Ava Grace

I Do

Reaching the point of destination, Billie Joe kissed Ava's cheek, shook Mike's hand, and took his best man spot. Ava smiled, passed her bouquet to Adrienne and took Mike's hands in hers, as the priest began.

A half hour into the ceremony, the priest asked if there were any objections. Gaining none, Ava sighed with relief and the ceremony continued. Five minutes later, it was time for the vows. Mike pulled his out of his pocket and said "I love you for your beauty, your intelligence, your kindness, your speak-your-mind attitude, and for the way you always know how to make me feel so special. So on top of all the other vows that I will make to you on our wedding day, I also vow to always appreciate how lucky I am to have someone who makes me feel the way you do and to continue to try as hard as I can to make you feel as special as you make me feel, forever and ever."

Mike tucked the piece of paper back into the pocket of his tuxedo jacket and Ava quickly wiped the tears off her cheeks. Smiling, she got her piece of paper from Adrienne and said "I don't feel so bad for not having them completely remember now."

Everyone laughed and Ava began speaking. "You have been my best friend, mentor, playmate, confidant, and my greatest challenge. But most importantly, you are the love of my life and you make me happier than I could ever imagine and more loved than I ever thought possible. It's been a long road to get where we are here today, but it's been completely worth it. You have made me a better person as our love for one another is reflected in the way I live my life. So I am truly blessed to be a part of your life, which as of today becomes our life together."

Ava and Mike smiled at each other and the priest said "And, now for the rings. Mike..."

Mike turned slightly, got Ava's wedding band from Billie Joe and turned back and slightly put in on Ava's ring finger.

The priest asked, "Ava, do you take Michael to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward?"

"I do."

Ava smiled as Mike slid the ring completely onto her finger, turned and got his from Adrienne. Putting it slightly on Mike's ring finger, the priest asked again, "Michael, do you take Ava to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward?"

"I do."

"So it is, on this beautiful sunny day here in Berkeley, here in the state of California, I pronounce you both husband and wife. Mike, you may kiss your bride."

Mike sighed and said "Finally."

He cupped Ava's face with his hands and they kissed. Parting after a minute or so, they smiled at each other and the priest said "Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to introduce to you to you, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ryan Pritchard."

Ava took her bouquet from Adrienne and wrapped her arm around Mike's. They made their way down the aisle, and then into the lobby for the rest of the wedding party.

Ava wrapped her arms around Mike's waist and leaned her head against his chest. He kissed the top of her head and said "I love you."

"Love you too Dirnt."

Ava smiled up at Mike and said "Can you believe we actually got married? Like seriously, if twenty years ago, someone told you, that we'd be married now...would you have believed them?"

"Not in a million years."

As Ava gave Mike a shocked look and Billie Joe and Adrienne walked up to them, Mike said "But I wouldn't change it now, for anything in the world."

"Aw, baby."

Ava kissed Mike and Billie Joe said "Please wait till later and don't be all lovey-dovey-kissy in front of me."

Ava looked at Billie Joe and said "Piss off. We're married now. We'll be lovey-dovey all the time now."

"Tour's just gonna be great."

"I know. Right?"

Billie Joe sighed and Tre and Claudia came over to them.

After the Ava, Mike, the wedding party, and close family members all had pictures taken by the photographer, Ava and Mike snuck up to the suite Ava had used earlier in the day for some alone time. They only have forty five minutes until the supper, but Ava didn't care, she just wanted to be able to take her shoes off for a few minutes and relax.

When they reached the suite, Ava unlocked it with her key and they both walked in. Ava slid out of her shoes and laid down on the bed. Mike sat next to her and said "There's barely any room for me with your dress."

"Ain't it hot on me though?"

Mike leaned down and kissed Ava. When they parted, he said "Mm hmm. Very hot. So hot in fact, you should take it off."

Mike kissed Ava's neck and as she giggled, she said "I don't think so tiger. Later tonight. After the reception...in our nice big honeymoon suite."

Mike looked at Ava and said "Do you have something sexy to wear?"

"Unbelievably sexy."


"It's almost see through."

"Sounds sexy...but I still think you need out of that dress."

"Later! My god...you're worse than a child."


Mike kissed Ava and she shook her head as they parted. She moved her dress skirt a little and Mike laid down next to her. Mike took Ava's hand in his and kissed the top lightly. Ava turned her head to look at him and said "I love you Mike."

"I love you too Ava."

Ava smiled and said "I have a question..."

"Okay. What is it?"

"Well actually I have two..."

"Then, what are they?"

"Well, number one is do you have a speech ready for tonight?"

Mike pulled a sheet of lined paper out of his pocket and said "Yes. Right here. I made sure to remember it when we left the house."

Ava laughed and Mike said "What's the other question?"

"Can we have another baby?"

Mike looked at Ava and said "What?"

"Can. We. Have. Another. Baby?"

"I heard you, but are you sure? You were the one who wanted to wait so there was a huge gap between the twins and the new baby just like Stella and the twins."

"I know. But...we can't really wait anymore."

Mike's eyes widened and he said "Really?"

