Ava Grace

A New Home and Baby

On February 2nd, Ava and Mike were back in Los Angeles, house hunting. After looking at several homes that day, and the day before, Mike and Ava were now at a large estate in the Hollywood Hills with their realtor, Cynthia.

The main house, Mediterranean styled, had twelve bedrooms, seven bathrooms including two half bathrooms, a room perfect for a toy room, two offices, a movie theatre with fifteen seats, a gym, and a gourmet kitchen. The backyard had a large infinity pool with a backdrop over the city, a jacuzzi, a huge grill, a large patio space and a stone path which led to a tennis court and a two bedroom guesthouse.

As soon as they had pulled up the gated driveway, Ava had fallen in love with the house. So, after a tour, the three sat in the kitchen with the paper work in front of them.

As Mike was about to sign for the house, he turned to Ava and said "Are you sure about this? Are you ready to leave Oakland?"

Ava wrapped her arm through his, leaned her head against his shoulder, kissed his cheek and said "Of course I'm sure, I love it here."

"Because you can't just change your mind...it's twenty five million dollars. It's almost as much as I made on the last tour. We could just add on to our house and you can have a crazy shopping spree to redesign the entire house."

"My closet is massive. I actually think it's the same size as our bedroom and it's climate controlled. And, there's so much space for the kids to run around."

"But, our families are upstate..."

"They can come visit...if we're happy, that should make them happy. Our family is growing, Michael. Another baby means we need more room. There won't be any free space for three and a half years...we need it now."


Mike kissed Ava and began to sign his name. Just as he was about to write 'Pritchard', his cell phone rang. He looked at Ava and said "Get that."

She pulled it out of his pocket and said "Hello?"

"Ava? Ava! I found you guys a house!"
"It's in Oakland!"

Ava grabbed Mike's hand to stop him and said "Describe it."

"Fourteen bedrooms, seven and a half bathrooms, huge kitchen, massive master suite, huge walk-in closets in almost every room, two offices, a pool, huge yard, beautiful patio, gated. And, it's near the ranch."

"So, it's not really in Oakland?"

Mike gave Ava a strange look and Billie Joe said "No...but it's near Skywalker ranch. It's beautiful. Me and Aid are here now. We'll put down a deposit for you guys if you want, cause there's other people here looking."

Ava signed then said "We'll be on the next flight."

Ava hung up the phone and said "Michael, we have to go home."

Cynthia cleared her throat and said "There is a lot of interest in this home."

Mike looked down at Ava and she gave him a pleading look. Mike sighed and said "Cynthia...give the owners our deposit. Tell them we are very interested and that if we don't buy, I'll pay them double the deposit."

"And you're sure of this?"



Ava and Mike stood up and Ava said "We'll be in touch tomorrow."

Mike and Ava left the house, drove back into the city, got their things from their suite at the Chateau Marmont and soon, were on a flight to San Francisco. At four, they arrived at the airport and were picked up by Billie Joe who drove them to the house. As they drove up the hillside road, Mike say the gates for Skywalker Ranch and began freaking out like a little child.

Driving for a few more minutes, they reached another gate which was opened. They turned in and drove up the long driveway. After a minute or so, the large mansion came into few and Mike turned to Ava just as her jaw dropped. Billie Joe pulled up in front of the house and Adrienne and Justin, her's and Billie Joe's realtor, came out onto the front steps.

Mike, Ava and Billie Joe got out of the Envoy and Ava looked up at the huge home she knew in her heart would soon belong to her growing family. Quickly, she hugged her brother and whispered "Thank you". As she pulled away, Billie Joe smiled at her and Just and Adrienne walked forward and he said "Shall we take a tour?"

Within an hour, Mike and Ava signed all the paperwork and Mike immediately wrote a check for twenty million dollars, the full cost of the mansion and the acres of land it stood on.

A week later, Mike and Ava began arranging everything for the house, all in preparation for their April 20th move in date.

