My Bestfriend And Me

Recurring Friendship

Hailey’s POV

I lay on my bed unmoving. I had things to think about, like Ryan and the fact that he was part of some sex game from what I could see. I sighed and sat up reaching down towards the ground to pick up my cell phone. I rotated it in my hands, and then flipped it open thumbing through my contacts. I knew just who to call in my times of trouble and this time it wasn’t Ryan.

“Hello?” Megan asked once she had answered the phone. I almost broke down and started crying then, not just because of Ryan, but because Megan was my best friend and I hadn’t seen her since summer. She went to one university I went to another.

“Hey Megs,” I replied.

“Hailey ?” She said loudly, “Oh my gosh I love you best friend ” She added which got me smiling. “What’s up, how are you?” She asked happily.

“Umm…not much really, I mean life’s been better.” I stated sadly falling back onto my bed.

“What’s happened?” She asked seriously.

“Well Ryan…” I started slowly, “Well we tried, but um, I don’t think it worked out.” I added not able to talk.

“Hailz…” She said quietly, “I’m sorry, I love you.” She stated.

“I love you too.” I answered, “Now let’s talk about something that’s actually going good,” I told her, “How are you and Spencer doing?” I asked changing the subject. She faltered slightly probably because she didn’t want to tell me how good they were doing. They were a perfect couple; they’d been going out since grade 11 too. It’s something I wanted, I wanted to find someone just like she has.

“We’re doing great, same old same old,” She said playing it down for me. “I think you should come back down to North Bay, everyone misses you.” She said.

“You mean now?” I asked sitting up.

“Why not?” She asked sounding happy, “It’s spring break, it could be like old time.”
“I don’t know…” I said thinking about it.

“Come on Hailz, you know you want to.” She said laughing, “I haven’t seen you in forever, you have to come ” She said trying to persuade me.

“You know what.” I said standing up, “I think I will.” I stated as she squealed into the phone.
“Oh my gosh, I have to phone everyone ” She said ecstatically.

“I’ll let you go then.” I said smiling slightly and pulling out my suitcase. “I love you Megan.” I said.

“Love you too, phone me when you leave, and phone me when you get here, it’s going to be awesome, bye Hailz” She said hanging up, I closed my phone and threw it on the bed, plucking random clothes from my closet. She was right, this was something I needed, I hadn’t seen her in forever either. She was the best at getting my mind off things and just having fun.

“Here we go,” I said to myself locking the door and pulling my suitcase down the hallway we me. I was on my way back to North Bay from Toronto, it wouldn’t take that long driving, maybe 4 hours but I’d do anything to go back to my little home town to spend my spring break with people and friends that I could trust and talk too.

“You’re here ” She shouted wrapping her arms around me in a huge hug.

“Hey ” I said smiling. God I’d missed her.

“You have to come inside, everyone’s here ” She said grabbing my hand, pulling my inside and shutting the door behind us.

“Everyone?” I asked curiously, dropping my bags by the front door. She looked back at me and nodded her head smiling. “You didn’t did you Megs?” I asked.

“I did,” She said pulling us into the living/dining room where everyone came out saying ‘surprise ’ I laughed at all my old friends planning some sort of surprise welcoming home thing for me, even if it was an epic fail, I still loved them.

“I totally forgot how fun it was to hang out with you guys.” I said smiling, I hadn’t stopped smiled since I got here which was a good thing.

“You won’t forget now,” Matthew said throwing shoulder over my arm. He was right I definitely wouldn’t forget, I had totally forgotten what I had loved some much about this small town – I remembered now.

“I think I should go now guys,” I said yawning, “My parent’s still down know that I’m even down here.” I told them standing up.

“You should stay ” Megan said sitting in Spencer’s lap.
“I’m tired though,” I stated, “Driving for four hours does that to you.” I told her. She pouted at me but nodded her head standing up to hug me.

“I’m coming over to your house super early tomorrow then.” She said to me grinning.

“No early.” I answered frowning.

“Did I say early?” She asked, “Because when I say early, I’m thinking brunch, late lunch…how does that sound ?” She said happily. I laughed, how could I forget, Megan was the queen of sleeping, it was practically her life beyond School, Spencer and friends.

“Sounds good.” I stated letting go.

“Let’s me walk you,” Matthew said walking with me to the door as Spencer and Megan yelled bye from the living room—everyone else had already left.
“Sure sounds good,” I said smiling, grabbing for Matthew’s hand. I’d also forgotten the really good friendship we’d had too, but it was slowly coming back…