Sweet Moon

Sweet Death With A Bitter Taste

She slept feeling the grass close around her body, giving her warmth.
June lay next to her playing with the strand of hair that stuck out from her braid. She looked so peaceful as her eyelashes lay on her cheeks. He sat up knowing if he were to stay then something would happen.
June didn’t want to chance it, didn’t want to put her life in peril just so he can stay in her arms.
The grass hugged his legs, knowing what he was going to do. He petted the grass and stood up, he picked a flower and laid it in her hand.
“If you leave I will follow you.”
“How did you know I was awake?”
“You didn’t sleep at all, you usually don’t June.”
“Celeste, Nuvens and Aria have been warped, their ways of thinking have broken, humans done that to them. They wish to…the wish of me dead. They want to rule and bring harm, they will soon bring harm to themselves Celeste.”
“You do not die June, humans and animals die but you live till it is time for you to leave causing the birth of another.”
“No Aria wants me to die, many times has she taken me, tested me. I have to flee and make sure I do not die.”
“That is the problem June you will let them win either way, she wants you to leave and you are doing just that.”
Celeste was outraged. Never before had she felt such madness boiling in her.
“My death will not be sweet.”
“Neither will you leaving me be as sweet, the taste will be bitter on my tongue.”
Dean had appeared in the haven, his first sight was June and Celeste together.
June looked at him and felt the need to run, the boy was a doom to him. The bracelet nearly complete, he did not want to be around when he found the last of the pieces.
Celeste had turned to Dean also, noticing the distance he kept between them.
“June right? If you leave then they will go after the next person, all the stars will be gone.”
“No they only wish to rule here.”
“Crazy people don’t want just one thing. If you die then so does all of us…I don’t want to die yet so you can’t leave.”
“Young one you don’t know the weight of your words.”
Dean was puzzled feeling as if he did. The sun had everyone revolving around him, without him then there would be nothing.
Dean looked into June’s eyes and knew what he felt in that moment. The fright, the need and wants. June was pressured and deep down felt nothing for the girl who stood beside him.
He went over to them taking Celeste hands and pulling her away from him.
He didn’t want her around someone that would let her go for his selfishness.
Lives are dying and he doesn’t care.
Dean sent June a look of knowing. June took it and his face dropped. The shame came over him.
“What is going on?”
Dean didn’t answer her, taking her into his arms he held her against his chest, cupping the back of her head to hold her there.
June wanted to take her back, she belonged to him and to see Dean hold her away from him made him feel threatened. He didn’t want anyone else to hold her that way, even if he didn’t love her she still belonged to him only.
“Dean what is going on?”
“June you are going to stay and we will fight them, but you have to leave Celeste alone.”
“What? No, Dean what are you saying? Are you going mad?”
“He doesn’t love you Celeste you have to let him go, but he will stay to keep us all alive.”
June was defeated, no amount of death can make him feel defeated the way this did.
No running allowed, he had to stay and he knew Dean was right.
“Let her go Dean she doesn’t belong to you.”
“She doesn’t belong to you either anymore.” Dean took Celeste’s face holding it gently. Her round face fitting in his hands. He bent his head to lay his lips on hers. He didn’t deepen the kiss but just pressed his against hers. Feeling her lips part open.
He drew away looking at her eyes to see the shine.
June pulled him off of her, pushing him back.
“You dare kiss her?”
“You don’t love her so what is the point of being mad?”
June swung his left fist, the heat taking over him. His body glowing, sending flares off of him, his energy taking them back.
His fist hit Dean in the face, causing Dean to stumble farther back.
“You haven’t the slightest clue of love you human. Taking as you please and giving very little back. Disgrace me the way you act as if you can do as you want. I may not love her but it does not give you the right to kiss her. The cosmos must have lost their mind to let someone so stupid take over my position.”
Celeste touched her lips, felt every bit of knowledge that Dean gave her. The little piece of her heart that hung on the string within her had fallen. Broken just as the crystal rose.
She walked up to June, wrapping her arms around his body. His aura froze, the cool intensity she gave enclosed over him. His body relaxed as her fingers played a rhythm on his chest.
She glided in front of him, taking his face in her small hands, touching his eyes and lips.
“You do not love me therefore you cannot claim anything on me. You are not able to say what someone else is or isn’t allowed to do to me my sun. I have loved you for all those years but when our time ends they will take our place and not have to worry.”
The room grew dark, a pale light coming from the waterfall.
Celeste panicked; she knew she put a protector over the haven so how can someone come in.
The pale light eased towards them until a hand touched her shoulder.
The light in the room came back but very dim.
He stood there in his hooded gown covering his face. Dean quickly sat up and took Celeste’s hand.
She bowed causing him to bow as well. June stood his ground, not wanting to give in to someone else.
“You do not bow before me young one?”
“I am no longer young and I wish not to bow for you.”
“Hmm…I am sure your father would be pleased to know you are back, and the lack of respect you hold shall cause you much.”
His voice was low, he spoke as if time stood still and they held their breath.
“Sweet death, do you know what that feels like?”
“No it is what I am trying to avoid.”
The hooded man turned to Dean, studying the core of him. He nodded his head with approval.
“Cosmos, what brings you here?”
“Dear Celeste I come as I feel the need to arrive. I do not like what is happening with our world. Death, we do not die we live. We do not act on each other with any feelings for others. We look to all yet I see all the wrongs.” The air around him stopped flowing. He had brought Nuvens and Aria into the haven. Celeste moved back making Dean move with her. June’s eyes grew wide as he saw them.
“My children what have you learned from humans?” He touched Aria’s face, black ink dripping down his hands. She screamed at the pain while each drop fell on her dress.
He let go of her, sending them back.
“Something shall happen soon…be warned and prepared.”
He left, leaving Celeste in the arms of Dean while June stood there, looking at the death that would have over shadowed him.
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okay i am slowly going back to my plot lol