The first step was choosing all the paint colors for all of the rooms. All of the hallways were going to be Swiss Coffee Cream, on the first floor; the kitchen was going to be Gin Fizz Yellow, the dining room was going to be Grecian Green, Mike's office was going to be Amsterdam Blue, Ava's office was going to be Paris Red, the toy room was going to be Tangerine Fizz Orange, the living room was going to be Sand Motif Brown, the gym was going to be Sand Smoke Grey, the half bathroom was going to be Lemon Ice Yellow, and the laundry room was going to be Popcorn Cream White. On the second floor; there was the master suite which would be Cocoa Mousse Brown, the master bathroom was going to be Pure White, Ava's closet was going to be Purple Grace, Mike's closet was going to be Zen Grey, Estelle's room and bathroom were going to be Rhapsody Lilac Purple, Audrina's bedroom was going to be Ballerina Pink, Sophia's room would be Pink Bliss, Isabella's room was going to be Venetian Violet, Olivia's bedroom would be Lavender Breeze, Julianna's room was going to be Pink Frost, the nursery was going to be Sugar Sweet Pink, the girls' bathroom to share was going to be Carnation Pink, Ryan's room was going to be Milano Blue, Patrick's room with a jungle theme was going to be Jungle Vine Green, the boys' bathroom was going to be Frost Wind Blue, and the two spare bedrooms would stay white until something could be figured out to do with them. In the guest attachment to the home, the first guestroom and its bathroom would be Orange Sorbet and the second guestroom and its bathroom would be Mint Truffle Green.

Between February 10th and April 19th, Billie Joe turned forty and Adrienne threw him a huge party, Olivia and Julianna turned two and wasted no time beginning their 'terrible twos', Joey turned seventeen, Estelle turned fifteen, Frankito turned eleven, Ava found all the furniture along with decor pieces and paintings for the house, and Claudia was put on bed rest.

On the 20th, it was the 'big day'. As Mike, Billie Joe and Tre put together the furniture the delivery men hadn't and arranged everything the way Ava said to, Ava and Adrienne worked with Joey, Estelle, Ramona, Jakob and Courteney to get everything unpacked. Meanwhile all of Ava's and Mike's children, Marissa, Lucy, and Frankito were at Anna's being taken care of by Anna, Marci, Hollie and Rebeckah.

By eleven, everything was in its proper place and the younger kids were picked up and brought to their respective homes. Three days later, early in the afternoon, Adrienne gave birth to Meghan Anne, a beautiful six-pound, four-ounce addition to the ever growing Armstrong family. On the 26th, Adrienne and Meghan were released from the hospital.

Two days later, Claudia gave birth to Amora Madelynn and Alexander Matthew, via cesarean. Amora was five pounds even and Alexander was four-pounds, two ounces. On May 2nd, Claudia and the twins were scheduled to be released from the hospital. Since it was a Wednesday, Mike got up early to get the kids ready for school, like he did every day for the last week, while Ava stayed asleep in bed because she hadn't been feeling well.

Around ten, Mike was getting Patrick, Olivia and Julianna ready to go to Tre and Claudia's and Ava was straightening her hair, when she felt a sharp pain in her lower back. Needing at the muscle, thinking it was just strained from her baby weight, she continued to get ready.

Twenty minutes later, they were on their way to Tre and Claudia's. When they got there, as the kids ran off to play, Mike went to find Billie Joe and Ava waddled into the kitchen where Adrienne, Claudia's younger sister Gabrielle, and Claudia's mother Alexandria were getting mostly all the food ready.

Alexandria greeted Ava as she typically did with a kiss on each cheek, then she rubbed Ava's belly and said "Still pregnant with you little angel?"

Adrienne helped Ava up to sit on one of the tall chairs at the island as Ava smiled, nodded then said "Just two more days, I'm scheduled for my cesarean on the 4th."

Adrienne passed Ava the second half to a turkey sandwich that she had just made and said "At least you still have a reason to be eating like a pig today. I can't stop eating because all I'm doing is using all my energy on Meghan between the lack of sleep and breast feeding I'm worn out, and then I'm trying to help Billie Joe with Marissa...I don't know how he potty-trained the boys but can't do it with her."

Ava passed the sandwich back to Adrienne then said "I'm not hungry. Thanks, but I don't feel good. And, Beej probably can't potty train Marissa because he's only done it with boys...he could've only related to the boys."

Adrienne began eating Ava's half of the sandwich then said "So...you're still not feeling good?"

Ava shook her head then Gabrielle stopped stirring the iced tea and said "Maybe, you're going into labor. How long have you been sick?"

"The last week or so."

"I was sick before I had Nevaeh. Does your back hurt a lot too?"

Ava's eyes went wide then said "Yes. Today when I was getting ready and I got a shooting pain in my lower back. Oh my god...I had back pain with Sophia and Isabella before delivery. Can I even go into labor, even though I've had all my cesareans?"

Ava looked between Adrienne, Gabrielle and Alexandria then Alexandria nodded and said "Yes, dear. I had a cesarean with Claudia after I had so much trouble with her older brother, and when I had Gaby I went into labor before my scheduled c-section."

