Ava Grace

Can You Move The Promotional Dates?

Arriving back to San Francisco on the morning of the sixteenth, Mike stretched as he followed Ava off the plane. As they walked through the terminal to baggage claim together, Mike wrapped his arm around Ava's waist and kissed her temple. She smiled up at him and they continued walking. Getting to the baggage claim, Ava leaned her head against Mike's shoulder and they stood like that until the conveyor belt began to move.

Within a few minutes, both of their bags had reached them and Ava pulled her purse over her shoulder and pulled up the handle on her large suitcase as Mike did the same to his. They began walking towards the elevator to the parking lot, when Mike found the Starbucks and led Ava over, even though she said they could stop on the way home.

Ava sat at a table with the bags and Mike went over to the counter. Once he got his coffee and Ava's orange mocha frappuccino, Mike made his way back to Ava. He sat down and passed Ava her drink. She sighed, took a sip and said "I really wanna see the kids."

"I know-"

"And you had Starbucks in Miami."



Mike sighed and said "I'll go get a tray and we'll take them in the car."

"Thank you."

Mike and Ava smiled at each other then he got up and went back to the counter. He got the tray and returned to Ava. She stood up and tucked her hand in his back pocket as he put their drinks in the tray. He looked at her and she wiggled her eyebrows.

Mike laughed and said "What are you doing?"

"Being you."

They both laughed and Mike said "Only I could pull that off."


"Yeah...sorry. The job's already taken."

"I can play bass. And sing. And I love Starbucks and sex-"

With Ava's words, there was a cough and Mike and Ava turned around. Seeing it was four teenage girls, Ava pulled her hand out of Mike's pocket and Mike said "Hi."

Two of the girls pushed another forward and she said "We just came in and saw you. And heard your voice and were wondering if you're Mike Dirnt. Like the one from Green Day."

Ava turned around and snorted. Mike nudged her and said "Yeah. That I am."

"Can we get a picture with you? And autographs?"



"Sure. Anything for fans."

Her friends passed her the camera and Mike looked at Ava and said "You wanna take this?"

She looked at him and he said "It's just one paper and four autographs. We'll be gone in no time."

Ava turned around and said "Promise?"


Mike looked at the girls and said "You four don't mind if my wife takes the picture, do you?"

They shook their heads and Ava took the camera. Mike stood in the middle and Ava said "Okay...smile."

With that, Ava pressed the button and took the picture. Ava passed the camera back to one of the girls as Mike began to sign their autographs. Ava took her drink out of the tray and took and sip. She watched Mike talk to the girls and thought of how crazy it could get with the album release in September. She actually wished it would turn out better than she imagined.

Finally, Mike was done, so Ava put her half finished drink in the tray and he took it and she grabbed her purse, carry-on and suitcase handle as he got his. They left Starbucks and headed down to the elevator. Walking off the elevator, and onto the parking garage level where they left the truck, Ava began to dig through her purse for the keys as they walked in the direction of their car.

When they reached the truck, Ava unlocked the doors and Mike could put the bags in the backseat. While he did, she got in the drivers seat and turned on the ignition. A minute later, Mike closed the backseat door and got in the passenger seat.

He buckled his seatbelt as Ava switched the gears then he said "Can't I drive home? You're such an erratic driver when people cut you off."

Ava shrugged and said "It's an Armstrong thing. Beej and mom do it too."

She looked at Mike and he sighed. Ava rubbed his hand and said "I promise not to honk to horn or flip anyone off. I'm still in nice Ava mode from the Bahamas."

"Until some guy cuts you off close to the bridge. Then, you'll go nuts."

"For someone who likes getting in my pants, you think so low of me."

Mike looked at Ava, smiled and said "You're a great driver, babe."

Ava took a drink of her mocha frappuccino then said "I know. And, I'm still gonna remember what you said."

