Stories of Teenage Demons


"Maria!" Damien yelled, running through the halls. She sighed and turned around, baring her fangs at her twin brother.

"What?" she growled. She never liked talking to anyone during the day. She had no idea now he could be so energetic. She would so much rather be back home, listening to the screams of the damned travel down the fiery halls, lulling her to sleep until nighttime when she awoke.

"I've found more..." he whispered.

She gasped, suddenly wide awake.

"You really mean...?" she asked. Maria had never seen any other demons walking the pathways of hell, and as far as she knew she and her brother were the only ones.

"Sorta," Damien said. "I mean, they're not really one of us, but they're... close."

"Tell me all about it," Maria said, extremely interested. She didn't care if they weren't really "one of them," as long as they were, as her twin had said, "close."

"Well, I was walking down the hall, and I sort of let my mind wander and my fangs poked out a little..." Damien started.

Maria groaned, cutting him off. "Damien, we'll be found out!"

"Anyways," Damien said, still hushed, so they wouldn't be found out, "I was walking, and a girl looked up at me. Valerie. She looked up at me and said, in a hushed voice, 'Are you one of us?' Her eyes were glowing red, just like ours do. And she had fangs, just like ours. And she was as pale as us. But I knew that she couldn't be one of us. For one, she lacked the distinctive smell of Hell. There were a lot of other signs too. She isn't a demon. But to be sure, I answered, 'Ut pendeo. Es vos unus nostrum?' she shivered and asked, 'What are you? You look like us, you act like us, but you're not one of us.' and I replied, 'I don't know, but I could say the same about you. I guess we're both pretty damn close, then.'"

"So what is she?" Maria asked impatiently.

"Patience, Sister," Damien said. Then he continued with his story. "She said, 'You look familiar.' Suddenly, she seemed familiar to me, too. 'Do you know my Father?' I asked quietly. She asked who my father was, and I just looked down, unable to give her an answer. She gasped in understanding and said, 'I get it now! You and I, we're related! Our species, that is. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if we were really cousins!'"

"So what is she then?" Maria snapped.

"Come meet her yourself," Damien replied. "She said she'd bring her brother if I brought my sister."

Maria begrudgingly went along with her twin brother. They were in the taped-off hallway that was said to be the most evil place in the school. There were lockers and a male and female locker room in this hallway, which meant that locker '666' was there at least three times.

These children love this hallway.

"Valerie, this is my twin sister, Maria," Damien said.

"Nice to meet you, Maria," Valerie said, shaking her hand.

"Nice to meet you too, Valerie," Maria replied.

"This is my brother, Kyle," Valerie added, introducing her brother.

"Charmed," he said.

"Likewise," Maria and Damien answered.

"So, if you don't mind me asking," Maria said, cutting to the chase, "What are you?"

The siblings seemed to look at each other for a second, as if silently conversing, and Kyle replied, "If we tell you what we are, you must keep it a secret."

"Likewise," Maria said.

"We... we're vampires," Kyle whispered.

"Demons," Maria whispered in response.

"Witches," another voice responded out of nowhere.

The four looked around. "Who said that?" Damien asked. "Because whatever you think you heard..."

"Relax," a girl said, stepping out of the shadows. "My name's Anne. You probably don't know me, but I'm a witch. I'm like you."

"I'm a witch too," the girl she was with said. "I'm Dani. We're best friends and in the same covenant."

"Well, I guess you heard our introduction," Kyle said. "But just in case, I'm Kyle and this is my sister Valerie. We're vampires."

"And this is my sister Maria and I'm Damien. Demons." Damien added.

"Well, it's nice to meet you," Dani said.

"Yeah. Nice."

This introduction, little did they know it, would be the start of a great bond that would last them through eternity.
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Okay guys, this is an original fiction. 100 one-shots turned into a 100 chapter story.

I'd really appreciate it if you tell me what you think. It'll get better. This was just the introduction; I've got 99 more themes to exercise.

Thanks for reading so far. :)