Status: ACTIVE.

I Won't Call This Hell

if i could gather up the nerve

"No, Sophie," I said, digging my heels into the ground. She continued to pull on my hand, pulling the bottom of my sneakers over the concrete ever so slightly.

"C'mon, Lyn! They were great, you loved them, and now we're getting pictures!"


"Lynette Jordan Bryant, Garrett is over there! Now pull up your big girl panties, and don't ruin this for me!" Sophie screamed. She tugged on my hand one last time, before letting go. She then put her hands on my shoulders, making me look at her. Her bottom lip jutted out, in the perfect pout. I sighed, automatically hating her for this - I could not refuse her if she made that simple move.

"Please," she whispered, and I hated myself for what I was about to do. I nodded, Sophie's squeal filling my ears. She grabbed my hand again, and dragged me closer to the crowd of fans around the band.


So far, I'd been in three pictures.

Jared and Kennedy had smiled for us, placing themselves between Sophie and I when it was their turn. A nice mom had been tagging along with us, taking pictures while she waited for her own daughter to come back from the bathroom.

Taking a picture with Pat was a mess. First, he had a mini freak out session over Sophie's hair. He said he loved the color, and that he wish he had a mustache that shade. Sophie then said that if he did, his 'stache would then be too much for anyone to handle. Then, there was a big messy conversation about how much Pat actually could handle (he winked repeatedly in these moments) before he finally put on a funny smile and let us go on our way.

"Hey, you guys," John said, coming towards us after Sophie waved him over. "Did you enjoy the show?"

"It was fantastic," Sophie said.

"Yea, it was great. I just didn't expect to see you here," I said. John looked at me as I spoke. He looked away, then looked back again.

"Its you! The girl from the mall..!"

"Yes. The girl. From the mall. The one you rudely shoved into."

"Um, sorry about that," John said, blushing. I guess he didn't want any of his teeny fans knowing he can be a sour jerk, I thought, as he looked around.

"Its the past, and right now I just want to get home. Lets take this picture!" I said, and smiled as Teresa, the mom, waited for us to situate ourselves around John. He placed an arm around both of our waists, pullingboth of us me close. Teresa snapped a picture, and John released Sophie.

"I really am sorry," he whispered, leaning down so I could hear him. I just nodded, before waving goodbye like Sophie, who was walking like a zombie, drool coming from her mouth as she ran towards Garrett.


"What;s that?" I asked as my best friend tucked a piece of paper into her jean pocket.

"A deal," she said.

"Over what?"

"Nothing," I gave her the evil eye. Ten minutes later, I had wrestled the paper out of her pocket. One name: Garrett, was written in a lazy and rushed scrawl, followed by a phone number.

"He gave you this?"


"Then who?"


"'Cause thats not creepy at all," I laughed, "Well, what did you give him? You weren't out of my sight long enough for a quickie, I know that much."

She frowned at me, before smiling wickedly. "Your number," she said.
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if i was a boy, i would want a cool colorful mustache.
its weird, cause i don't like facial hair on a guy.