Mike sighed as she put it back in the cup holder and backed the car up out of the spot, then drove them home. Once they put their bags in their room, Ava change into a pair of her grey Juicy Couture sweatpants and a t-shirt, then they left for Billie Joe and Adrienne's to pick up Ryan and Audrina.

Arriving twenty minutes later at her older brother's home in Berkeley, Ava didn't waste anytime getting inside to her twenty month old twins. Picking Audrina up and swinging around the little girl, who got her mother's looks and personality, Ava laughed as Audrina giggled. Propping Audrina against her hip, Ava kissed her daughter's cheek and suddenly Audrina said "No."

Ava looked at her and said "You don't like my kisses no more?"

Audrina smiled and shook her head. Mike took the little girl from his wife and said "What about daddy's?"

Audrina shook her head and said "No."

Ava and Mike looked at each other then said "No phase..." in unison. They sighed and walked towards the kitchen to find Billie Joe trying to coax Ryan to eat breakfast. The little boy saw his mother, lifted his arms and said "Momma."

Billie Joe turned around and said "I guess Adie left the door unlocked."

"Gone to drop Joey and Jake off at school?"


Ava kissed her brother's cheek and picked up Ryan. She looked at her son and said "You don't like the word no, do you?"

Ryan shook his head and Ava said "Good, keep it that way."

Billie Joe stood up and said "Yeah. Sorry about Drina starting the no binge."

Mike sat down at the kitchen table and as Audrina rested her head against her father's chest, he said "It's fine. Stella went through it. What's another daughter to pull through it?"

Ava nodded her head and said "At least she'll know the word well when she's older."

Billie Joe walked over to the fridge and said "Good point Avs."

"I know."

He turned around holding the container of orange juice and said "You two look like you had a ton of time on the beach."

Ava sat beside Mike and said "We did."

Mike nodded and said "Plus I won ten thousand at the casino. You're sister spent a few of it at the spa though. And, we went scuba diving. And to top that off, had wicked sex."

Ava glared at Mike and said "You realize you are talking to my older brother. I'd prefer what happens in the beds we sleep in to stay between us."

"But, I always tell him how good the sex is. Even when we were younger and I could brag that I was the first one to get laid."

Billie Joe drank the orange juice from its container and he said "It's true. But dude, a little less now cause it's Ava. Please. Go to Tre if you really want to brag. All hell broke loose after you two left. Claudia kicked him out."

Ava's eyes went wide and said "What happened? Did she let him back in?"

"They got in a fight two days after you guys left. I still don't know what over. But, Claudia went to Mexico on the ninth with Frankie. She called here before she left, since Tre came here to stay, and her and Adie were on the phone for a few hours. Then, Tre went home and found a note from her saying she'd come back when she had enough time to cool off."

Ava sighed and said "Maybe I should call her...did she go to her sister's?"

Billie Joe shrugged and said "I dunno. Ask Adrienne."

Adrienne walked into the kitchen, put her purse on the island and said "Ask me what?"

"Is Claudia at her sister's?"

"She was. She just got back...I picked her and Frankito up at the airport."

Ava put a struggling Ryan down and stood up. She looked a little queasy and said "I'll be right back."

Mike looked up at her with concerned and said "Are you okay?"

Ava nodded and said "Yeah. I haven't been feeling good since then flight it's probably just that."

"Okay babe."

Ava walked out of the kitchen and went upstairs to the guest bathroom. She closed the door, and without locking it, bent over the toilet and threw up the contents of her stomach. Clutching onto the sides of the toilet, Ava groaned and sat back. She flushed the toilet and sat silently for the next few minutes, until she heard the bathroom door open and close.

Ava turned her body to see it was Adrienne with a bottle of mouthwash. Ava smiled and held out her hand. Adrienne passed her the bottle and said "So, when did you find out?"

Ava stood up, took a swig of the mouthwash, swished it around, spit it into the sink and said "Find out what?"

