Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 66

As the ambulance was putting me into the back I had Taylor’s hand in mine.

“Told you you’d need me” he said smiling
“Well if Nick wasn’t being an ass and he’d turn his phone on it’d be different!” I yelled

I was getting bitter because I was going through contractions and I wasn’t going to be an easy person to please right now.

“Ok Mrs. Jonas breathe for me, take deep breaths” the cute EMT said

As I was breathing I felt another contraction and I grabbed Taylor’s hand with a death grip and his eyes grew big.

“Owe! That hurts!” he said
“Mrs. Jonas you need to breathe!” the EMT said again

We eventually got to the hospital where I was rushed onto a hospital bed and out of my clothes. In the ER I was poked with an IV and a drip bag but I was rushed into an elevator and taken to the 12th floor. As I was waiting there for the elevator to take us up I heard Taylor get into the elevator.

“You the father?” the doctor asked
“NO!” I screamed
“Then you need to get-“ a doctor said

The doctors stepped aside and Taylor held my hand as we did go up the elevator. When the doors opened I was placed into a room at the end of the hall with the scenery of the city through the window.

“Ok Mrs. Jonas, I’m Dr. United and I’ll be hopefully delivering your baby today. So once I see how dilated you are we can see how much longer you have until you can give birth” he said
“That’s fine.” I said

He sat down in the little swivel chair where he told me to prop my legs up and he opened my legs. Taylor just looked at me as the doctor measured my dilation to make it seem less awkward.

“Ok Mrs. Jonas you’re dilating quickly. You’re about 4 cm, once you get to 10 cm we’ll start with the birthing process” he said taking his gloves off.
“Thank you so much” I said

As the doctor left I looked at Taylor.

“I know you’re going to hate me asking you this but, can you call Nick?” I asked
“Yeah” he said

He took my cell phone and left the room to call. I looked up at the ceiling and a tear fell from my face. Nick was supposed to be here with me not Taylor. We were supposed to be in this together, but like I said to him, I don’t need his help or anyone’s for that matter. I’m going to take care of my kids all by myself if that’s the case.

A few minutes later Taylor came in from calling Nick and he just sat down on the couch in the room.

“So is he coming?” I asked
“Yeah, I had to call Kevin, to call Joe to call Nick, who didn’t really want to talk to me but once he found out why he was in a rush to get here” he said
“Great, this will be interesting” I said
“Why do you deal with him?” Taylor asked
“More like why do I deal with you and him” I said
“What do you mean?” Taylor asked stunned
“You and him both act like children around each other. You argue for me and I wish that both of you would shut the fuck up! I’m so tired of all of this! You’re my past he’s my past, present and future Taylor. I can’t change that! I love Nick and honestly I hate the fact that he doesn’t think I’m going to be a good mother but I’m going to prove both of you wrong!”

Taylor didn’t say anything but he sat there with his head down

“I didn’t understand” he said
“Yeah, you didn’t! You never asked either! I’m so tired of being used or hurt by someone else. That’s why you don’t trust anyone!” I said starting to cry
“Is that how you honestly feel?” he asked
“Yes! Ever since I was a young girl I knew that you can’t trust anyone!” I said

He looked at me then looked at the floor.

“That’s the most negative thing I’ve heard in a long time”
“Really? Well get use to it!” I said

Suddenly a contraction began again and I screamed. I had a death grip on Taylor’s hand and he looked like he was about to kill me at how tight I had his hand in a grip.

“Just breathe” he said
“No, I don’t need your help. I can do this by myself” I said

I flung his wrist away from me and gripped the bed while sitting up. My arms were about to give out as I screamed and cried but Taylor just sat down on the couch and put his iPod in.

“God, I hate this” I thought to myself

I kept breathing as the contraction was beginning to loosen but I was still in pain. I began running my hands through my hair and trying to breathe properly but the pain was beginning to get bad.

I heard voices outside the door when another contraction began.

“AHHHH!!!” I almost screamed at the top of my lungs

I had a death grip onto the bed and the pillow as I tried closing my legs thinking that would help.

