A Thousand Words

Poison Apples


With the last day of school came summer. Summer meant so many things. Summer meant days spent on the beach. Summer meant dipping my toes in the sand. but most of all, summer meant Dorian Smith. My secret, forbidden summer romance.

Dorian was the apple, and I was Snow White. He was my favorite poison. Our summer fun probably wouldn't have bloomed at all if I wasn't the typical, rebellious teenager. My father is the chief of police here. And Dorian is one of the police force's favorite people: he's the reason they have a job.

Dorian does everything your parents warn you not to do. He does drugs, he's had sex multiple times, with multiple girls, he breaks in places for fun, etc... basically, my dad had warned me one too many times about Dorian one too many times, to the point where rebellion settled in. It was inevitable that when I ran into dorian on accident, and he started flirting, I would respond. Anything to make Daddy's nostrils flare.

The conversation was actully pretty innocent. "Hey. You're Summer, right?" Yes. My name was Summer too. Summer Vale. Kind of weird, if you ask me. My dad gets a kick out of it.


"The daughter of the chief. What's that like?"

"Boring. Except the occasional witness sleeping in our house for protection."

"Boring? You would think it would be exciting. Catching murderers and all that." I laughed.

"No. He won't let me anywhere near the areas he goes to. protection and all that. I'm surprised he even lets me go to this part of town."


"You, of course. Nothing scares him more than a criminal that's my age."

"Are you scared?" I could practically feel the laugh vibrate through his body as he teased me. He knew the answer very well.

"I'm..." and that's where the conversation completely ended because he cut me off with his lips. The conversation itself was innocent. It was the body language that made it not so pure.

The entire conversation, Dorian had me pinned against the wall and was attacking my neck with his teeth. Both of our breathing was heavy and we took pauses that, in other circumstances, would seem like strange places to pause. that would be the reason he knew I wasn't scared. People who were scared didn't gasp with pleasure. People who were scared tried to run.

Dorian was so different from any other guy I had dealt with. He was bold, he took control, and he didn't hesitate once. He knew exactly what would make me enjoy his presence and what would be crossing a line without asking. Never once was his boldness a problem. He seemed incapable of doing something I didn't like.

But all good things eventually fade away. Ours didn't. Ours was abruptly snuffed out. I wasn't sure how it happened, but I noticed the change. The tense way he squared his shoulders every time I mentioned going out. The angry posture he now had when he sat next to me. The way he so obviously ignored me, expecting me to crawl to him and pour my heart out, and trust him like I should have from the beginning.

My dad had found out.

It wasn't long before he snapped. And when my dad snapped, when he was angry, he was rash and uncontrollable. there was no knowing what he would do. It seemed like the start of a normal conversation. "So, what did you do today?"

"I just sat at the computer all day. Nothing special." Not a lie. I had been sitting at the computer all day.

"What were you doing on the computer?"

IMing Dorian, if I was honest. "IMing a friend." Again, not a lie. although not the truth, either. Dorian was no friend of mine. He was something different entirely.

My father picked up on the half truth immediately "It was that delinquent, wasn't it? Don't lie to me!" His knife stuck into the table as his fist slammed down. It stayed there, dug in so deep that it stood upright even without my father's fist to support it.

I had never been afraid of my father. iIknew what he could do if he wanted. He could arrest Dorian, he could have me in "protective" custody (aka I'm grounded), he could have me watched by a police escort wherever I went. But I wasn't afraid. Because even though they were possibilities, they all seemed so far away. Impossible, even.

But from the look in his eyes, I knew that they weren't impossible. I had only really started this relationship with Dorian to get my father angry. and now that I had, I wished he had never found out. I liked Dorian. I honestly did. Even though really, I had been using him to make my father angry, and he had been using me for sex, our relationship had slowly developed into something legitimate. I didn't want to lose Dorian, He understood me more than my dictating father did. And I understood him better than his drug dealers ever would.

I was grounded for two weeks. That didn't help his case. It only pushed my rebellious state more. I snuck out to see Dorian all the time. We made out a lot, as usual, but I think we both sensed the end was near. We didn't waste our time on physical needs. We mstly talked. I wanted to know everything about Dorian. I wanted to really know him. And he felt the same way about me. Dorian wasn't afraid of my father. Actually, he saw my father as a challenge. He said it only made me more attractive, knowing I was forbidden. I was his favorite poison, too.

"You know that hen summer ends, this is all over. There's no way your father will let you go out into town when it ''distracts you from your studis.'"

"I know. I know... but with me, summer never ends." Dorian grinned and kissed me long and hard under the moonlight.
♠ ♠ ♠
1,009 words.

That last little quote is sooo cheesy. I feel disappointed in myself for writing it! Oh well.