"That you're pregnant...duh. Can't hide it from me...I was one of the only people you saw from California while you were pregnant."

Ava sighed and said "That obvious to you?"

"Yeah. But, I just said I'd come check on you. Of course, I had a more specific motive."

"I haven't found out yet for sure...but I'm secretly hiding the morning sickness and that I'm late."

Adrienne clapped her hands together and said "Maybe it'll be another little girl."

"You have Audrina. And Stella."

Adrienne shrugged and said "So...I can't convince your brother to have anymore...I get to give birth through you now."

"Yeah...except after the baby is born you aren't in constant pain when you sit a certain way, you aren't the one up all night, and you don't have to squeeze them out."

"Neither does Mike. But you don't complain to him."

"Oh, he's in for it this time around."

The two laughed and Adrienne said "So when will you now for sure?"

"Tomorrow. I have a check up in the morning but I'll just tell him I'm gonna go buy a dress to wear to the party. And, the doctor said I'd get my results within an hour or two. So, I'll tell him before we leave for here."

Ava gave Adrienne the bottle of mouthwash back and said "I'll go down right after you."

"All right."

Adrienne left the bathroom then a few minutes later, passed the door as she returned downstairs. A minute later, Ava followed her. When Ava got back to the kitchen, since Audrina and Ryan were now playing in the living room, she sat in Mike's free lap. Ava leaned her head against Mike's shoulder and as he brushed her black waves away from her face he whispered "Feeling better?"

She nodded and said "What time are we picking up Stella later?"

"Anna's dropping her off around eight. She has a soccer game at two."

"Okay. Wait, we aren't going?"

"It's in Sacramento. There was this school tournament thing there."


Mike and Ava stayed with the twins at Billie Joe and Adrienne's until Billie Joe left to get the boys at school. When they got home, Mike sat down in the living room with the twins to watch Blue's Clues, while Ava went upstairs to unpack and get laundry sorted out. By the time Anastasia dropped Estelle off at Mike and Ava's, the twins were already in bed, and Ava was taking a long bubble bath before she went to bed early.

As Estelle told her father about her soccer game, and scoring the winning goal, Ava joined her husband and stepdaughter in the living room to say goodnight. She pulled her hair over one shoulder and leaned over the back of the couch to kiss Mike's cheek. He looked up at her and said "Hey, come sit...Stella will tell you about her goal."

Estelle looked up at said "Yeah."

Ava shook her head and said "I'm gonna head to bed. I'm really tired...I guess from a combination of the switch from the Bahamas and here then all the work I did this afternoon. You can tell me in the morning, Stella."

"Okay, Ava."

Ava kissed Mike on the lips then said "Night."

"Night babe."

Ava tucked Estelle's hair behind her ears and said "Night Stelle."


Ava left the living room and climbed the stairs to the second floor. Checking on Audrina and then Ryan, Ava walked to the end of the hall and went into the master bedroom. She pulled the blankets back and climbed in on her side. She turned off the lamp, set the alarm for seven, and got comfortable in the bed she had missed over the past week and a half.

Falling asleep within half an hour, Ava didn't even wake up when Mike climbed into bed at eleven and kissed her lips gently.

The next morning when the alarm went off, Mike leaned over Ava's sleeping form and shut it off. He kissed her forehead and as her eye lids fluttered open, he whispered "Time to get up."

Ava nodded and they kissed. Mike laid on his back and said "Yell to me when breakfast is ready."

Ava got out of bed and said "Kay."

Leaving the room, Ava knocked on Estelle's door to get her up and then she went to the twins' rooms to get them up for breakfast. Five minutes later, carrying Ryan and with Audrina holding her hand, Ava brought her children downstairs to the kitchen. She put them both in their high chairs and gave them sippy cups of orange juice.

Then as she did every morning, Ava let Fender and Cali outside and she turned on the television in the wall then changed the channel to MTV to listen to the music videos. While she made pancakes, Estelle came downstairs and sat at the island.