“Laura?” I heard

I was sweating like a mad woman when I saw the whole clan coming in. Nick, Joe, Kevin, Ashley, Holly, Sam, Rachel, Anne & Haley all standing there but my twin sister who I haven’t seen in forever stood beside Nick.

“Is this a murage from all the pain I’m in?” I asked stressfully
“Haha, no babe. Everyone wanted you to see them to know we’re all here.” He said walking to me

He gave Taylor a death glare as he kissed my head and wiped my sweaty hair out of my face.
Taylor got up and left the room furiously but everyone else followed his cue. That left Nick and I alone.

“So how are you?” he asked nicely
“I’m still mad at you” I said mad
“I know…” he said looking away
“How do you expect me to forgive you of this?” I said
“I’m not sure, other than I was angry and I said some things I don’t mean”
“Nick, that won’t work. You told me that I’m going to be a horrible parent as I’m about to give birth to twins. Nick you even said you didn’t want our daughter to be like me…her own mother, so you want her to be like her father?” I asked fighting him on this

“Laura, I said it all in anger.” He said
“Nick, you’ve hurt me more than once and you’ve said a lot out of anger and I’ve forgiven you but I can’t let myself forgive you on this. I will never treat our son or daughter differently but I don’t know if I can look at you the same Nick. You basically doubted me in the beginning when we haven’t even started…” I said

“I know…” he said
“Nick, you’ve…you’ve got a lot of nerve saying what you said”
“I didn’t mean it” he said
“Nick something tells me you did mean everything you said”
“Parts of it yes but not what I said at the end” he said
“What parts?”

“Most of it…” he said

I looked at him hurt and turned onto my side to ignore him.

“Laura don’t do this to me. This is the day that my babies are meant to be born and we’re fighting…” he said
“Well if we weren’t fighting, they wouldn’t be coming 2 months early” I said

He sat there in a dead stare at me breathing deep in and out. He blinked out tears and I looked at him dead in the eye, inches from his face.

“Now you know what it’s like to be insulted by the one person you thought loved you…”

I rolled back onto my side and tried to fall asleep. Nick lay on the couch next to my bed and stared at the ceiling.

When I opened my eyes I saw him staring up at the ceiling still but he was in deep though.

“Nick” I said
“What!” he said coldly
“C’mere” I said waving my hand for him to come closer

He got up, walked over to me and leaned down to me. I looked him in the eyes and looked at his dog tag taking it in my hands and shutting it tight.

“No matter what, you are my soldier, you’re my hero…”

I pulled his god tags to kiss him but he stopped me

“Laura I can’t kiss you knowing you want me to die”

He loosened my hand around his dog tags and let my hand fall to my side. Turning from me I realized I made him feel exactly how I was feeling …and it felt terrible.

“Nick I-“
“You didn’t mean it? Huh, wonder why that sounds familiar?” he said

He rolled over and fell into a nap while I sat there now staring at the ceiling. Great, now I felt the same way he did before.

I was fast asleep under the warm covers when a contraction woke me up.

“AHHHHHHHH!!! NICK, HELP!!!” I yelled
“What?” he said sitting up still tired and wiping his eyes
“Can you come here and hold my hand?” I asked almost crying out for his help
“Um, no. I’ll sit right here” he said lying back down

I felt a tear of pain fall from my eyes and I sat up straight in my bed, gripping the mattress and silently screaming. I squinted my eyes as my toes curled under in pain leaving me to help myself.

“Nick you’ve got to be kidding me!” I said crying
“No, I’m not. You want me to die so I’m acting like I’m not here” he said still lying there with his eyes closed
“I’m sorry-GOD THIS HURTS, I’m sorry Nick, ok?” I said dealing with severe pain
“Uh huh, sure. Why don’t you get the doctor in here. You never know how far along you are. But then again why would you take advise from your dead husband?”

I was weeping as I heard him speak and as I hung onto my insides for dear life. I must have accidentally hit the call butt for the nurses because a nurse came rushing in.

“Ok Mrs. Jonas, just breathe for me ok and I’ll get Dr. United in here to see your progress” she said

She placed a cool towel on my face to cool my body temperature down before she left the room. Within seconds Dr. United was in the room and was smiling.

