‹ Prequel: Unseen Love
Sequel: Love Conquers All

Forgotten Lover

he wont have to feel guilty

Franks POV

I woke up on the couch like I seem to do a lot lately. I pull myself up into a sitting position and rub at my eyes sleepily. I finally get up and walk into the kitchen and fix a small glass of water fro Gerard. I walk over to the medicine cabinet and get something for his hangover and walk to our room. The whore who fucked him was still asleep in out bed. I set the stuff down on the dresser and nudge her shoulder slightly trying to wake her up. If Gerard doesn’t find the whore in his bed he has nothing to feel guilty about. She finally woke up and I left her to get dressed.

I started off by fixing a cup of coffee knowing Gerard would want it when he woke up. I then started cooking Gerards breakfast. He really is a great guy he just has bad habits. I saw the chick stumble out of our room and she smiled at me as she kept looking for something.

“Umm… Have you seen my shoes?”

“I think they are by the door”

“Okay, thanks”

She put her shoes on and left. I sighed as I walked into the bedroom and shook Gerard lightly trying to wake him up. He groaned and chunked my pillow at me. I sighed and stood up.

“Gerard please get up, baby”

“No..mmmwanna sweep”

“Gerard please get up”

“Fine” He said sitting up right.

He was always cranky when he had a hangover so I handed him the water and something to kill the headache. He smiled and took the meds I gave him mumbling a small thanks.

“Come on, Gee, lets get you something to eat” I said while extending y hand for him to take.
He took it and let me help him up.

He looked up at me and froze. His hand slowly extended to my face where he lightly stroked my bruised cheek. I flinched and he had a sad look spreading across his face. No, he should never be sad. Gerard deserves only to be happy. I should have covered it up with make up I’m so fucking stupid.

“W-what happened t-to you c-cheek, Frank?”

I didn’t answer I couldn’t I was to busy cursing myself for being so stupid and not covering
up the bruise with makeup.

“D-did I do t-that”

“I-it was an accident, Gee”

“Oh okay” He didn’t seem convinced though.

I walked into the kitchen and Gerard followed me. I fixed him a cup of coffee and placed his breakfast in front of him. He smiled and thanked me. Gerards a great guy he really is it’s just the drugs and alcohol influence him to be a complete asshole. I smiled and kissed the top of his head and fixed myself a glass of water and sat down across from him. We just sat there in silence Gerard enjoying my presences and I just enjoyed being near him when he was sober and my Gerard.
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