My Bestfriend And Me


Hailey’s POV

“Ry,” I said trying to get out of bed, “Ryan,” I said, and still he wouldn’t move, I sighed and decided to go one step farther. I went and ran my fingers up his leg, and up the side of his stomach. He twitched.

“What was that?” He asked drowsily.

“Me waking you up, obviously.”

“Ugh, you’re a weird one aren’t you.” He looked at me with those beautiful eyes of his.

“That I am. But you love it. Don’t even try lying to me about it.” I laughed a bit. Then he quickly got up and rushed to the bathroom.

“Hey ” I said loudly, “Get back out here ” I said knocking on the door.

“Never ” He replied laughing.

“I’m going to sit out here and wait then,” I said plopping myself in front on the door.

“While you wait I’ll get a shower, and you can wait out there.” He said loudly as he started the shower.

“But I have you’re clothes over here, who knows what I’ll do with them ” I said ever louder then him a smile placed on my face. He cracked the door slightly and searched the room for his clothes, which were lying in a pile beside my bed.

“You wouldn’t do anything to them,” He said skeptically, I gave him a look and he sighed, stepping out of them bathroom, jumping over me and running for his clothes.

Ryan’s POV

I quickly picked my clothes up off the floor and made a dash for the bathroom again, but in no time at all we were on the ground. Me pinned beneath her.

“Wow,” I said out of breath, she smiled at me. “How’d you do that? You’re like super tiny.” I added amazed.

“I’m not that small,” She said rolling beside me.

“You’re tiny,” I exclaimed.

“And you’re a giant” She retorted, “Better get your shower now, you’re wasting the water.”

“Oh yeah,” I replied getting up of the ground.

“When’s your first class today?” She asked sitting up.

“11, why?” I asked looking down.

“You might want to hurry up it’s 10:30 right now ”

“Crap ” I said and ran quickly towards the bathroom clothes in hand shutting the door behind me.

Hailey’s POV

I let out a laugh, knowing that Ryan was probably going to be late—well not really he thought it was 10:30, it was only 8:45. I smiled to myself, it was fun messing with him. I decided it was time to get ready, I’d been in sweats all day yesterday, it was time to get ready.

“You’re in the bathroom as long as a girl.” I stated as Ryan walked out with the towel wrapped around his waist, water dripping down from his hair..

“How long do I have to get to class?” He asked quickly.

“About two hours Ry,” I told him smiling. He looked towards the clock and then back to me.
“You didn’t change the clock back so I could stay longer, did you?” He asked jokingly.

“I’m being 120 percent serious Ryan,” I answered getting up off my bed, and walking towards the bathroom.

“Oh great, now we’ll be here forever ” He said sighing. “I’ll be here…for the next hour ” He added once I closed the door. I laughed and shook my head pulling my make-up from the drawer under the sink.

Ryan’ POV

I sat on her bed waiting patiently after getting dressed. 10 minutes went by, 20 minutes, 30 minutes. Oh my god she took a long time I thought to myself. I stood up and went searching for her iPod, it was in here somewhere.

“What are you doing?” She asked curiously as she walked out. I stood up and looked over at her, looking back down quickly, she looked so, so beautiful…

“I’m, uh…looking for your iPod,” I stated stupidly.

“It’s right here,” She said simply picking up beside her bed.

“Oh.” I replied smiling. “Want to go get some breakfast?” I asked.

“Sure, let’s make a date of it ” She said smiling, walking towards me grabbing my hand and pulling my towards the door.

“I need shoes ” I told her, she looked down at our feet and laughed.

“I guess that’d be smart.” She stated letting go of my hand in search of her shoes which were over by her desk. I slipped on my converse and waited as she put on her flats.

“Okay ” She said smiling at me, “Let’s go now,” She added grabbing my hand and pulling me out the door into the hallway.

Ryan’s POV

“So where’d you want to go?” She asked slowing down once we got outside.

“Where is there to go?” I asked sarcastically.

“Caf?” She asked, I smiled and nodded my head.

“Might as well…” I replied as we made our way down the little pathway towards to cafeteria.

“You eat like a bird.” I stated pointing at Hailey’s fruit salad thing.

“And you eat like a great white,” She replied smirking at my plate.

“I don’t ” I said.

“You really do,” She answered, “Look how much is on your plate.” She stated.

“It’s not that much,” I replied, she smiled and shrugged her shoulders.

“Whatever you say,” She told me piercing a piece of fruit.

“I’ll see you after classes?” She asked hugging me. I held her closely breathing in the smell of her as we swayed back and fourth, I bodies molded together. Everything just felt right, there was no way she couldn’t feel it, she had too I thought to myself. “Ryan?” She asked looking up at me, I looked down and smiled at her.

“I’ll be there with bells on,” I stated happily, “Well maybe not bell but…” She smiled at me putting her face back into my chest. I rested my chin atop her head and sighed.

“Are you guys going out?” A group asked as they passed. Hailey let go of me and turned around.

“Does it look like we’re dating?” Hailey asked curiously.

“It just looked like you were,” One girl said.

Hailey’s POV

“I have to go,” Ryan whispered into my ear, “I’ll see you later,” He added giving my hand a squeeze before he left. I watched as he walked away and couldn’t help but smile.

“Do you see the way he looks at you?” The girl asked snapping me back to attention. I gave her a confused look and shook my head.

“We’re just friends.” I replied

“By the way he looks at you, and the way you look at him it doesn’t seem that way.” She said, walking quickly to catch up with her friends. Did it really look like we were dating? I asked myself as I slowly walked towards the English wing. If that girl was telling the truth I’d have to talk to Ryan tonight—about a lot of things…