Sweet Moon

Ruins The Plan

Mer had settled a cabin in the woods, near the river, they had stood the night there.
“Since when did you live on Earth?”
“Always I do like to get away from my home once in a while.” She looked over at Dean he touched the wood of the house. He opened the back door looking at out at the trees. The opening up above showed a clear sky turn gray. The clouds stitching together forming as one, becoming darker as the lay on top of each other. Thunder rolling around on the clouds as a soft bed. Wind picking up its pace the leaves stirred on the floor, brushing past his face and into the house. He closed the door and took in the oxygen. The wind was to strong.

She screamed, the echoes of her sound spreading across the room.
“Would you shut up already…screaming would do you no good.” She slapped him across the face, putting her anger into her hands.
“You do not have the ruin of a face. Do not tell me to shut up I shall scream if I please.”
She flailed her arms and the wind around them circled, moving their clothes and her hair.
He sat on the form of clouds underneath him.
“Aria as I said screaming does no good, so please you are causing the drums in my ears to beat a thousand times.”
She took a piece of cloud and threw it at his face. How dare the cosmos touch her in such a way.
“Nuvens shut up, did the cosmo touch your face and make it drip black ink? I think not so you have no say in anything at all. He knew all along and he never once stopped us until then.”
“Maybe he wants us to do it.”
“Hear yourself for a minute, the fat of your body must be affecting that awful brain of yours.” She paced back and forth, the curls of her hair swaying side to side.
Her eyes wide with fear and anger, the heat rising through her body as she tried to stay cool.
Nuvens sat there watching her in her own insanity. She was his amusement for the day and he wanted to know what she was thinking.
“Tell me sister what is going on in that head of yours?”
She thought about it for a moment, pondering the ideas that floated around in the pool of thoughts. The decisions she had to make.
“Brother we have taken care of each other since birth, now we must fight again. I will not watch as we lose the battle we started. This can not go on any long then what is needed because I won’t allow it Nuvens. June must go down whether by force or by nature he will go.”
“Aria you sound mad.”
“I sound strong brother strong. The human thinking he can stop the very thing I worked so hard to start? No he won’t so now I will show him the force he does not want to recon with.”
Nuvens sat there now thinking about the well being of his sister. So bitter she has become over the last centuries and now this is her ending cause.
He got up from his chair walking towards his sister in hopes of calming her.
“Aria relax you are making the weather quiet frightening.”
Her hair flew up the wind around them going strong and the clear color of her eyes swirled.
“That is what I want! They are on Earth and while they are there they shall feel everything I have to give. Damn them all Nuvens.”
She had been with the humans for too long, studying the rhythm of their anger and happiness. They way they start way and make their way for peace.
Fascinated by the very instrument they cause.
“I want him in the palm of my hand, the grasp of a fly in the nest of a spider. I want him for taking.”
There that glimpse in her eyes that told him she was no longer Aria. She was now something the humans created, a weapon of choice and force.
He was frightened. Not sure how to handle her. Her mind mad, the sanity slipping away.
“We will get him Nuvens. I will get him for you as trophy of our victory.”
“No need for a trophy dear sister please be rational about this.”
She hit him, threw all her might at him till he staggered, landing him on the floor, his face flushed.
“No need for a trophy!? Nuvens what is wrong with you, we worked hard to reach this and he is simply walking into our palms now you decide to let this be?”
“Sister I just merely thought-
“You thought of nothing!” Another force of her energy punched into him. His breathing now hurt from the hits he taken from his sister.
Why would she hurt me? Nuvens thought it but couldn’t obtain the answer.
Aria saw the hurt on his face, the pain she caused his heart after she had poured her anger on his skin like hot wax.
She crouched down near him, taking his face in her hands and kissing his cheek. She held him, closing her eyes.
He didn’t hold back, what has become of her is beyond his control.
“I’m sorry Nuvens, know that I would never hurt you.”
But she did, she had already hurt him and he wanted nothing to do with it.
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it is short yes i don't really like the title but oh well best i can do lol i felt like buffalo bill its ruins the plan and puts the doggie in the basket lmao w.e. so it is their side of the story and i just wanted to shed light on their side of things you know double side of the coin enjoy : )