Unsafe Love

ummm well "Unsafe Love" is about a girl named Ame (Aw-may) Wright, a teenaged girl who moves to a new town (no its not Forks, Washington) and meets this strange boy... and of course she ends up falling in love with him... despite his weirdness. of course because why? LOVE DOESNT MAKE SENSE! EVER! lolz as the story progresses she finds herself in a difficult perdicament... she faces twists and turns in her life that even she doesnt expect... hell I didnt expect them and i wrote it... so if you like it message me or whatever ^.^ hope you enjoy it
  1. Chapter One
    This is the very first chapter in my uber long story... and its where Ame meets James... so i hope you enjoy it ^.^
  2. Chapter Two
    ummm i dont really remember what happens in these chapters... i wrote them like last summer.... sorry but read them if you read the first and pass them onto friends if you like ^.^ oh and dont click on the email things theyre not real.... as far as i
  3. Chapter Three
    again dont remember... but i think its shorter than the first two OH WAIT! THIS IS WHERE AME TELLS JAMES ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED TO HER AFTER HER MOTHER DIED! sorry its kinda depressing :( poor Ame
  4. Chapter Four
    um i dont remember but read it if you like the story so far
  5. Chapter Five
    TRIG MID-TERMS!!! YAY!!! haha
  6. Chapter Six
    James decides that he's going to marry Ame... but something goes astray when she tells her father... Completely changing her life... but not for the better necessarily.