


Music pumped loud through overhead black speakers. The crowd was at low volume, about a dull roar composed of thousands of indistinguishable conversations. Multicolored spotlights swept over the sea of people and strobe lights flashed furiously like obdurate camera men. Bodies slick with sweat bounced, bumped, and writhed against each other.

I still heard the door creak as he pushed the door and entered the club. I still heard his quiet footsteps from my seat in the corner of the dim dining area over the low seductive beat of the music. I heard him breathe over the insistent chatter of annoying girls crowding around my table; the conversation was about, but then again, I had never participated in it to begin with. I wish they would go away so I could focus on this new comer. The first time I saw him, one word flashed through my brain. Gorgeous. Maybe these girls will leave me alone and throw themselves at him. Heh, I can dream.

My eyes wandered back to him. A silver ring hung from his bottom lip and two pierced his right thin black eyebrow. Those were the only piercings he had except the ones following the curves of his ears. The neck of his ivory sweater failed to hide his luscious pale neck from me. I just wanted to sink my teeth... I blinked hard to flush away the sudden craving. Beautiful. He slipped his long slender hands into the pockets of his black dress slacks. Surprisingly casual.

I watched him walk toward my table. What was he doing?

"Come on ladies, give a man some space. He's obviously not going to talk to you." He said playfully. The group of ridiculous females parted like the quickly for him. He snapped his perfect pearl white teeth at a chubby blonde girl and growled. The girl squealed like the pig she was and then all the girls were fighting to get away. I guess the sheltered ninnies thought this guy was scary.

“Quite the ladies’ man.” He smirked and brushed his long black hair out of his eyes with black painted fingernails. Mmmm, he’s cute in a... darker sexier way. I shrugged.

“Oh and confident. How ‘bout a name to go with that face.” He stared at me under long dark lashes, the right corner of his mouth lifting into another smirk, and sat down across from me.

“Barren Seether.” I said without emotion.

“Mmm... never heard that one before. I like it and that makes your initials B.S. Cool, but it’s no match to mine. Fai Dremmen at your service.” He bowed his head regally with a lazy smile.

“Fie, as in fie on me?” I asked skeptically.

“No, F-A-I.” He said, smoothly waving over a waiter in a blue tube top that didn’t even think about covering her pierced navel.

“What can I get you, hun?” She said, cracking her gum like a professional.

“Jack with rum. And you? Can I call you Ren?” He looked at me quizzically.

“Just water.” I sighed and gave my signature silent “whatever”. What the hell. I’ll probably never see him again. If I do, I’ll just end up running him off in a week or two. Maybe less. People don’t take to me very well when they get to know me. He laughed.

“Whatever your little heart desires.” She leaned in too close, smiling and left.

“You’re killing me, sunshine. Get something a little more interesting than that. It’s on me. I wouldn’t laugh if you got something like a Cosmopolitan. Ok, maybe I would.” What the hell! I got up stiffly.

“You know what, that’s okay. I was about to leave anyways.” I stalked to the nearest exit, a side door leading into an alley way. My footsteps echoed loudly off the brick walls of surrounding buildings. The sun had set not that long ago but the street lamps were already on. One peered dimly my way.

“Barren! Don’t be that way! I was only kidding!”

I kept walking, ignoring his shouts.

“Seether!” He yelled right behind me. I whirled around on him. He hands slammed into my chest, pushing me against a wall. He kissed me so suddenly I gasped, mistakenly giving his tongue access. I pushed him away gasping and turned my head.

“What the fuck was that for, you fag?!” I glared at him sideways so he couldn’t plant another on me. He just grinned.

“You looked like you needed to be kissed.”

“How’d you know?” I croaked, my heart beating against my chest. This can’t be happening.

“Eh, I guessed, that’s all.” He looked at me thoughtfully.

“What?” I asked warily.

“I’ve decided to black mail you.” He smiled, sliding his hand up my leg. I knocked him away. Shit! This is definitely not happening!

“You do whatever I say and I won’t tell everyone that you’re gay.” Oh, is that all. I sighed inwardly with relief.

“Go ahead. Maybe it’ll get those girls off my back.” I smirked, for once. He looked a little shocked but then he smiled like the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland.

“I guess I won’t tell just so they’ll keep torturing you.”

“Maybe I’ll tell them then.” I said, leaning in and kissed him softly on the mouth. “Good night, sunshine.” I said mockingly and walked away.

It was hard to walk away. A part of me yearned to go back to Fai Dremmen so much my legs were shaking with the strain. I stopped around the corner, hoping to God he wouldn’t follow and leaned against a building, panting. If I went back, one of us would probably die. I’m pretty sure that I wouldn’t be the one to leave this world. What would I say when my DNA was found on him, plenty of people probably saw him chase me, and fang marks broke his lovely smooth flesh... I pushed away from the wall and staggered home like I was drunk. Rarely was my desire ever this strong. I had to resist. A murder on my hands would only complicate my already difficult life...

I lunged at the figure on my doorstep but pulled back the last of my strength at the last moment. It was Ella, my housekeeper.

“Master Seether, it is late and you are too young to be out drinking all night.” She scolded and reached out to support me. I jerked away from her gentle touch.

“Don’t touch me woman!” I screeched. When the struggle for my room was over, I slammed the door closed and fell into a heap just inside. Shaking and moaning, I fought my blood lust with wavering will through the cold uncaring night.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hmmm... are Barren and Fai gay? Is Barren human?

I apologize for deleting my first beginning version of this, but I was unsure of a lot of things. I think I've figured out most of them though. Comment me, please! Subscribe if you want.