Sweet Moon

Dean Is Useless

She lay in her bed, twirling the ends of her hair. There was much wrong in the world she lived in and she was the only one to set it straight.
Her poor brother was too weak to do much, never a leader but a great lamb he is.
She had to get rid of him, she was tired of the light, all she wanted was the gloom of a miserable day.

“I stared at her.”
“Stared at who?”
“The face of death the one who wants to kill me. She was this close and the only thing stopping her was cosmo.”
They had all stared at him. The handsome boy who’s golden skin shined no matter the day. His golden brown hair set to his shoulders was pushed back away from his face. His fingers trembling at the mere thought of losing his life.
“What if she would have killed me? Celeste you would have let her, the arms of someone else guiding you.”
“June you know that isn’t true.” He scoffed at her. Getting up from the chair he checked outside, the wind blowing the trees madly. The skies still dark but not a single drop of rain.
Dean stepped out of the bathroom, the color drained from his face. His stomach now free from anything he ever ate. Before he left the bathroom he took a look at himself in the mirror, seeing the resemblance between himself and June.
It scared him to see the similarities. Twisted his stomach to know there was someone there who looked like him, who was centuries older and was very selfish.
“Dean are you okay?”
Before he could answer June came back in the living room, staring at the boy who mirrored him.
“You throw yourself at him, as if I am not there. What do you care if he is okay or not?”
Mer cleared her throat, the plump woman rising up to cut the tension in the air.
“Enough, put away your silly pride and games, and you eat something and rest you are no good if you are sick.”
“We don’t need him anymore if I am back.”
“You may be back but you are useless now, cowering in your fear.”
“And if someone was trying to kill you? They need you, for you cause as much disaster as they do, so don’t speak to me of cowardice.”
June stood tall, raising his chest in a puff of air as he looked defiant. It was a challenge that Mer did not want to take. A child’s game she wasn’t fond of.
Dean laid on the couch, his head resting on the armrest.
“She is right June; you are a coward in a time of need. The light we need to clear away the mess and bring hope yet a new day, instead poor dusk is left alone waiting for someone to put him to rest. You have been very selfish.”
“Taking others side before mine? What is wrong with you all? Out to get me as well as they.”
Celeste took the bowl of hot soup and crackers making her way to Dean. He sat up letting her sit at the corner.
She dipped the cracker in the bowl fed him.
“For once-I think I agree with him, I am useless so there is no need for me to help.” The wind scraped at the cabin. Begging it to open its wood and let it in.
Mer had left the cabin, going back to her home to check on her people. She was afraid of leaving them alone without comfort.
“Celeste let’s go back home we can leave him here he has family.”
“Stop the attitude already June, you have been nasty lately and I’m not sure why.”
His frustration bubbled. He was near death and he wasn’t allowed to feel angry.
He left them alone going into Mer’s room to lay on her bed. He hasn’t slept in weeks and he needed the break.
Celeste picked up the spoon but Dean shook his head. He sat up and took a cracker hoping it would eat up the acid that remained in his stomach.
“I think I should go, fix what you have with him and make sure he doesn’t leave.”
“But Dean when your mother see’s your eye what will she think? You fighting is like a-is like a…oh you don’t fight simple as that.”
“Thanks.” He said with a grim voice. He made his way for the front door but she blocked him. Wrapping her arms around him she tapped certain points in his back.
Dean slipped down to the floor.
“Sorry, I’m sorry but I couldn’t let you leave, her orders were to make sure none of you left.” She ran to Mer’s room, finding June on his back.
She tapped the same points and ran back to the living room.
“No I’m not, I’m just worried about you, I don’t want you running about when they can swoop down and take you any minute.” She lay on the floor, placing her hand on his chest feeling the beating of his heart. He was panicking.
She raised her hand in front of him swooping up and down. He breathed in the fresh air and felt his body relax.
“Don’t do that ever again.”
“I had to make sure.”
“Next time tell me.” He sat up holding her hand. She sat up as well staring at Dean, her hand in his as a cool breeze circled around them, lifting strands of hair from her.
The back door busted open. The wind now knocking over the chairs and the leaves scratching their faces.
Mer’s body thrown at their feet.
“Surprise! I come for my reward.” Aria glided in the house, before they had a chance to do anything she put a wall in front of them. The air moving so fast it started to take their breath.
Aria went into the room finding June still there, immobilized.
“Perfect, you come to me already half gone.” She lifted him by the collar and dragged him out the room. She passed by Dean and Celeste, seeing their eyes roll back. Aria left quickly running back home. June was now there on her bed.

The wall vanished and they fell to the floor. Their oxygen slowly coming back to them. Celeste touched Mer feeling for her energy and found a tiny pulse.
She crawled to her putting her hands over her face and moving them up and down.
“Dean…it isn’t working we must take her to her home.” She took Dean’s hand, concentrating on the vision of Mer’s world.
When she opened her eyes they were on the streets on her world, the people passing by saw with astonishment.
“Please we need a doctor, Mer she is hurt.” A man from the crowd came, lifting Mer up from the floor and running away. Celeste lay back on the ground feeling the pulsing rhythm of the floor as she learned how to breathe again.
“Celeste she took June.”
“I know.” Tears formed a pool at the corner of her left eye. It was becoming to serious now.
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the hilltop of it all next we will roll down the hill and see what lies in the valley - skye
i made that up im impressed with myself lol and all of this on my mothers very comfortable bed that is making me very sleepy