“Ok Mrs. Jonas, um-“ he started

He saw Nick just lying there and had a questioned look on his face but proceeded.

“Ok so place your legs up here and we’ll see how dilated you are.” He said

As I placed my legs on the rest Nick woke up from his “nap” suddenly.

“What are you doing to my wife?” he asked getting mad
“Sir, I’m checking your wife’s dilation. I’m checking to see how much more her cervix needs to open up before she gives birth” he said

Nick stood up and stood next to me, holding my hand this time and leaned down to kiss me.

“I’m not letting anyone hurt you or my babies”
“Nick it’s standard procedure” I said
“I know but I don’t trust anyone” he said

When Dr. United finished he let me put my feet down and he looked concerned.

“Um, Mr. & Mrs. Jonas, I think we have a problem”
“Well what is it?” Nick asked
“Um, we need to run some tests because firstly she’s not dilating like she should be. Mrs. Jonas can I see your stomach”

I lowered the covers and pulled my robe up. Dr. United got his stethoscope out and placed it on my stomach. His eyes changed from calm to concern as he moved the stethoscope around my stomach.

“Ok Mrs. Jonas we’re going to get a nurse in here to check one more thing. There seems to be a problem.”
“WHAT PROBLEM!?!” Nick yelled
“I…I need to go get a nurse” he said as he ran out the door quickly

Nick and I looked at each other worried but all he did was stroke my hair. He kissed me lightly on the lips as he held my face.

“No matter what, we’ll get through this”

I was more expecting him to say “I love you” but I didn’t know what to expect right now. A nurse came in with a sonogram machine.

“Ok Mrs. Jonas please lift your gown and I’ll start this” she said

I lifted my robe again and watched the screen as she scanned the gel over my stomach. Her face also turned into concern as she tried fixing the machine.

“What’s wrong?” I asked
“Um, I can’t say yet. Dr. United has to tell you” she said

She cleaned up my stomach and the sensor with the gel on it and ran out of the room.

“Nick what’s wrong?” I asked
“I don’t know baby, I honestly don’t know…” he said trying to not sound week

Dr. United came in with 3 other doctors this time and he had the file in his hands.

“Dr. Kinal, Dr. Guide and Dr. Precal please take a seat. Mr. Jonas you may sit as well if you’d like” he said
“No, not until I know what’s wrong with my babies” he said
“Um, ok…”

Dr. United shifted awkwardly as he pulled out the sonogram readings.

“Mr. & Mrs. Jonas, I’m sorry to tell you but your children are no longer alive…” he said
“WHAT?!?” I yelled crying
“Yes, um your children’s hearts have stopped in your womb. There was nothing you could have done and to be frank it happens a lot more than it should.” He said

I looked at Nick and he had his thumb and index finger on his eyes as he held my hand. My chest got tight and I began to weep loudly as Dr. United stood.

“We will have to perform surgery to take care of your children. That is why I brought the 3 doctors that will be performing the operation.” Dr. United said

I looked at them and they all frowned as they looked at me and Nick crying.

“When will this surgery be?” Nick asked choked up
“It will be later tonight. Around 4 o’clock.” He said
“Can you leave my wife and I to speak?” Nick asked
“Yes, of course”

The 4 doctors turned and left the room, shutting the door behind them quietly.

“Nick” I cried out
“I know baby…I know” he began to cry heavy as well

We both laid down in my bed as he held me.

“I love you Laura” he said crying just about as much as me
“I love you too Nick” I said

He laid there crying and holding each other. We didn’t know what to say to each other because we knew it wouldn’t be enough to cure the pain.

“Well I better get up and tell the others…”

He got up, wiping his eyes as he stood at the door and opened it to tell everyone the terrible news.
My Daphne and Jeremiah were dead because I fell. I fell because I was mad at Nick and I was mad at Nick for calling me a bad mother. At that moment I realized that Dr. United was right I didn’t do anything wrong…it’s all Nick’s fault.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, i don't really have anything to say that would fit right with whats happened but know that there is more to come and more interesting cards that are dealt.

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-sugarrluvr :D