
The Article

" As I began my month with the boys of Panic! At The Disco the very first thing that happened was that I was hit in the head with a basketball. I started this month with aprehension and caution, but as the month went on the boys grew on me as if we were family. As if we had grown up together. We all fit together perfectly, and it brought me much excitement and new experiances. Sort of like your first kiss. Exciting and Dangerous.
As I sit at the table with bassist Jon Walker and Drumer Spencer Smith we share coffee and Mac Donalds French fries while disscussing the many fans that they have. "I once had a girl that threw her bra and under where at me once. It was insaine. It scared me a little bit to." Recalls Walker about a previous fan incounter in Las Vegas. "Some times our fans surprise us alot. They really can make or break us. And I do have to say, they keep us on our toes. We are always getting gifts from them. Good and Bad." Smith chokes on the Mountain Dew he is drinking and laughs, pointing at Walker. "Do you remember those hairy cookies?" Both share a laugh, as the three of us hear a vomiting sound comming from lead singer's Brendon Urie's bunk. "Dude. Those were gross. Can we please stop bringing them up?" Lyricist and guitarist Ryan Ross sits in his bunk strumming his guitar, and attempting to write lyrics. Though, with all the noise that is going on, he can barely come up with anything at all. I watch the guys as they laugh and scream and realize that like many teens/ young adults their age they are DORKS. The first concert I was definately a prep. The guys gave me grossed out looks as I walked out the door. Brendon stepped up to the plate.
After about 10 minutes of Brendon digging through my trunk I stepped back out into the hallway. I had been transformed from prep to emo. This time I got nods of approval. I had just realized how COOL these teen sensations really are. The concert kicked ass, and the music was amazing. But one thing scared me. Alot. I was slowly falling for Ryan Ross.
As crazy as it seems, I can't really go into detail about anything. All I can say, is love when you can, kiss as much as possible, and write it on your heart that the ones you love are life's most precious gift. That's all for now, ma petites.
Emma! At The Disco