Ava Grace

Let The Date Begin

Kristin and Jenna walked into the living room as Ava rose to her feet. Liana stood up as well and gripped Ava's shoulders. "Remember Av. We're a call and a cab away from whenever you're ready to bail."

Ava began walking towards the door. She picked up her purse and keys and said "You guys, I'm not going to bail. Mike's a great friend of mine. He has been for nineteen years. There's going to be no need to bail at all. And, I want no one here and awake when I get home. I won't want to chat or anything...just get to bed."

Her three friends nodded then Ava walked to her front door. She opened it and smiled as she was greeted by Mike. He smiled back then said "I thought you were blowing me off."

"When I'm getting food I didn't have to pay for or serve...I'll show up. I was just a little late getting ready."

Mike nodded then Ava stepped out into the hallway and closed the door behind herself. She began making her way down the hall towards the stairs to take her from the fourth floor to the lobby, when Mike said "Shouldn't you lock your door? You live in Manhattan after all."

"I would but Kristin and Jenna are still there with Liana because they're plotting what to do tonight."

"Are the three always there a lot?"

"Well Liana lives with me, and Kristin lives a floor up, and Jenna is three up. We've been friends since I moved in here and Liana and me know each other from NYU. We're always out or at one of our places together."

"Speaking of NYU..."

"If he told you to hint about starting in January...forget it."

Mike sighed as they walked down the stairs to the lobby and when they reached the large front doors, he held one open for Ava and she walked as close as she could to the road and hailed a cab within two minutes. As Mike climbed in the back seat with her, Ava said the address for Aureole and they drove in the proper direction. Mike smiled at her and said "You look nice tonight. Compared to the worn out jeans or sweats and band shirts I usually see you in."

"Haha. I own more than just that stuff. I just like comfy clothes in California."

"You should wear dresses more often, kid."

"Kid? God, since when was I that young?"

"You're younger than me..."

"By four years! I'm even your height! I look as old as you and my brother."

"Young adult then."

Ava huffed, crossed her arms, and whispered "I'm totally ordering the most expensive thing on the menu."

"Go ahead."

Ava looked at Mike and he smiled at her. Ava laughed at Mike and said "Why are you so awkward still?"

"No idea."

Ava looked out the window and was silent for the rest of the cab ride to Aureole. When they arrived, Ava climbed out and Mike followed her inside after paying the driver. After being sat at a table and once having ordered their drinks, Mike and Ava began talking about how things were going for her in New York. An hour after arriving at the restaurant, they were eating their main course. As the were eating, and even the entire time they were sitting in the restaurant, Mike was continuously looking at Ava's chest while she wasn't looking at him.

From the restaurant, it was shortly after eight-thirty when Ava hailed another cab, and Mike told the driver to go to Times Square. When they arrived there, they walked around together, until just after ten when they got to Pure, one of Ava's most favorite clubs in the city. Leading Ava in the club door, Mike put his hand on the small of her back, paid their cover charge and led her over to the bar. Ava sat on a stool with Mike behind her and began tapping her nails to the music beat while they wait for the bartender.

After a few minutes, Ava looked across the night club and spotted a free table across the room. She stood up and said "I'm gonna go grab us a table, can you get me a Mudslide?"

"Sure thing, Av."


Ava walked across the room, minding her way of dancers and other people there and sat down in one of the two chairs at the table. Nearly ten minutes later, Mike reached the table and put Ava's drink in front of her, sat in his own seat and took a swig of his beer. Ava sipped a little of her drink then said "So are you gonna dance with me tonight?"

"You know I don't dance."

"You won't for me? You aren't gonna be like a big brother figure and keep me protected out on the dance floor."

"Your older brothers don't dance with you."

"I rarely see Alan when I'm home, David and me fight constantly, and Billie Joe does dance with me. Even though he makes me go barefoot so I'm not so much taller than him. That's the only time me and him can truly get along, when we're goofing off."

"I know. I didn't just meet you two Ava."

Ava took a drink then said "So you'll dance with me then, right? What if someone was to kidnap me...Beej would never forgive you."



Mike sighed then said "Fine. I'll dance with you."

"Good, now quick finish your beer I'm ready to party."

Within five minutes, Ava had Mike on the dance floor. They danced to the next three songs, until a slow song came on, and Mike led Ava over to the bar. Ava looked at him and said "Don't like slow dancing or something?"

"I'm thirsty."

"Okay, then let me order you something better than beer."

"But...I like beer."

"Yes, I do too. But shots are better."

"For a girl...yeah."

The bartender walked up to them and said "What can I get you two?"

Ava looked at Mike and he mumbled "Go ahead," so she ordered.

"Can I get two Foreplay shots, two Jedi Mind Trick shots, a Moulin Rouge and a Rock and Roll?"

"Coming up."

The bartender walked away and Mike looked at Ava.

