Cheer Up Emo Kid

Nightmares and Little Lollypop

(Halley's POV)

I was about six years old and skipping through the house. I saw mum in the kitchen baking cookies. I skipped over to her and tried to put my finger into the cookie dough. She told me no but handed me a finished cookie that had already cooled off. I took it happily and skipped off to find daddy. He was reading in the recliner. I jumped on his lap and he put down his book, smiling at me. I munched on my cookie and soon after I finished it, I fell asleep in daddy's lap.

I woke up in my own bed and 4 years older. Ten years old and I was still skipping through the house like I was 6. I had told mum and dad the other day that I like girls and they were supportive. I was on a high I didn't think would ever end, everything was so perfect. I was outside the kitchen door and stopped when I heard voices.

"I mean, I want to be supportive but, can't believe it," mum said.
"Yea I know. I didn't see it coming," dad said back.
"Do you think we messed up somewhere?"
"Maybe...I don't know...”
"Well maybe we could try and..." she stopped as if thinking.
"Put her on a straighter path?" dad asked.

I walked into the kitchen.

"Halley, honey, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" mum asked and dad turned to look at me. I had been crying? I hadn't realized.

"You hate me don't you," it wasn’t so much a question as a statement. Mom rushed over to me and hugged me tight.

"Oh honey whatever gave you that idea?" she asked.

"I heard you a minute ago. I can hear you know," I said sadly.

"Oh Halley!" she started. I pushed her away.

"Why don't you just say it? You’re ashamed aren’t you?"

"No!" dad said.

"Yes! Yes you are! Just say it, Your ashamed of me!" I yelled

"It’s not that, it's's complicated" he said.

"No! No it's not complicated! I like girls! And your ashamed of it!" mom started to flinch at my yelling.

"Halley dear, please understand," mom said softly "we want to be supportive, we really do, but..." she seemed at a loss of words, but dad cut in almost immediately when she stopped.

"It's fucking sick!" he yelled.

"William!" mom yelled at him. I didn't pay her any attention though.

"Well then if you think I’m so fucking sick then fuck you!" I yell back.

"Halley Michelle watch your mouth!" mum yelled at me.

"Back off!
You’re just as bad as he is! I hate you! Both of you!" I yelled and stormed off to my room. Dads yelling carrying up after me.

"Well fine then, act like a gay bitch! Just dissapear or..Or…Be normal!"

I don't remember much after that. clothes flying, a suitcase, running, yelling, crying...dark! then felling when through me. fear, cold, sad, stupidity, guilt...homesick. I when home and fire, burning and blazing! Scorching the house. Firefighters, fire trucks and ambulances everywhere! Mom and dad's bodies, dead, pulled out of the house. The burning house, parents dead .

I shot up in bed and instantly dropped back. I had tears streaming down my cheeks, and my body still ached. After a few minutes I got up and dressed. I didn't bother with a shower, like anyone cared anyway. I snuck up the stairs and looked around. No one was around. I walked into the kitchen, careful of my ankle, and looked for something to eat. A small finger pocked my leg and I jumped, looking down. I sighed and relaxed, it was just Lollypop. Okay well her name is Lexie really but I like Lollypop better! She’s about 6 years old. Real smart for her age but still very innocent. She my best friend here in my personal hell!

"I’m sorry Halley!" she said quietly "I didn't mean to scare you."

"It’s okay Lollypop, no harm done. What time is it do you know?" I asked as I pulled out a small bottle of coke from the fridge.

"Uhhhh it's," she ran out of the room, probably to look at the clock in the living room. "230 o'clock!" she said running back to me. What I thought. I walked into the living area, Lollypop close behind, and looked at the clock. I sighed and smiled down at her.

"Okay first, it's a five, not a two, and that means 5:30," I looked out the window and back at her "and judging by how dark outside is, it's 5:30 AM." she looked up at me.

"What's AM?" she asked. I smiled again. Oh to be young again, I mean I’m not old, but to be so oblivious to so many things, and just so innocent. It must be nice...

