Sweet Moon

Who Is June?

“I see the moon and the moon see’s me, the moon see’s someone that I want to see, I’ll bless the moon and he’ll bless me, we’ll bless that someone that I can’t see.”
“Let’s go you should have been in bed already.”
“I know don’t rush me.”
“Don’t what, I can do as I please get that ass to sleep, you have midterms.” His mother slammed the door. He knew he should have been sleeping already, but there is no need to yell at him. He is turning 19 soon, and finishing up high school though he wished it was over already. Pushing the covers all the way to the wall he looked up at his ceiling, it was a picture of colorful bubbles swirling. It always made him wonder why they put the bubbles. Laughing for the reasons he couldn’t explain he fell immediately to sleep.
His dream was a weird sorted mishap. The land stretched out; there wasn’t grass, but crystal. The land ended at a cliff, a waterfall tapping on the stone. He felt at home. He started crossing over to the cliff when he heard his name being called. Looking around he saw no one so he stood there waiting for someone to appear but no one ever did. Walking again he heard his name but he didn’t see anyone still. Reaching the cliff he saw that the water was closer than he thought, sticking his hand out he touched it. It wasn’t water that flowed over; it was diamonds hitting the crystal rocks down below. Looking down he saw it transform into water.
“June.” His name wasn’t June so he didn’t wonder if anyone else could be here though he doubted it. He felt the tap on his shoulders then swirl him around.
“Put those back June you know that isn’t yours.” When he had looked down, the diamonds turned to water seeping through his fingers and onto the floor, turning back to diamonds but this time in different colors.
“How did it do that?”
“Do what?” He looked up catching the paleness of her eyes stare at him. The light blue fading into the gray mesmerized him but he shook it off. She wore a long gown made of water that forever twirled around her body. Yet it never bared anything. “June stop staring at me.”
“I’m not June, I am Dean.”
“Dean…what a name to make up, so human, fine if that is the name you choose for today than I shall be…Mary-Alice.” She started to giggle twirling with the water around her, barefoot along the grass that seeped out from underneath her.
“But I am Dean; I don’t know who June is.”
“I know Dean.” Making quotation marks around his name while rolling her eyes. “Are you playing a human today? I would rather be a nymph. Though easy to manipulate as you do with them, they are very how shall I say this…joyful.” She ran away, but disappearing. When she returned she started to bead together the jewels that lay within the flowers at her feet, entwining them in her hair.
“Look …Mary-Alice I am not June, never have been never will be. I am Dean and I am human, and so are you.”
She was taken aback; shock left her mouth gaping while anger melted her eyes grey.
“What ever type of mood you are in June does not mean you insult me so, calling me human, very disrespectful of you. To think you wonder why I drift from you.” Dean turned away from her, this is a dream he said because he knew it was, illusions messing with his sub conscious that’s all.
“So I get no apology is that it then? Playing human may be your game but to call me one is unlike you, are you ill?”
“Look Mary-Alice I’m not ill, because I am not June.”
“Stop calling me Mary-Alice, you know my name Celeste.” All the names were giving Dean a head ache. Who was this June guy?
Celeste reached out her hand feeling the skin across his cheek.
“June, you are cold, you are suppose to be warm to the touch.”
“I am Dean, stop calling June or I will keep calling you Mary-Alice.” She dropped to the ground trying to wonder what made sense and what didn’t. The sun was descending now, and she was starting to disappear.
“Wake up Dean.” She was still talking to him. “Wake up; you have to wake up now.”
He felt a hand touch him but it wasn’t her. Blinking now he saw his mother standing on his bed, bouncing up and down.
“Mom get down you’re going to hurt yourself.” She jumped off, landing on her hands, flipping over to her feet.
“Wow…I feel alive today my son, wake up there is breakfast.” There hasn’t been breakfast done since he was twelve. Neither has he seen his mother move that way. He thought maybe she had an energy drink but she didn’t like those. School was opening in an hour, he was ready in ten minutes so breakfast wouldn’t kill him, or would it?
As he landed downstairs he saw the table with food, his sister Kim and brother Ron were eating already.
“Well look who decided to join us in the land of the living.” He waved, still feeling the effects of sleep. Kim was only a year older and Ron one year younger, their connection was tough to break but easy egg the other on.
“There’s no iced tea?”
“Cherry Kool-Aid and orange juice.” Something felt different to him and he didn’t know what, but it sent signals to him. He made himself to breakfast sandwiches, stealing extra bacon for the ride. Pouring the Kool-Aid into an empty bottle felt more impossible than ever. He saw it was half hour till school started, so he headed out the door with Ronald and Kim in the car.
“Did you have to get left back Kim?”
“Of course it was the only way to see your pretty face again.” He parked the car letting them leave first so he could eat his food. Closing his eyes to inhale the smell he saw her face again.
“June.” He opened his eyes and saw nothing but the yard ahead and a girl running towards a guy.
“June…June wait for me.” He turned around thinking this Celeste character was real; all it really was was the girl calling for the guy. They walked together to his car.
He closed his eyes again trying to shake off the jitters he felt.
“June, if you hear me, come back, we need to talk.”
“Leave me alone!” He yelled, opening his eyes. He bit into his sandwich feeling the solidness of it hit his stomach. Who the hell was June, should I know him?