"Really what?"

"Are you pregnant?"

Ava smirked and as a smile spread across Mike's face, Ava laughed and said "Oh god, I can't keep this joke going anymore. No, I'm not pregnant. I do want another baby soon though. Just not right before Green Day is set to release a politically charged album and a huge world tour."

"Nice description of American Idiot."

"I know."

Mike kissed Ava and said "We'll start trying when you're absolutely ready to. Deal? But, if it happens before then...it happens."


They kissed again and there was a knock on the door. Mike pulled away from Ava, groaned and got up. Ava sat up just as Mike answered the door. Billie Joe walked in and said "Oh good...I'm not interrupting sex."

Mike closed the door of the suite and said "She refused me until tonight."

Ava stood up and began to fix her somewhat frizzy curls and said "I didn't want to get sweaty or have sex hair."

Billie Joe laughed and said "Well, since I found you guys, can we please head down to the ballroom so I can announce you guys before dinner?"

Ava nodded and said "Yeah. I'm ready for more chaos."

Ava put her shoes back on and Mike took her hand. The three left the room and made their way down to the hotel's largest ballroom, where the dinner and reception were being held. Billie Joe walked in first and Ava and Mike waited to the side of the door for their entrance. A minute or so later, Ava and Mike gently kissed, just as Billie Joe announced them.

They walked in and everyone clapped. Taking their spots at the head table, Ava immediately began talking to Adrienne and Claudia while Mike starting talking to Billie Joe and Tre as the supper was served.

Around eight, with mostly everyone finished eating, it was time for the speeches. First up, was Billie Joe. He took the piece of paper out of his tuxedo pocket, smoothed it against the podium, and said "First of all, I would like to introduce myself for those of you who don't know me, which seems pretty unlikely. I'm Billie Joe Armstrong, Mike's best friend and band mate, and Ava's older brother. I'm also the best man and the master of ceremonies for this evening. And, I'd personally like to thank Ava and Mike for inviting all of us here today to celebrate in their big day. So, to kick off the evening, I'm going to tell the greatest best man speech I could write. I remember, years ago, when Mike first met Ava. He was ten, and she was six. I had met Mike just before mine and Ava's father had died and I was thankful to have a new best friend to help me through my devastation. It was close to Halloween that year before my mom had really adjusted enough to let me have friends over again. So, on Halloween, as usual, I had to bring Ava trick-or-treating with me and since Mike was gonna stay over, his mom had dropped him off earlier in the day. Anyways, the better part of their meeting came later that evening. We had just gone to a house relatively close to my brother Alan's and as we were walking back down to the sidewalk, Mike and I were walking behind Ava when a couple of older guys that I knew because of our brother David, walked up to her and took her candy-filled pumpkin. Me and Mike rushed right over and started arguing with them to give it back to her. They wouldn't so what ended up happening was that Mike punched the dude with the pumpkin in the nose and grabbed Ava's bucket. The three of us ran to Alan's before they could kept up and as soon as we were safe inside, Ava gave Mike the biggest hug a little six-year old could. Ever since then, he was her go-to guy. And, I'm glad my sister has found someone so trustworthy and reliable. The three of us have a lot of memories together, good and bad times, happy and sad ones. So, I toast to my best friend and the one of the greatest sister's I could ask for..."

Billie Joe looked towards where Mike and Ava sat at the head table.

"I wish you two all the happiness in the world and hope that you guys will have a marriage as great as the one I have."

Billie Joe walked back to his seat, but before he could sit down, Ava beckoned him over and hugged him. When she pulled away, she mouthed "Thank you," just as Adrienne made her way up to speak.

Just as Billie Joe had did, Adrienne smoothed her speech against the podium and began reading. "Just to introduce myself, I'm Adrienne Armstrong, the matron of honor. I'm the best man's wife, which would make me the bride's sister-in-law. Not to mention that, Ava and I are great friends, as I am with Mike. I remember the day I met both of them. It was mid-June of 1994. Ava had just finished finish high school and Mike and Billie Joe were getting ready to go on another Green Day tour. Billie Joe had asked me to move out to California with him, and when I arrived the first thing I just had to do, was meet his little sister. She was his complete world, and he made sure she, and everyone around them, knew it. He and her other brothers stepped up to be the father figure in her life, when they lost their father. Moving on, I met them at the exact same time. Billie Joe and I arrived at Ava's graduation party and he led me around the family home until we found Ava. Her and Mike were arguing, like most of my memories of them from long ago consist of. But now, I see them happily together as a wonderful loving couple. With two beautiful twins and of course, Mike's daughter Estelle. I know they both know how to pull on each other's nerves but how to make it all better in the end. I know they are truly meant to be. I extend the wish of Billie Joe to both of you and hope that this marriage will give you everything you both ask for."

Adrienne lifted her champagne glass and said "To Ava and Mike."

She took and sipped and returned to her seat. Gaining a kiss from Mike on the cheek and a hug from Ava, it was then Mike's turn at the microphone.

Mike scratched the back of his spiky blonde haired head and unfolded his speech.