When breakfast was ready, Ava called to Mike and gave Estelle a plate of pancakes. Then, as she cut the twins', so they could pick the pieces up with their hands, she heard Mike's feet hit the floor upstairs. A few minutes later, Ava was sitting next to Estelle eating, when Mike came downstairs, got his plate off the counter and sat across the island from his wife and oldest daughter.

When the twins were done eating, they were taken out of the high chairs and sent off to play in the living room. And, within a few minutes from them leaving the room, Estelle announced she was done and left the kitchen as well.

After a few minutes of silence, Ava looked up at Mike, who was reading that day's newspaper, then said "I'm gonna go around ten to get a dress for tonight. Is that all right?"

Mike looked at her and said "You don't have to ask to go shopping. We aren't ever going to be near broke."


"Plus, that's good that you won't be stuck at home cause I'm going to Rudy's. Then, bringing the kids to Myla's cause she said she watch them."

"She did?"

"I called her last night after Estelle went to bed."


"It's supposed to be cool tonight so get a suitable dress."

"I will."


Ava got up and began cleaning up the breakfast dishes while Mike finished reading the paper and had a few cups of coffee. By ninety-thirty, Ava was ready to go and was getting Audrina ready to go with Mike and packing for her to stay at Myla's for the night, when Estelle came in the room and said "Can I go shopping with you?"

Ava turned around from tying the lace on Audrina's pink converse and said "What?"

"Dad said you were going shopping for a dress for tonight...can I come with you? He said I could if you said yes."

"Oh, um...Stella, I not going straight to shopping."

"You aren't?"

Ava shook her head and said "Come in and close the door."

Estelle did as she was told and walked over to Ava. Ava sighed then whispered in her ear "How would you like another little brother or sister?"

Estelle looked at Ava and her eyes lit up. She smiled and said "Really?"

"Well, I don't know for sure yet. That's why I'm going to the doctor's today. Before I go to get a dress."

"Can I still come?"

"And wait in the waiting room?"


"Okay. Go get something to occupy yourself with then. And don't tell your father."


Estelle left the room and Ava finished getting Audrina ready. When Ava and Estelle left, Mike left soon after with the twins. When it was Ava's turn at her doctor's office, she reminded Estelle not to talk to anyone unless she really knew them then went to the exam room. A half an hour later, Estelle was playing with her gameboy, when Ava came over to her.

"Ready to go Stelle?"

"If you are."

"Kay. C'mon."

They went outside and walked down the street to where Ava had parked her Lexus. Ava buckled Estelle into the backseat, and got in on the driver's side. She turned on the car and began driving towards Arden B. When they stopped at the nearest red light, Estelle said "Well?"

"Well, what?"

"What did the doctor say?"

The light turned green and Ava turned to the left. Continuing to drive down the street, Ava replied to her stepdaughter, "She'll call around one with the test results. She sent them right up to the lab."

"So we can stay in the city till then?"

"Sure. Do you want to go get a birthday gift for Joey then now? That way we get it out of the way. And we can look at stuff for your's."

"If dad's going to be in L.A. When are we going to have my party?"

"April 21st. Your dad and Billie Joe and Tre have a week long break from the 19th to the 26th."


Arriving a few minutes later at Arden B., Ava led Estelle instead and over to the dresses. As Ava looked through the dresses, she talked with Estelle over what she wanted to do and what she wanted for her birthday. An hour later, they left the store after Ava purchased a blood red flowing chiffon babydoll halter dress with diamond shape crossover straps and a rouched bust.

Around one, Ava and Estelle were at the party supply store getting things for Estelle's party when Ava's ringtone, It's My Life by No Doubt, beginning playing from inside her purse. Estelle took the few things Ava had from her, and Ava dug out the phone. She flipped it up and said "Hello?"