"Enough liquor, Ava?"

"Not really, besides, each shot is great and you'll like the Rock and Roll...it's almost pure rum."

"I'm going to have the worst hangover flying home tomorrow."

"You three leave tomorrow?"

"Well, yeah your brother wants to be home to help Adie finish stuff for Jake's birthday."

"I see then."

"But hey, we'll go out for some more fun when you get to Berkeley in November..."

"Yeah, sure."

The bartender put the drinks in front of them and said "Twenty three dollars, miss."

Mike pulled twenty five dollars out of his pocket and said "Keep the change."

The bartender walked away and Ava picked up the two Foreplay shots. She passed one to Mike and they each quickly drank the shot. Mike's face suddenly looked digusted and he said "What was that?"


"Last I remember...foreplay was a lot better than that."

"Well, maybe you just don't like that shot, try this one."

Ava passed Mike a Jedi Mind Trick and picked up her's. They both drank and he shook his head and said "That's the last time you choose my drink."

"You'll trust me after the Rock and Roll. You're just a picky drinker."

Ava picked up her Moulin Rouge and passed Mike his Rock and Roll. She led him over to a free booth and sat down. As Mike sat across from her, Ava drank some of her Moulin Rouge and he said "Next time, I pick our drinks."

"Sure. We'll make a game out of it."

Mike laughed and said "Sure, why not..."

Ava quickly finished off her drink and her and Mike sat talking, while he finished his. When Mike stood up to get the drinks, Ava looked up at him and said "Please don't get me anything guyish."

Mike laughed and said "You'll just have to wait to find out...won't you?"

Ava frowned as Mike walked away and she began tapping her finger nails on the table. A few minutes later, Ava was looking towards the direction of where Mike had gone, when a guy with dirty blonde hair suddenly leaned on the table and said "Hey sweetheart."

Ava rolled her eyes and the guy said "Did it hurt?"

"When I fell from heaven? Oh yeah, I twisted my ankle and got a concussion."

"So you know that one?"

"I do."

"Well what's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?"

"I'm out with a friend."

"Are you now..."


"So, what's your favorite color?"

"Red. Why?"

"It's mine too. See we must be destined to be."

Right then, Mike walked up and Ava smiled. He put four drinks on the table and the guy looked up. Mike put his hand under Ava's chin and gently kissed her lips. Ava wrapped her arm around Mike's neck and pulled him closer. When they parted, Ava looked at the guy and said "Guess my friend's back..."

With a sour look on his face, the guy walked away and Mike sat down across from Ava. She spun the straw around in her drink and whispered "Thank you."

"I figured he was bothering you and did the first thing I thought of..."

"Well, thank you, Mike. Now, what did you buy me?"


He pulled two drinks towards him and said "The shot for me is a B-52. And, my other drink is a Brittany. And, your shot is a Absinthe Frappe. While, your drink is-"

Ava sipped her drink and said "A screaming multiple orgasm."


"Nice choice."


Ava took her shot, gave Mike a look of disgust and said "That is horrible. It's disgusting."

"Well, now we're even for your shots."

"Foreplay is a lot better than that."

Ava quickly drank nearly half of her drink then Mike said "Thirsty?"

"After that, yes."

"I don't think they're good either."

"Then why did you get it for me!"

"I had to even the playing field."

"I'll even your playing field."

Mike laughed and took his shot. About ten minutes later, Mike placed his empty glass on the table and looked at Ava. She was staring out onto the dance floor, with her head leaning on her hand.

"Do you want to go dance, Avs?"

"Mmm. Nope."

Ava looked at Mike and said "Can we leave?"

Mike looked at his watch.

"So early? It barely midnight."

"Yeah. I know."

"Okay, well...finish your drink, I guess and we'll leave."


Ava drank what was left of her drink and Mike stood up. He took her hand and led her out of the club. Mike hailed a cab as easily as he could, and held the door open for Ava as she climbed in. When Mike got in, Ava spoke and told the cab driver her address. As they began driving towards Ava's, she slid closer to Mike and leaned on his shoulder.

Mike wrapped his arm around Ava's shoulders and brushed some of her curls away from her face. Quickly she leaned up, and pecked him on the lips. He smiled at her, and dipped his head to kiss her. When they parted, they smiled at each other and then kissed again. Their kissing continued until they pulled up in front of Ava's building. Ava got out of the cab and Mike passed the driver a twenty dollar bill and said "Keep the change."

He got out of the cab as well and Ava took his hand and led him inside. When they reached Ava's door, she dug for her keys in her clutch purse as Mike said "Are you sure? I mean you're my best friend's little sister. This should feel wrong, but it doesn't. Is that bad?"

"Who cares about my brother? And, it's not bad at all that it doesn't feel wrong. It's not like my mother adopted you or anything, when you moved in."