Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 9

I got up the next morning with a smile on my face. I looked out to see the bus stopped at a rest stop so I grabbed my flip-flops and my school hoodie and walked to the bathroom. When I stepped outside it was cold so I ran to the bathrooms. I went in and did my business but when I came out I saw my hair was out of control. I instantly fixed it and put it into a high pony tail. I felt a buzz in my pocket and I saw it was a text message:

where are you?

I saw it was from Nick so I ignored it and walked out of the bathroom. I looked over to see the swamp that was there was fogging because of the water. That moment made me remember where I was. I walked over to the vending machine and was deciding on what to get.

"You should get something to warm you up. It's cold" I heard

I knew it was Nick. Suddenly, I wasn't hungry or thirsty so I walked away from him. I wasn't going to give him the time of day at all. He didn't deserve it.

I got another buzz but this time it wasn't Nick…well I didn't know that.

"NICK STOP CALLING!" I said putting the phone on speaker
"Um, Laura, are you ok? It's David" he said

I instantly felt like an idiot.

"Oh, sorry they have been plying pranks on me lately." I said
"It's ok. So I was wondering if you wanted to meet me at Palm Bay Club & Marina?" he asked
"Sure, we are about 10 miles outside of Miami and I can most defiantly meet you there though." I said
"Great, you'll need to bring your bathing suit also." He said
"Ok, I just washed it too so that'll be great!" I said

I saw Nick pass by me and got on the bus…I knew he was eavesdropping.

"Alright, actually if you want to bring the rest of the group you can." He said
"Ok, I'll ask them." I said
"Cool. I can't wait for you to see what we're doing." He said
"If excited just hearing it!" I said giggling
"Well I'll see you soon. Call me when you get here." He said
"Alright, I'll see you later David" I said
"Bye beautiful" he said
"Bye handsome" I said hanging up

I jumped on the bus and told Betsy where to go and I walked back to my bunk. I was so excited I changed into my bathing suit as soon as I got on the bus.

"Laura, where are you going in your bathing suit?" Ryan asked
"Oh My Gosh you'll never believe what just happened!" I said sitting in her bunk

I told her the story and she told everyone…that was typical so I just went to my bunk and loked out the window. I saw we were almost at the marina and my heart started racing.

"AHH, we're almost there!" I said to Ryan who was in her bikini already.
"Really? I'm so excited!" she said

Ryan and I sat at the table just talking with our aviator on…acting like retards when we arrived.

"Is everyone ready?" Ryan yelled

I looked back and everyone needed sun. We were kinda dark but we were getting pale.

"Let me call David" I said

I called him and I kept smiling as the phone was ringing.

"Someone has a major smile on their face!" Kevin said
"Shut Up Kevin!" I said giggling

"Hello?" he said
"Hey David, we're here." I said
"Great! I think I see your tour bus. I'll meet you outside the bus." He said
"Alright!" I said
"See ya in a sec beautiful!" he said

That made me smile

"Bye handsome!" I said smiling my face hurt.

"BYE HANDSOME!" Kevin and Joe imitated me.
"Hey, it's my nickname for him." I said

There was a knock at the door and I ran to open it, seeing David there with his chest bare and a six pack visible.

"Hey!" I said smiling
"HEY!" he said

I got off the bus and he hugged me lifting me off the ground. He made my stomach get butterflies and my heart race. It was a feeling I haven't felt in a long time.

He put me down and kissed me on the cheek and put his hand around my waist.

"Alright you guys ready to go?" he asked
"Go where?" I asked
"On my yacht of course!" he said
"Really?" I asked
"Yeah, come one guys!" he said as we walked together onto the pier.

I instantly remembered Betsy. She needed to get out in the sun and have some fun too.

"Guys hold on, I forgot someone!" I said running back

I saw her reading a book when I knocked on the door.

"Laura do you need something?" she asked
"Yes, I need you to come with us and have some fun!" I said
"No, I can't!" she said
"No, come with us!" I said pulling her
"Ok" she said

She got off the bus and locked the door following us. I ran up to David as Sam started talking to Betsy.

