
Wingless Angel

“You good for nothing you son of a bitch! You’re just like your father!” She started screaming as soon as she saw me slumped on the couch. It wouldn’t matter if I told her I was taking a break from lifting all the boxes from our move here to Massachusetts into the new house. I felt anger swell up inside of me.

“Well, maybe I should’ve just stayed with him.” I yelled back. Her eyes darkened and her hand slammed into the right side of my face. Blood trickled from my mouth.

“Oh, Fai, baby I’m so sorry. I just-” My mother whimpered. I silenced her with a glare, wiping my hand across my mouth and stalked to the front door. “Wh-wh-where are you g-going?” She followed me nervously, all irrational anger gone.

“Out.” I muttered before slamming the door in her face. The cold wind nipped at my face where it still stung from her hand. I clenched my hands into fists. There wasn’t ever a time that she hit me before the divorce. Back then she was always fighting my father and protecting me from him. Even now that he’s gone, he’s still hurting her and she has no way to fight it now. I could think of a million things to say in her defense, but I didn’t want to. I wanted to be the son of a bitch I was and stay out all night drinking and partying, maybe pay a prostitute a visit. Then when I’ve had enough, I’ll drag my sorry ass home and go to sleep.

The city finally began shifting over to a darker, dirtier side. I followed the sound of music to an inconspicuous door and a thickset bald guy with a headset. The club was probably illegal; the reason why there were no sings or even hints except the music and this guy who probably knew how to kick my ass in twenty different styles. I grinned.

“Twenty bucks pal.” The hairless gorilla grunted. Damn, that’s my last Andrew Jackson. I handed over the bill and slipped inside. The music pumped through my body seductively. I kept to the quieter, sitting area away from the dance floor. I really didn’t feel like being crushed to the beat of some pop song I didn’t even recognize.

I looked around curious and that’s when I saw him. He sat in the corner of the club in the shadows surrounded by a bunch of girls, looking bored and so goddamn beautiful. I loved the way his wild mane of chocolate and caramel fell into his stormy eyes... Oh God, I sound like a love struck freshman female. What am I thinking? This is a guy. I felt my heart race when he looked at me with those sexy grey eyes and I recognized the pink shade that flushed his face. He was blushing. Stupid heart. Am I gay? I just feel drawn to him. He looked back at his fan club, utterly disinterested. I decided right then to free him from his torment. When he looked at me again he looked confused.

"Come on ladies, give a man some space. He's obviously not going to talk to you." Some of the girls shot me dirty looks but most of them scrambled out of my way. I’m not that scary am I? They must think I’m a vampire. Ha! I played on their fears and snapped at the girl closest to me, a fat blondie, like I was out for blood. I doubt a real vampire acted like that, but his mindless fans didn’t need to know that. They all scrambled away violently.

“Quite the ladies’ man.” I smirked at his light pink flushed face. He probably didn’t even realize he was blushing. He shrugged and looked down, giving me a chance to study him. Even in the dark his skin had an orange glow to his peach tone. A lot more colorful than my albino skin. “Oh and confident. How ‘bout a name to go with that face.” I pulled the chair out across from him and sat down to watch his reaction.

“Barren Seether.” He said robotically. I tested the name silently on my tongue. I loved the way it rolled in mouth.

“Mmm... never heard that one before. I like it and that makes your initials B.S. Cool, but it’s no match to mine. Fai Dremmen at your service.” I bowed my head to add to the introduction. Hey, I like a little drama.

“Fie, as in fie on me?” His eyebrows bunched together, incredulous. I almost snorted.

“No, F-A-I.” I waved one of the waitresses over, another blonde. She smiled coyly and fluttered her fake eyelashes.

“What can I get you, hun?” The lady said, smacking her gum. How annoying.

“Jack with rum. And you? Can I call you Ren?” Pure impulse, I swear. I love his unique name, but it was too bleak for this impossibly beautiful creature. He shrugged again. Real chatterbox, I know. I noticed though, that his eyes flickered. A paragraph I wish I could read.

“Just water.” He sighed. I couldn’t help but laugh. I had wanted to see what his choice of drink would tell me about him, but he chose water. I got nothing. Everyone drinks water, needs to drink water. Okay, except vampires. I think.

“Whatever your little heart desires.” The waitress leaned, on verge of smothering him with her gigantic implants. Ugh.

“You’re killing me, sunshine. Get something a little more interesting than that. It’s on me. I wouldn’t laugh if you got something like a Cosmopolitan. Ok, maybe I would.” Sunshine? What wrong with me? I can’t even think straight.

“You know what, that’s okay. I was about to leave anyways.” He said softly, but I could see in his eyes that he was pissed. Ren-no-Barren, left angrily by the side door. No. I couldn’t let him leave like this. He must think I’m a total asshole. I ran after him.

“Barren! Don’t be that way! I was only kidding!” He ignored me and kept walking. “Seether!” I yelled again and this time he turned around angrily. I didn’t want him to be angry with me. I didn’t want... I slammed him into a wall and kissed him. That’s not what I had meant to do, I had just wanted to... He gasped. I slipped my tongue in, curious of what he tasted like. Cherries. I felt him yield to me for a moment but then I came against a steel wall of resistance. He pushed me away, turning his head to the side. We both stood there gasping for air.

“What the fuck was that for, you fag?” He snarled at me. Maybe I had been wrong. Maybe he hadn’t blushed back there.

“You looked like you needed kissing.” I improvised. He blushed.

“How’d you know?” He asked hoarsely. What’s he talking about? Is he gay? I started to get an idea in my head. Oh, I am so bad.

“What?” He looked at me cautiously.

“I’ve decided to blackmail you.” As soon as the words came out of my mouth he got a wild look in his eyes, reminding me of a wild animal backed into a corner. Dangerous. “You do whatever I say and I won’t tell everyone that you’re gay.” He visibly relaxed at my words.

“Go ahead. Maybe it’ll get those girls off my back.” He smirked at me, like I was totally blind to the obvious. Okay, so he’s gay. What else am I missing? I couldn’t help but smile at my idea gone awry.

“I guess I won’t tell just so they’ll keep torturing you.” And then he did something unexpected.

“Maybe I’ll tell them then.” He smiled and kissed me. “Good night, sunshine.” The wingless angel said mockingly and walked away leaving me so damn confused and needy just from a peck on the lips. It was more arousing than the kiss I stole from him. I had to take a walk before I could walk back inside the club. I downed the stiff drink, left money on the table, and left quickly. The club held no interest for me with him gone, so I walked back home thinking about Barren Seether, earlier than I thought and much more sober.
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Poor Fai, I'm afraid his head might explode!!! AHHH!!! ~.~ I forgot to warn you. This book is going to have dual points of view so it's going to overlap sometimes, but hey, you MIGHT get to know what both of them are thinking, MIGHT. Comment and I'll add you as a friend and subscribe and I'll love you forever... okay how bout you'll just be my bestest friend in the entire world for a day. Who couldn't want that?