Within a few seconds, Ava grinned and a few more minutes later, she closed the phone and returned it to her purse. She took the things back from Estelle and Estelle said "Yes?"

Ava nodded and said "Yeah."

"When are you due?"

"That's the bad timing..."


"It's September 21st."


"Yeah. Um, do you want anything else? Or do you just want to call it a day and head to Myla's?"

"Can we go to Aunt Myla's now?"

"Yeah. C'mon."

Ava and Estelle walked over to the counter, Ava paid for the things they had, then they left the store. When they got to Myla's, Mike's BMW was parked in the driveway. Ava let Estelle out of the car and said "I guess your dad's still here."

"Are you gonna tell him now?"



Estelle ran inside while Ava got her bag, then followed her in. Walking into her sister-in-law's home, Ava put Estelle's bag next to the twins' things and walked into the living room where she could hear both Mike and Myla talking to Estelle over her party.

Ava walked to Mike as he put down Estelle and then she said "You're running behind."

Mike kissed Ava and when they parted said, "So are you. I heard you got a nice dress."


"Ready to head home?"

"I can leave whenever I want. It's you who has to wait cause I blocked you in."


Ava grinned then said "Just let me say goodbye to the kids then we can leave."


Myla looked at Ava from giving the remote to Ava and said "They're napping. Do you want me to call you when they wake up?"

"Yeah. Just make sure they don't nap to long or you'll be in for it tonight."


Ava walked over to Estelle, kissed the top of her head and said "See you tomorrow Stelle."


Ava left the room and after Mike said goodnight to his oldest daughter and goodbye to his older sister, he followed her outside. When he got to the BMW, Ava was leaning against the driver's side door and he said "It would help you to get home faster if you got in your own car so, I could get out the driveway."

"Ha ha. No...I have a question..."

"Can't this wait?"

"I think you'd like to know now..."

He leaned his hands against the car, on either side of Ava's body, and said "Okay, babe. What is it?"

"Do you think you could postpone the record's release?"

Mike laughed and said "Did you fall and hit your head or something? We can't push it back anymore or Reprise would freak out. If the album hadn't gone missing, we'd almost be done touring now."

"I know. But you can't move any dates for the promotion tour, can you? I know you can't move American Idiot's release but...the promo tour...can you guys hold off on that?"

"In September?"



"Just answer my question first."

"I don't know. Now, if it was July or August...we could play with the dates...but September is a whole different story because we're doing Pepsi Smash on the 4th-"

"Around the release date is what I'm asking you. I don't care about the Utah show."

"Well, we play in L.A. on the 16th, Chicago on the 18th, New York on the 21st and 22nd, Toronto on the 24th, then London on the 28th."

Ava looked up at Mike and said "You couldn't try to convince Reprise to reschedule, New York and Toronto, could you?"

"I don't know. Maybe with a good enough excuse. Why? What's going on?"

"How would you feel about flying me to L.A. to go shopping at Petit Tresor in mid-May?"

"Petit Tresor? What the fuck is that?"

Ava put her hands on her belly and Mike looked down. He gave her his 'are-you-serious' look and she grinned. Mike cupped Ava's cheeks in his hands, he smiled and said "Really?"

"Really, really. And, it's a baby store."

He kissed her and when they parted, Mike spoke. "When are you due?"

"September 21st."

"I have bad timing."

"I know."

"So, that's the reason for all your questioning? And, why you've been getting sick. I knew it wasn't the Bahamian food or flying."

Ava nodded, Mike kissed her again then said "I'll ask Rob tonight. And we can tell everyone the news. Now, get off my car so we can go home and have celebratory sex."

"I'll get off the car. But, I'm getting right in the shower so I can redo my hair for the party. We'll have sex when we get home from Beej and Adie's."

"But, booze..."

"Maybe, you should hold off the beers and vodkas then."

Ava pecked Mike's lips and ducked under his arm. She unlocked her car and said "I'll see you at home."

