‹ Prequel: Unseen Love
Sequel: Love Conquers All

Forgotten Lover


Gerards POV

When I got out of the shower Frank had already prepared breakfast. He always made a big breakfast for me telling me it was the most important meal of the day when I didn’t want to eat or when I use to be hung over in the mornings. I always ate as much as I could to make him happy. I walked into the kitchen and wrapped my arms around his slender waist. He giggled and leaned back against me.

“I love you, Frankie-baby”

“I love you to, sugar”

He pecked me lightly on the lips before handing me my plate. He smiled at me and fixed me a glass of coffee. I sat down and watched him as hips swayed and he walked over to me. He smiled before walking back to the counter to fix a glass of coffee for himself and his plate. He set the down on the table beside mine and took a seat next to me. We ate breakfast in a comfortable silence just enjoying each other’s presence. After we finished he kissed me on the lips and I went to put my shoes on and finish getting ready for work. Frank made his way to the shower. Frank was out of the shower by the time I was ready to leave.

“Have a good day at work, Gee”

I smiled and wished him a good day at college before pecking his lips and leaving the house.

No one’s POV

Frank roamed around the house for about thirty minutes tidying up and make sure the place
looked nice before leaving for college. Frank was at the last red light before he got to his college waiting for it to turn green so he could go. When the light flashed green Frank pressed his foot on the gas as he was half way through the light a car collided with his car. Crushing the metal in on Frank’s small frame as the car hit his door. Frank screamed out in fear and pain. He felt multiple shards of glass fall across his body cutting into his arms, back, and face. The car was spinning from the force of the impact the other car made and his head was flung into the windshield. Frank whimpered and his vision began to fade to where everything was nothing but black.
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Hey guys! I hate to say this, but this story only has a few more chapters left. I love thsi story I'll miss it. -sigh-

Oh and I started a new story it's differnt from my ussal style of writing. Give it a chance please I'll post the link below :)

Why Isn’t Life As Simple As Everyone Says It Is?