"AM just means it's in the morning," I said walking back into the kitchen. "What are you doing up so early anyway?" I turned to look at her. She’s six! Why is she up at this hour?

"I...I ummm....I kinda w-w-wet the bed a-again," she looked like she was going to cry. I put down my coke and pulled her into a hug. She cried but not real loud or hard or anything, just small sad tears. I pulled away and whipped the tears away, kissing her forehead.

"Awww don't cry Lollypop. Common lets change your sheets and get you in bed okay?" she nodded and took my hand. We walked into her room quietly, everyone in the house was still asleep, and you never wanna wake someone up. Only because it will wake Skyla. And waking Skyla before 10AM at the most was always bad! I carefully took off Lollypop's piss covered sheets and put them into her hamper. I went to the closet and put clean sheets and a blanket on the bed. Lollypop climbed into her bed and smiled up at me.

"Thanks Halley!" I bent down to give her a kiss and stood up. I was almost out the door when she called me back. "Halley?"

"Yea Lollypop?" I asked looking back at her.

"What happened to your face? Did someone hit you?" she asked sweetly. Not like Skyla's sick-sweet-like voice though. No Lollypop's voice was sweet with innocence and worry. I knew she cared, but I would never tell her what happened to me, I never did. It’s just not something you tell a 6 year old.

"Uhhh nothing Lollypop, I just got in a fight with a kid a school. It's fine really. I'm okay," Oh what a lie!! I said to myself.

"Okay then. Goodnight Halley thanks for the help!"

"Anytime kiddo. Sleep tight, I love you," I said softly.

"Love you too," she said befor driffting off to sleep.

I quietly closed the door and walked back to the kitchen. I picked up my coke bottle and, grabbing my hoodie and iPod, walked out the back door. The cold air hitting my face was refreshing. I breathed in deeply befor pulling on my hoodie and turned on my iPod. I stuffed an earphone in one ear and started walking away from hell.

I wasn't really paying attention to where my feet were taking me. I just walked along listening to Thank You for the Venom by My Chemical Romance, keeping my guard up though. I knew I shouldn’t be out all alone in Jersey at this hour but how knows, maybe if I get killed it'll be fast and painless. Then I could be with mum and dad, be able to apologize for what happened 4 years ago.

I shook my head and whipped away my tears. I looked around to see where I had ended up. The park by A.J's house. My cell just happened to be in the pocket of the jeans I had pulled on, so I took it out and called A.J's cell. No one answered and I tried Zach. Still no one answered. I decided to call A.J one more time...

"Hey this is A.J," I smiled but it soon fell "I can't get to my cell right now so leave a message okay? -Beep-"

"Uhhh hi A.J it's me Halley...look I’m at the park by yours if you get this soon...ummm yea Skyla got to me again, I’m pretty beat up and I could really use a friend right now," I started to cry. "You and Zach forgot my birthday sniff I can't believe it! Well yea sniff call back please."

I hung up and when over to the big willow tree. The branches all hung low to the ground. It was like a curtain of leaves and such. I pulled them aside and slipped under the tree. It was like a big dome because the branches touched all the way around the tree. It’s the best place to hide from the world, and my favorite place to think.

I just lay there, under the tree, thinking. I thought about everything and nothing. What Zach and A.J were doing now? Was Lollypop okay? I thought about how badly I want to see that MCR concert I heard about and how much I missed mom and dad. I thought about how horrible we had been to each other when we saw each other last, how bad I wanted to go back and fix die in the fire with them, or just get them out.

I also thought about what my life would be like, if they were still here with me...
♠ ♠ ♠
well there u go...another update !!! i'm so proud of me !! even if this is all shit i don't care right now!!! i'm acctually doing something with myself and it feels fucking great!!!

but you wanna know what feels greater ?!?! COMMENTS !!!!!!!
please comment, PLEASE !!!! i'm begging u !!!

hope you enjoyed this...