I saw him back out of the small driveway we had and drove speeding to Joes house.

I walked up to the living room and I was so ad at Nick for what he said. How dare he call me a bad mother and what right does he have? He honestly has no room to talk about being a bad parent, especially with his temper.

Watching T.V the rest of the night was what I did and I was still furious at Nick. I got up and got some water from the fridge but as I stood up I didn’t get a great grip and I fell face forward into my stomach. I cried out in pain and I felt my water broke between my legs. I cried harder knowing that my babies we’re now about to be premature. I crawled to the phone and dialed the first number I could think of.

“Hello? 911? Yes, Yes, I’m having my babies premature…I’m going into labor! HELP!”
♠ ♠ ♠
So here is what happened this chapter:
-Taylor is back in the picture
-Laura has a new friend (aka laurenj23) and she is about to gain another one who are all pregnant.
-Nick & Laura are fighting
-...and she's going into labor because of him...

So yeah! Drama!!! I told you all that there were great things ahead. I do have to give credit to simleforthepaparazzi for helping me out with ideas. Her and I put our heads together and created what is happening this next 3 or 4 chapters.

Well comment and message and tell me what you think :) There is so much more in store...*evil smile* haha just kidding it's a nice smile

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