Mike nodded and got in his car, as Ava got in her's. She pulled out of the driveway and drove home. Arriving just a few minutes before Mike, Ava was just turning off the alarm system when he walked into the house.

He kissed her and said "Are you sure you can't make time for me in your busy preparing for the party schedule?"

Ava shook her head and Mike gently kissed her again. Feeling her legs getting weak, the way they always did when Mike kissed her so gently, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to her body. Mike smiled into the kissed then they slowly parted. She liked her lips then said "I think I can make some time."

Mike closed the front door, locked it and said "Good Ava."

Ava pinned Mike against the wall and kissed him. When they parted, panting for air, Mike grinned and said :I think I'm gonna like your pregnancy hormones taking over your body. I missed out last time."

"Yeah, well, you'll be in for it."

Ava grabbed Mike's hand and led him upstairs to their bedroom. Hours later, at seven-thirty, Mike and Ava arrived at Billie Joe and Adrienne's an hour late, after Ava insisting on a few more rounds of sex.

As Ava walked into the kitchen to find Adrienne, she walked in to just hear her mother say "When will she find out?"

Adrienne pointed at Ava and said "Ask her."

Ollie turned around, put her hands on her hips, and said "Now, when was I going to be informed of a possible new grandchild?"

"As soon as I saw you in person, momma."


Ava grinned and said "September 21st. Mike's gonna tell the guys and Rob tonight so Rob can talk to Reprise about rescheduling some promo tour stops."

Ollie held open her arms and Ava walked over, accepting a hug from her mother. Adrienne looked at Ava's hair and said "Since when did you like tousled waves?"

Ava pulled away from her mother, flattened her dress skirt against her thighs and said "I thought I'd try something new," as she looked at the floor. Adrienne gasped and said "Somebody's excited for a new baby."

Ava looked up and Ollie through her arms up in the air. "Only you Ava, would be late for your own brother's birthday because of sex!"

"It's Mike's fault. He started it. Go blame him."

Ollie waved her finger at her daughter and said "If you could just say no though..."

As Ollie began to walk towards the backyard where the rest of the Armstrong family and friends were, Ava sighed then said "But then you wouldn't have grandkids from me."

"Quite true."

Ollie walked out and Ava turned towards Adrienne. Ava rubbed her hands together and said "I'm am so excited to go shopping in Los Angeles."

"Are you going down?"

Ava nodded and said "Yeah. I'll fly back for doctor's appointments."

"Are you bringing the kids?"

"Mike said we could. At least the twins. Stella can't miss school."

Adrienne nodded then said "I might just have to convince your brother to let me come with the boys."

"Then we can shop together."

"Good plan."

"I know."

Billie Joe and Mike came inside from outside and Billie Joe walked over to Ava and hugged her. When he let her go, she leaned against the counter and said "Mike tell you?"

"Yeah. And, Rob's already on the phone with some exec at Reprise trying to change the dates."

Mike wrapped his arm around Ava's shoulder, leaned beside her and said "I think this year's going to be a great year."

In unison, Billie Joe, Ava, and Adrienne all said "How?"

Mike held his free hand and put down a finger. "First, I married the greatest girl in the world."

He put down another finger. "I've got three amazing kids to be proud of."

Another put down. "We're releasing an album that's kick ass."

Mike put down the next finger and said "I'm as healthy as I could be. And, everyone around me that's important are healthy."

Putting down his last finger, Mike smiled then said "And last, but not least, I'm going to be a dad again. And, this time around, I get to be there for everything. And, I'm not gonna miss out on as much as I did with the twins."

Ava side hugged Mike and said "I think you're right."

She leaned her head against his chest and the four talked together until Tre came to get them, nearly twenty minutes later. After the party, at close to two, Mike drove home and him and Ava went straight to bed, knowing they had to get up to go get the twins and Estelle at ten, and both still completely satisfied with the pleasure they had in the afternoon.