"Is my water going to break?"

"Wait, for contractions...then, I'd be worried."

Ava took a bite out of Adrienne's sandwich then said "Just brilliant, I'm going to lose the bet."

Adrienne laughed as Claudia's mother and sister gave Ava a questioning look the Ava said "If she's born before noon on the 4th, Mike gets to name her Leia Elizabeth. If it's after noon, it's my pick. And, I really don't want Leia because of Star Wars."

Gabrielle laughed then said "Well then, let's pray for twelve-oh-one on the fourth."

The four women laughed and then finished getting the food ready. As the next few hours passed, Claudia and Tre brought the twins home and everyone began eating all the food and hanging out.

Around nine, with all the older children complaining of wanting to go home, Mike and Ava left. As they were driving, Ava suddenly felt sick and she made Mike pull over for her to throw up. Worrying too much like he typically did, Mike turned the Escalade around and drove back to Tre and Claudia's. When they pulled up the driveway, Billie Joe was yelling at Joey, telling him to let Jakob and Courteney go home with him and Estelle.

Parking the SUV quickly, Mike got out and ran to his brother-in-law and nephew. Billie Joe turned to him and said "Dude, I thought you guys were going home?"

Panting, Mike nodded and said "We were. Joey, take the Escalade and you and Stelle bring the kids home. Let me take your Camaro."

"What?! Why?!"

"Ava's sick and I want to get her to the hospital."

Billie Joe's eyes went wide and he said "Is she okay?"

"Oh, probably. I'm just concerned. She hasn't been feeling well all week and her back is bothering her too."

Joey sighed and handed Mike the keys.

"Please, uncle Mike be careful with her. She's so new. Please don't let aunt Ava get sick on the interior."

Mike laughed and said "I'll buy you a new one if she does."


Mike ran to get Ava and then helped her to the Camaro. Just as she was about to get in, Ava bent over and threw up again. As Mike held her hair back, he yelled to Billie Joe to go get something to clean up the mess. A little while later, with Ava looking extremely pale, Mike was speeding to the hospital. Getting off the highway into the town, Ava groaned and said "Michael, slow down. You cannot be pulled over right now."

"I will slow down when I can see the hospital."

"Michael, please. I think I'm going to be sick again."

"What did you eat that's making you so sick? Do you have the flu or something?"

"Nothing! I have barely been able to keep food down. It's like morning sickness all over again. I was like this when I was due to have Audrina and Ryan. It was like this before Adrienne flew to Minnesota to meet up with you guys. That's why she didn't want to go."

"And, you've never told me you get violently sick during pregnancies?"

"It hasn't happened between then and now!"

"I am your husband. I should know! That is my baby and they've always been my babies! Ava, you're really worrying me."

Ava groaned, leaned her head against the head rest and closed her eyes. Mike rubbed her cheek with the back of his hand and pulled his hand away when he felt the heat of a fever. Mike turned the corner onto the street the hospital was on and said "Baby doll, you're burning up."

"I am?"

Ava felt her forehead and said "I don't feel warm."

Mike pulled into the parking lot in front of the hospital, turned off the Camaro and said "You wouldn't feel your own fever because your whole body is that temperature. Now, we need to get you inside and have you examined."

"You need to call Dr. Ramirez."

"She's probably already there."

"But, what if she isn't?"

Mike got out of the car, ran around the Ava's side, opened the door and helped her out.

"Then if she isn't, they'll get her here if we need her."

Ava tried to bend over to fix her Ugg and then she got a pain in her lower stomach. She groaned and Mike bent down to her.

"Fix my boot, please."

Mike kneeled to pull the boot up and said "Why did you groan?"

"I think I just had a contraction."

"You think?"

"Well, it wasn't a strong one. Maybe, it's just gas."

They both stood up straight, Mike wrapped his arm around Ava's waist then said "Whether it could be gas or not, we're still going inside for you to be examined."

"Okay...but just for assurance, the nursery is ready, right?"

"Yes, Ava, since a week after we moved in."

"Okay. Just checking."

Mike kissed Ava's temple and they walked inside. When they got into the emergency room, Ava was taken to an exam room right away because of how far along she was in her pregnancy. There, she was checked out and the doctor confirmed she was in the early stages of labor. So, she was taken up to the maternity ward, with Mike following behind her and the nurses, filling out all the usual paperwork.

