Sweet Moon

Cosmos Please Hear Me

Her life was going by to quickly, time seemed so slow when she was Celeste now time flew by not stopping to say hello.
She went to school and passed her classes but kept quiet; there is no need to talk if there is no more life in her. Her color fading making her paler than usual.
All she could see was June’s face that day and each time it broke her down.
Celeste left class during the middle of the teacher’s speech. There was no use in hearing it if her mind wasn’t there.
She walked away from the school turning the corner to go to the park that’s farther away from the school.
It was bright out, the sun gleaming against the swings and slides.
Celeste sat on the nearest bench praying to the cosmos.
He sat next to her taking her hand.
“I miss you.”
“Why leave then? June please come back my heart is aching I’m losing my life at your expense.”
“You won’t understand, your world is just up there, mine is everywhere. I have more to do than what you think and I want to do more than just light up the skies.”
“But I love you.” She looked at him his eyes yellow as a sunflower, something she could never forget.
“I love you also don’t think I don’t. You can have someone else lighten you up.”
“June please stop this mad circle you are playing…I don’t want Brice or Dean I want and need you. What good does it do that they light me up with no love? Dean gave another girl a crystal rose, which is supposed to be for me.”
He cupped her face, his warmth reaching into her, her skin glowing from his energy. Her clothes and hair shifted, the water flowing around her body.
“It is for you, you don’t get it they are us a part of us. His love for her is my love for you.”
The water dropped from her dress, showing the pale blue gown she had.
“Then you don’t love me, he loves her but isn’t in love with her. You aren’t in love with me. What is going on? Is Aria and Nuvens making you do this to me?”
June panicked his eyes showed the fear.
He took her hand pushing his energy back into her; they ran until they became a light. Traveling to the sky.
The stars sparkling, the giants throwing their flames to take them back.
Their skin glowed among the others.
“I have to go and leave you…Aria and Nuvens have gone mad. My father doesn’t see it and my mother turns her back. Dusk hides in his cave but he hears it all so he knows. Celeste I love you so much but I am trying to protect you, if some thing were to happen to me then what would happen to you?”
“I’m dying at the rate of a human June something is happening to me. I have the power to die with the Earth but I can’t now I need you. I will go where ever you go take me with you.”
“And of Dean?”
“What of him? I am but a mere mountain in his path, he doesn’t want to be the sun giving him your bracelet was foolish.”
“I didn’t give it to him. The moment my life was put at risk the bracelet fled the stones flying everywhere.”
“June take me with you, I need to be with you I can’t take it.”
June hugged her, feeling her body mold within his. The cool comfort she gave off traveled along his skin.
“The cosmos won’t be glad about this.”
“The cosmos won’t like a lot of things June please I beg of you.”
He couldn’t take her, the running wouldn’t stop and who would take her place?
“You have to stay.”
Her eyes glittered, the tears at the rim falling down as she stared at him.
He was doing it all over again leaving her behind.
“No, no listen to me okay you must stay because when I come back everything will be better just wait for me.
“I won’t wait to hear what happened to you June that is torture. Stay with me I will protect you.”
“How can you possibly protect me Celeste? You can’t do it for yourself.”
“Hurting me isn’t going to stop me from making you stay with me. Stay June because leaving will just make it worse. And I can protect you just trust me on this.”
He took her hand again leading her back to the park.
“Stay and wait for me.”
“You will be dead and so will I.”
“Stop talking like that.”
“Stop leaving me…nymphs, enemies and now fear, you always manage to leave and I always wait. But this time June I will not wait for you to die so I can. So you shall stay with me and we will work this out on our own.”
“Dean has to take my spot.”
“Not if I say so he does not. I will speak to the cosmos but you are staying.”
“Celeste I can’t.”
“Not another word.” She took his hand this time, leading him back to the haven.
If anyone would wait for her she would protect him. She had no choice; she didn’t want to wait for something bad to happen to take any action.
The haven was grim, smelled of despair.
She pushed her hands in and out and an upwards motion, pulling and pushing the water.
The water rose and encircled the walls, placing a seal along it.
“Any one who isn’t welcomed shall not enter. I will protect you as I said I would.”
He sat on the floor, blossoming a wilted flower. Plucking it he took its petals and blew it along the haven. She sat next to him and the grass came to life, the flowers sprouted from the ground.
“No more fear June okay?”
“No more…be safe as well my love.” He took her hand as they lay on the floor closing their eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
such a very short chapter i know but i find it harder to try to stick to my original plot of the story, i'll try my damn hardest to make all my stories work.