"I'm glad you did bring your driver." David said putting his hand back around my waist
"Really, why?" I asked
"Because now Nick has someone to hit on!" he said completely joking

We both laughed at the idea of Nick hitting on her. We arrived at his yacht and he stepped on, then helping me on. He held a hand out to everyone except Nick which I found funny. As soon as we were on Ryan screamed.

"What's wrong?" I asked
"Can you believe we are on a real yacht? I've never been on one before!" she said

I just laughed because mentally I was freaking out because I have never been on a yacht either. I was given a soda and I was drinking it while conversing with Ryan when David pulls on me.

"Hey, can I talk to you?" he asked
"Sure, for you, most defiantly!" I said

He pulled me and I smiled like crazy at Ryan as he pulled me along to the top of the boat. We were on the lounge of the nose when he stood there and smiled at me. He held onto my waist and just held me there.

"Sorry, I wanted some alone time." He said
"I wouldn't have brought them if you wanted alone time. I'm sorry" I said
"No, it's ok. I love you guys." He said
"Well, I'm glad." I said smiling

He pulled my aviators on top of my head as he pulled his on his head. He looked into my eyes and I was freaking out. He looked so hot and it was making me so giddy just looking at him.

"Look, I've been meaning to do this since that dance yesterday." He said
"What is that?" I asked
"This" he said

He took his hand and placed it lightly on my jaw gracefully rubbing it and smiling. He leaned into me and I could feel his breath linger on my lips. He smiled and kept letting his breath hit my lips but I couldn't take it any longer. I'd been so long since I have a passionate kiss and I was dying for it so I leaned into him and wrapped my hands around his neck.

"You're so cute; I couldn't resist the temptation to mess with you." He said
"I fell into your charm!" I said smiling

We stood there very close talking about random when the girls came up to David and I.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I asked
"Nothing, we just wanted to thank David." Hailey said

David just smiled and giggled.

"I'd sail the seas with you hot girls any day!" he said
"Aww, he's so cute. Laura he's a keeper." Sam said
"So is Joe!" I said to her

We laughed about it when I looked over and saw Nick spying on us. What is up with him? Can he mind his own business?

"Nick I can see you!" I said

He instantly ran down to he stairs to his brothers. I looked at David and he just looked concerned.

"Is he bothering you?" he asked
"No, not at all" I said kissing his cheek.

FF to Show Later That Night:

As I got ready in my peach dress I put my light pink chucks on and grabbed my black bass on the way out. I just let my hair go straight and put little make-up on. I was standing next to Ryan when we were head-banging, again acting like idiots, when someone comes behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Hey beautiful, break a leg!" he said
"Thanks David" I said kissing him

He walked away and entered the stadium floor to enjoy the concert.

"Can you please not show your PDA in front of everyone?" he asked

I just ignored him and started tuning my bass with Ryan 'helping'.

"Oh I see don't give me the time of day!" he said

I still ignored him. He didn't deserve it. He was one of the only boys that ever made me want to cry all the time.

"Fine, you be like that. You'll regret it!" he said walking away

"Thank god that is over!" I said looking at Ryan
"Yeah, he was getting pissed. At least you didn't see his face, Laura he looked hurt." She said
"No, don't tell me that" I said walking away with the tuner hooked up to my bass.

"NOWHERE NOTHING ON NOW!" the stage manager said

I was amazingly the last one on and as I got up I saw the gleaming hot face of David Archuleta watching me but my worst nightmare staring me down from the side stage. I-Yei- Yoda! What am I going to do?
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey, this is Laura. I'm finally home. I guess Ryan told you guys what's wrong and i wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH! You all made my day! I was having the shittest day ever today and when i got home i saw you guys here waiting for me and it made me smile.

As for my health, i am severly brused and really not mentally stable but writing seems to help. When i was typing this chapter up it made me happier then i have been in a long time! I just wanted to thank you guys for everything and for your concerns!

I love you girlies!

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