A few hours later, Ava was in extreme pain from her contractions and Dr. Ramirez finally arrived. She rushed in the room with Ava's chart in her hands then said "I am so sorry I'm late, Ava. I was halfway to Sacramento for my sister's delivery when they called me and said you were in labor."

Ava cringed from a contraction and said "You should've kept going. Another doctor could have done the cesarean, I'm sure."

"Your files say to notify me immediately. They call, I'm on my way. I do that with most patients. Besides, Samantha will be fine with our mother and her husband. I was just the waiting room support."

Ava laughed and then groaned as she had another contraction. With that, Mike's head shot up from where he had been resting on his arms, on Ava's bed and looked around. Ava smiled, brushed his spikes back and said "Go back to sleep, I'm fine."

Mike stretched and said "I just needed a nap. I'm good to go."

"So is Ava."


Mike and Ava both looked at Dr. Ramirez who was reading the chart printouts coming from the machine measuring the contractions Ava was experiencing then she said "The contractions are so close apart, if Ava was delivering naturally, she'd be ready to push. So, we're going to do a site freeze. Are you fine with that Ava?"

"Do we have time for me to put under?"

"No. Not now...I don't know why they wouldn't have had you all set to go when I got here."


"All right. I'm going to go get ready for the delivery. Ava, a nurse will be in to prep you soon and she'll bring you scrubs, Mike."


Dr. Ramirez left the room and Mike stood up from his chair. He kissed Ava's forehead and she sighed. He sat on the bed and said "What's wrong?"

"I lost the bet."

Mike looked at his watch and said "Maybe, we can hold off on delivery for thirty-four hours."

Ava laughed then said "It's okay. Leia is fine. I'll get used to it."

"Hey, her nickname can be princess."

Ava gave him a dirty look then said "No."

"Okay, okay. I'll make you a deal."


"You can pick the name. But, it can't be Athena or Lena. And, it won't be Leia unless you really want it. I was just seeing if you'd go along with it."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes. I didn't think it would last this long."

"Michaela Grace."


"Yes. The feminine form of your name, and it sounds like Mikayla. M-i-k-a-y-l-a."

"With your middle name?"

"Yes. She is part of both of us. So, why not show it."

Mike kissed Ava and said "You're so amazing."

When they parted, Ava smiled then said "Thanks. Clearly, there must be something working up here."

She tapped her temple and Mike laughed. As he did, two nurses came in. One got to work getting Ava ready for the operating room and the other gave Mike a set of scrubs to go change into.

When Mike came out of the bathroom from changing, Ava was ready to go and she said "Please, go call Billie Joe and Adie."

"It's nearly two-thirty, baby doll."

"I know, but I want them here when we get out."

"Okay. I'll see you down in the room."

Mike kissed Ava and left to go call Billie Joe.

A little while later, Ava's stomach was numb and she was resting comfortably with Mike gently rubbing her shoulders to relax her. Fifteen minutes later, at 2:40am, Michaela Grace was delivered, a beautiful 8 pound, 4 ounce little girl with a head full of dark brown hair and bright blue eyes.

While Ava was stitched up and cleaned up, Mike held Michaela over by the scale and rocked her while talking sweetly to her. Before long, Michaela was taken to the nursery to be cleaned and checked out, and Ava and Mike went back to her private room, where Billie Joe and Adrienne were waiting.

Once Ava was settled, Billie Joe got up and hugged her then said "So, where's my little princess?"

Mike laughed as Ava shook her head then said "We decided against Leia. Her name is Michaela Grace after me and Ava."

Adrienne hugged Mike and then Ava and said "That is so sweet. How big is she?"

Ava took her hair out of her ponytail then said "Nineteen inches. Eight pounds, four ounces."


"I know."

A little while later, Michaela was brought to the room.

Around six, Mike, Billie Joe and Adrienne left while Ava got some rest and Michaela was brought back to the nursery. Around noon, Mike returned with Patrick and Ava's hospital bag.

As Ava read Patrick a book that he had brought with him, Mike sat down and said "So, Adie's out getting everything engraved that needs to be done plus is getting stuff together for a welcome home party."

Ava stopped reading looked up then said "You let her plan a party."

"There's no stopping her when she decides on something. Plus, it's going to be a birthday party for me sort of too, she said."

"Well, at least we have a way to celebrate your birthday then."

Ava went back to reading to Patrick and before long, Michaela was brought back to the room for a feeding.

The next two days passed quickly, and before long, Ava and Michaela were released from the hospital, and went home to the houseful of family and friends waiting to see the newest addition and to celebrate Mike's fortieth birthday.