Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 8

As I walked off stage I walked past Nick purposefully. I grabbed his arm…and it was so muscular that it made me what to hug it all day. I pulled him into a hallway that I knew was secluded and pushed him against the wall.

"Ok we need to talk." I said
"I know." He said staring at me
"Why were you upset? I thought that you hated me." I said talking with my hands and throwing them up and down
"I don't know why I got upset." He said
"I think you do." I said
"I really don't. There is just something in me that has hate for you and also feelings that are …" he said fiddling with his fingers.
"Nick, look at me. You want to know how I know you're hiding something. You're not looking at me." I said talking as calm as I could.
"Laura, I am hiding something." He said
"What is it? You can tell me." I said
"I have to show you." He said
"Ok" I said

I was suddenly pulled into him with my lips attached to his. I didn't realize that they were there until my arms were around his neck and in his gorgeous hair. I also realized when I felt those arms I want, yeah remember them, yeah when they were around my waist and were holding me into him.

I just pulled away and stepped back from him. I was so confused. Did he hate me? Did he like me? Why couldn't he tell me?

"Nick, what just happened?" I asked shocked
"Um, I tried so hard to resist temptation to do that." He said
"Why'd you do it?" I asked
"I don't know. There was something that was telling me to." He said
"So, you just did it because you wanted to? You don't have feelings for me?" I asked
"Nope, no feelings at all baby. Sorry baby cakes, you're a great kisser though. Nice lip-gloss peach was always my favorite." He said winking and snapping away.
"Why do you do that?" I asked starting to cry
"Do what?" he asked
"Think I'm just a toy, I'm not. I have feelings too. I have been nothing but a friend to you since the beginning. You treat me like crap and I ended up with the broken heart. You know what Nick Jonas, I gave you chance and given you more than one time to make up what you've done but now I'm done with you. If you need help in physics or any subject don't ever ask me again. Don't ever look, speak, think, smell, or be in the same room as me. I'm done. I'M DONE WITH YOU!" I said as a single tear fell from my eyes.

He just looked at me wide-eyed, expecting me to hit him but I realized he isn't worth the energy to slap him. I'd take me 45 Newton per meter per second squared to hit him. He really wasn't worth. So I pivoted on my feet and ran to my dressing room.
That Night:

I was finally changed for bed and I had my glasses on about to read my book when I was stopped by a tug at my pony tail.

"Hey Laura, I need some help with this paper." Rachel said
"What do you need hun?" I asked sitting in her bunk
"Well, I don't get what Mrs. Somers wants, like I don't have a favorite religion that we've studied. I've only known of one religion growing up." She said
"Ok well it's about world religions, so just read about the different religions in the textbook. Personally, this class is kinda hard because you know religion is something we don't talk about everyday, but when I read about wiccans I found it kinda creepy but fascinating." I said smiling.
"Thanks, I was hoping I wouldn't have to read about all of them all over again, but I guess I will have to." She said
"I'm sorry, but here" I said grabbing my binder in my bunk and giving her my notes.
"Thanks. How are things with you and Nick?" she asked
"Oh. Ok." I said
"I hope you guys end up together. I'd be really cute." She said

I just got up and went to the kitchen. I was suddenly craving cheez-its and I normally eat them when I'm in a weird mood. I found them and just grabbed the box and walked back t my bunk. As I walked there, I saw Ryan standing there.

"Oh no, the infamous cheez-its. Who broke your heart now?" she asked
"It was nothing." I said
"No, it was something. Laura, I love you and I know when you're upset. We're practically twins." She said
"Ok promise not to tell." I said
"Oh course." She said
"He kissed me" I whispered
"SHUT UP!" she yelled smiling
"Ryan that's not good. Actually, it gets worse." I said
"Oh god, what now?" she said rolling her eyes
"He said exact words ' Nope, no feelings at all baby. Sorry baby cakes, you're a great kisser though. Nice lip-gloss peach was always my favorite.' " I said
"What an asshole! Plus, your lucky lip-gloss is peach." She said
"I know." I said starting to cry.

She just brought me into a hug as I cried into her chest.

"Laura, maybe you're just too nice." She said
"Yeah" I said
"Look, he doesn't deserve those tears you're crying." She said
"I know, but it hurts so bad!" I said
"I know" she said rubbing my head
Just then Kevin walked out of his bunk. I looked around seeing we were right next to Nick's bunk.

"Oh gosh, Nick's bunk is right there." I said pointing to the one with Ryan's butt in the curtain.
"Whatever, what we said he deserves to know." She said

I just walked into my bunk and just laid down. I stared at the top wall that was covered with boys. I just smiled knowing it was my "husband wall". I looked and saw Nick in the middle of it all. I just took it off and threw it outside of my bunk. I was staring to fall asleep when Kevin opened the bunk curtain.

"Hey, how are you holding up? I saw you were upset." He said
"It's nothing." I said
"I heard it all" he said
"Well what do you want me to do about it? I just told Nick to have no connection to me at all the rest of the tour." I said
"So, the rest of this tour is going to be awkward I'm assuming." He said
"It might be" I said
"Well, I have to tell you something you might need to know about him." He said
"What is that?" I asked now curious
"Nick falls in love really fast and easy. He feels that if he blocks someone out that he is taking his time. Like this one time, he liked this girl at a show. They exchanged numbers and talked for a couple days. He wouldn't stop talking about her, then he saw that she was a stripper, who was like 30." He said
"Ok, that's gross." I said
"My point was he doesn't want to get hurt again for like the 30th time." He said
"Thank Kevin." I said
"You're welcome!" he said kissing my cheek
"Night" I said kissing his soft cheek
"Night, sleep well." I said

As soon as my head hit the pillow I got a text.

Hey Laura, it's David. I had such a great time tonight!

I just smiled because that was the perfect timing and I needed someone to make me smile.

"Ryan" I whispered diagonal to me
"What?" she asked
"Guess who I got a text from?" I asked

Her face instantly lit up knowing exactly who.

"You better text that boy back!" she said smiling
"I am now!" I said
"I'm so happy for you." She said

I laid back and thought about what to say.

David I had the best time of my life tonight. Want to hang out tomorrow or something?

Within seconds I got an immediate response.

I thought there for a second you were asleep. I'd love to. Are you all going to be in Miami tomorrow?

I was so excited he wanted to hang out with me.

Yeah, we have the morning off then we have to got to sound check.

I was starting to dream of what tomorrow would bring when I got a text.

Sounds awesome. Text me when you are there. Night…beautiful

That moment stopped my heart and I wanted to scream

That sounds great. Night…handsome

I closed my phone knowing he wouldn't text me back but I got another text. I didn't see who it was from so I just opened it up and read it.

David is not good for you!

It was Nick. I just deleted it, put my iPod on shuffle and set timer and fell asleep dreaming of the next day.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey this is not Laura, this is Ryan. Laura is in the hospital right now. She gave me permission to get on here and post this chapter for you guys. I don't know how to say this but Laura is not doing well. She was "sexual assulted" can you guess the real word? Please just comment her because she is not in a good mood at all. She won't be home until Wed. and they are taking care of her. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers...she needs it.

Thanks guys!
Please leave a ton of comments for her :)

The coolest Character ever in this story ever (jk)

PS: Any of you fans of our music we are almost ready to start our youtube channel but with this i have no idea how long it will be now.

Thanks again guys!