"I don't usually use these things that much, but for Ava, what the hell. First off, Ava and I would like to thank all of you from coming. Today is a very special day for us and we're glad that all of you could be here with us to share it."

Mike paused for a second then started speaking again.

"Well, when I met Ava, I never thought I'd feel the way I feel about her now, then. Ava was a crazy little girl when I first met her, who ran around playing with her friends constantly, always convinced Billie Joe and I to play games with her, and had a passion for the music she had grown up around and the family she had grown to love. At Ava's age, my parents divorced, so I felt her pain when I learned from Billie Joe that their dad had died. But, we all got passed that, we all matured and, we all grew up. Billie Joe and I went on to form Sweet Children and then Green Day, and gained Tre, the best drummer we could ask for...while Ava grew up and matured into a beautiful and intelligent woman and gained acceptance into NYU, UC Berkeley, and Brown. Choosing to go to a university on the East Coast, she packed up her things just after Billie Joe and Adrienne's wedding and moved to New York. As the next few years passed, I barely saw Ava. She stayed in New York a lot to be with her friends, and to go to school and work, while I was constantly working on Green Day stuff, and getting married for the first time, and having my daughter Estelle. Then, finally in 2001, after a year and a half of going through a divorce, Ava and I became more than just the argumentative friends. And, I'm glad that because of that, we have our son and daughter. But, things happen, and we drifted apart until Ava and I finally got back together after the twins were born. Anyways, Ava and I, in my opinion, have love so strong that no matter who or what tries to break it, they won't be able to. We have a love that can last through anything. Ava, no matter what obstacles life throws at us, we'll make it together. You're beautiful, intelligent, kind, amazing, and I love you with all of my heart. You are the air that I breathe every day and I would probably die if I didn't have you, but I do. You make me the happiest man in the world in more ways than one. This is our day but when tonight is over, it's not, it is just the beginning, a continuation of what we've started and what will take us on in the rest of our lives. I love you and I'm so happy you're finally my wife."

As everyone clapped, Mike took a swig of his beer and made his way back to his seat. He sat down and Ava kissed him then wrapped her arms around his neck. Kissing his cheek as she pulled away, Ava whispered "I love you too," while Mike wiped the tears off her cheeks.

An hour or so hours later, it was almost half pass nine. Ava was holding Audrina and drinking a glass of champagne while talking to Holly, and Mike was drinking a beer with his brother, Chris and Billie Joe, when the DJ announced it was time for Ava and Mike's first dance as husband and wife. Ava passed Audrina to Holly, finished her drink and put the glass on the table beside them. She walked to the middle of the dance floor and met Mike. The music started and they slowly danced to Maybe I'm Amazed by Jem.

When the music ended, Ava lifted her head off of Mike's chest and they kissed. When they parted, Ava took Mike's hand and they walked over to where Adrienne and Holly were standing with Billie Joe and the twins.

Ava took Audrina back and the little girl tucked her head into Ava's shoulder, letting her mother know she was getting tired. Ava brushed the little girl's dark brown curls away from her face and said "You wanna go up to the suite now?"

Audrina nodded and said "Wyan too?"

"Of course. Plus, Joey, Jake, Mona, and Frankie will be up soon. And, Camille and Giselle are gonna watch you guys."

"Tay. Stella too?"

"After she dances with daddy."

"Me wanna dance too."

"Drina...you're beat baby girl."

Mike took Audrina and said "If my baby girl wants to dance, we'll dance."

Audrina giggled as Mike rubbed his nose asked her's and started to dance with her to Rock of Ages. A few minutes later, it was announced that it was time for Ava and Billie Joe to dance together. They went to the middle of the dance floor and as the music started for My Wish by Rascal Flatts, Ava smiled at her older brother and said "Do not make a fool of me."

He smiled back and said "I'll try not to, kid."

As the brother and sister danced together, Ava knew in her heart that it was to fill the void of their father that got Billie Joe to dance with her, but instead of getting upset with it she embraced it and they danced until the music ended.

Ava hugged Billie Joe and when she let him go they walked over to where Mike and Adrienne were standing. Mike wrapped his arm around Ava's shoulder and kissed her temple then she yawned. He looked down at her and said "Is that a joke yawn? Or are you actually tired?"

Ava looked up at Mike and shrugged. She leaned her head back against his chest and said "I can't be tired yet. You still have to dance with your mom. And Stella. And we have to dance more. And then there's the cake, and the garter, and my bouquet."

"We'll head up to our suite as soon as all that's done. No one will realize we disappeared."

Ava chuckled and said "But pictures..."

"We'll get lots taken before then."


They kissed and Ava said "We'll stay until midnight. That only leaves a hour left in this."

Mike nodded, just as the DJ announced it was now Mike and Cheryl's turn to dance. As Mike and his adoptive mother danced to I Wish You Love, Ava, Adrienne, Claudia, Camille, and Giselle brought Audrina, Ryan, Joey, Jakob, Estelle, Ramona and Frankito up to the suite Mike and Ava had booked for Camille and Giselle to stay in with the kids for the night.