My Bestfriend And Me

Sex Game

Ryan’s POV
I watched her sleep, if that wasn’t creepy enough. She was just so beautiful, it wasn’t even funny. Her long dark eyelashes fluttered as she slept, all I could do was imagine the bright blue eyes behind them. I wrapped my arms around her and smiled, I was in heaven that was for sure. Her blonde hair was up and out of her face but there were still the random pieces falling in front of her eyes. I gently brushed the piece of hair from her face and she stirred.

“Hey,” She said quietly opening her eyes.

“Hey,” I replied smiling. She smiled back and me and closed her eyes; maybe she just had to see that this was real, and god was this real, it was a dream come true.

I smiled at her pajamas. She had on a pair of Scooby-doo boxers and a tank, those boxers were probably mine too, from way back when. I couldn’t help but laugh at the fact, man I was a loser. She had her own style, something girls wouldn’t dare do, and trust me girls tried all the time. They couldn’t pull off the long tees and sweaters with leggings, or the skinny jeans and band tees, they just couldn’t. Hailey was my rocker girl, we’d been concert buddies since our first concert way back in the day. That was her and I loved her for it, and now she was mine.

Hailey’s POV
I woke up early in the morning and sighed. I didn’t actually have any classes until 2:30, which was good, I just hated getting up early when I didn’t have too. I turned over so I could look at Ryan. I was waiting to wake up from this dream I called life. It was crazy it really was. I smiled at his sleeping figure, I was so lucky to have him, as both my best friend and boyfriend.

“Ryan,” I whispered thinking that it was time for a shower, if only I could get out of his arms, and of course he didn’t wake up he was the heaviest sleeper I knew. “Ryan ” I said again shaking him. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled at me.

“Hey Hailz.” He said yawning.

“Could you let me out?” I asked smiling.

“Where would you go?” He asked letting me go and sitting up.

“To get a shower.” I stated hopping out of bed.

“Can I come?” He asked hopefully, I gave him a skeptical look.

“In the shower?” I asked, he nodded, “With me?” He nodded again smirking, “I don’t think so buddy.” I told him, he smiled and flopped back down on the bed closing his eyes.

“Then I’ll imagine” He said as I walked towards the bathroom.

“You’re gross Ry ” I said closing the door. I walked towards the shower and turned it on, shedding my pajamas and stepping into the steamy shower smiling, Ryan had always been like that. I doubt he would ever change.

“Hailey ” He said knocking on the door about 10 minutes later. I sighed holding the shampoo bottle.

“Did you want something?” I asked loudly.
“I need to take a piss ” He said. I smiled he was such an immature guy sometimes. “Will you let me in?”
“The doors unlocked…” I stated laughing slightly, I heard the faint sound of an oh and the twist of the door knob as he walked inside and shut the door.

“And the slut is here,” He said, putting down the toilet seat and sitting on it.

“Is she actually?” I asked lathering my hair and opening the curtain slightly. He looked over and nodded his head. “That’s a first.” I added rinsing out the shampoo.

“And I guess I have to act like I actually went to the bathroom…” He said deviously, I poked my head through the curtain and looked as he had his hand on the handle.

“You wouldn’t” I said quietly.

“Oh I would,” He said smiling and pressing down the handle automatically making the water go freezing cold. I screamed loudly and jumped out and who was there but to save me? None other that Ryan who wrapped his arms around me, I looked up at him and squinted my eyes.

“You did that on purpose,” I said grabbing a towel and wrapping it around myself. “I hate you.” I stated.

“You love me,” He replied smirking, and it was true I did love him, I couldn’t hate him. “If you only let me in the shower…” He said pulling my into another hug, but I was covered this time.

“I’m going to slice you with my razor.” I said smiling.
“You wouldn’t,” He said backing up and away from me.

“You’re right, I wouldn’t…but I would hit you over the head.” I stated simply, slapping the back of his head.

“Hey ” He said holding his head, “What was that for?” He asked, I smiled and shrugged my shoulders, “I love how you had to stand on your tippy toes to reach my head ” He added snickering slightly.

“Shut up ” I replied hitting his arm.

“Ow,” He said, “You’re such a beast.”

“I know,” I answered opening the door and stepping out. “It’s just who I am.” I added walking towards my little closet looking for something to wear. “Hey Shelby,” I said quickly as I passed her while she got clothes that she’d need for the rest of the week.

“Hi?” She replied, with more of a question than an answer, I sighed and shook my head—same old, same old.

“You’re sooo slow,” I said bored falling back onto Ryan’s bed. It was finally spring break and there was some party we were going to off campus somewhere, hopefully it’d be fun. We’d been going out for 3 weeks now, and it still felt like a dream.

“You’re so impatient” He replied. I sat up and something fell to the ground, I looked down to see a notebook, I bent down and picked it up flipping through the pages. From the looks of it, it seemed to be some sex game. I was looking at the pages a little more carefully when Ryan came out. “What’s this?” I asked curiously already sure of what it was. I kept flipping through the pages, there were multiple girls names written down with dashes beside them, including multiple guys names, I was guessing the ones that had slept with those girls. I looked up at him frowning, the dream crashing down.

Ryan’s POV
Shoot, I thought, she wasn’t supposed to find that. It wasn’t even mine actually, it was Brandon’s. He had this game going on, where guys tried to sleep with a girl, their names starting with a letter from the alphabet.

“Well?” She asked putting the book down beside her. When I was still silent she continued. “Are you going to explain yourself Ryan, because I’m telling you, you don’t say anything and I’m gone.” She stated angrily.

“Let me explain.” I told her

“That’s what I’m waiting for.” She said standing up.
“It’s a…I…” I began not knowing where to start when Brandon walked in. We both looked at him and he smirked.

“Don’t worry,” He said, “If I’m interrupting I’ll leave.” He added holding up his hands. Hailey held up the book walking towards me Brandon let out a laugh and slapped me on the back. “She found the book man, have fun explaining that ” He said sitting down on his bed waiting for the fight to begin.

“Ryan,” Hailey said quietly looking up at me. “Will you just tell me?” She asked trying to stay calm.

“I…I can’t, it’s hard to explain,” I said. Crap this wasn’t good, I was just digging myself into a bigger hole.

“Well come talk to me when you can,” She said slamming the notebook into my chest walking away. I sighed loudly throwing the book towards Brandon who was laughing.

“Man, you’re in trouble with your girl.” He said dragging it on. “I don’t think she likes you right now.” He stated stupidly.

“You think?” I asked angrily. “If you’d put that book somewhere else.” I said.

“You’re the one who had it last ” He said holding up his hands. “You should of just slept with her,” He added, “But instead you dragged it on.” I clenched my jaw and sighed not willing to tell him that I was actually in love with her—that I had been telling the truth about. But it was true, I was part of that game and now I wasn’t sure that she’d take me back…