Sweet Moon

Father Time

The bed creaked as she shuffled to her back. Her arms and legs worn out from the energy she pulled.
She realized she wasn’t in the haven nor was she in Mer’s cottage, but in Mer’s real home.
The tears fell down the side of her face, hitting her ears.
“Stop crying Celeste…we will find him.”
She couldn’t stop though, her chest closing in, her lungs shriveling. She couldn’t breathe from the crying. The ones she love were being hurt.
The image of Mer on the floor at her feet like a rag doll thrown on the chair, the fear built up and shocked her.
June being carried out, the dog on the leash being forced to walk.
She felt the guilt, she paralyzed him while he slept and now he can feel no harm.
“Dean they could have killed him and he can’t feel it.”
He stood quiet, wiping the tears away.
Celeste tried to sit up but her body felt weak.
The door slowly opened and two men came in. Both dressed the same, in opposite colors. Their hair pulled back.
A girl walked in front of them with Stefany behind her.
“She said she knows you.” She bowed and left the room with the men, Stefany left alone to stare at them on the bed.
Dean sat up quickly, the pain spiking through his back.
“How did you get here?”
“I fell asleep I guess…why are you in Mer’s house?” Dean helped Celeste up. She wiped her face and flattened her dress.
“June has been kidnapped and Mer is in care as of now…Aria has hurt her.”
Stefany couldn’t speak, she didn’t expect for violence to happen.
She went into the kitchen, settling a pot of water on the stove.
“There is no time for tea, I must get June back.”
“My grandmother had taught me that when your bones hurt, or an ache overwhelms the body to drink a certain blend of tea.”
Celeste sighed. The girl becoming bothersome to her.
She wanted to see Mer, to save June and have everything back to the way it was. She looked at Dean who in return stared at Stefany. The kiss had made her think he liked her. But she saw now that it was a lie, a way to prove something.
“I can’t have any tea now, I have to see Mer.” Stefany turned around, disappointed. She turned off the stove and waited.
Celeste opened the door and stepped out, a light brightening her face.
Her bones ache, and her body screamed,
The two men from before walked beside her, guiding them to the doctor.
When Celeste saw Mer on the bed, her heart dropped. The woman looked lifeless. Her flowing gown now still, frozen in motion.
Celeste went to her, taking her hand in hers and praying that she gains health.
“Mer, please wake up, tell me what happened.”
“She won’t wake up now.”
Dean faced the doctor, speaking up for Celeste.
“Why won’t she wake up now?”
“She has been, metaphorically speaking, shot so her nervous system is down a bit. Her brain a little off. We are mending her but it will take some time. Besides her breathing is low as well.”
“Low, she isn’t breathing right?” Celeste put her hand in front of Mer’s face and pushed up and down. Forcing the air to go through her body.
Mer’s chest rose and fell, the oxygen tickling her lungs to wake up.
“I will pull her to doctor.”
He went to stop her but Dean put his hand out, blocking him from passing.
“Mer please wake up. The cosmos do not want you to end this way.”

For she was right, the cosmos did not see Mer perishing at the hand of Aria. They sat questioning the very thought of letting her live. Many opposed, feeling she went against what she stands for.
“We let her live.”
“For what? She regards the natural ways and creates her own.”
“But that is what to expect from her, a temperate child she is, the predictable Mer that surprises us. That is her natural way since birth.”
The debate began. The votes overriding into no. A voice spoke out, quieting the noise.
They turned their attention to the man coming to them, his presence changing from old to young.
“Father time…there is no need for you to come into this.”
“There is, for I say that she lives. Mer has stood against the most, and has taken what she felt didn’t belong. Made the good bad and the bad good when needed. To end that means ending the cycle that was created.”
“Father but a new cycle begins.”
“New yes, wise no. No one else is ready to take the place of Mer; her people need her ever more.” His voice changing from that of a child to a man’s, his clothes renewing and withering.
“So you say we should let her live?”
“Yes, you will not regret this. It isn’t in our hands to stop accidents from happening, but we can control who lives and goes.”
“Wouldn’t that be in the hands of us sisters then?”
“Sister faiths it would, but it needs more than your hands. No one is ready for when she leaves. As the same for June. Aria has trained many for years, Nuvens has a daughter that has practiced so in time it shall be fixed.”
The sisters sat back down. Father time staring into the faces of the others.

She opened her eyes, reaching her right hand to Celeste.
“Oh you live, I’m so happy to see you awake again.”
Celeste hugged her, crying once more from the joy that filled her heart.
“Celeste let her breath.”
“Oh yes, yes I forgot sorry.” She let go, walking back to stand next to Dean. Mer slowly sat up, eyeing everyone around her.
“You can hug me again love.”
She ran back to Mer, hugging tightly. She whispered in her ear, hoping the rest didn’t hear her. “I was worried you would have left me, she took June Mer, took it right in front of us and I have no idea what to do.” The tears spilling, losing control.
“Shh, don’t worry, we will figure something out. Aria grew stronger though, so you can’t fight her. She is mad, there is no controlling her.”
Stefany left the room, taking the chalk out of her pocket. Dean followed her to the living room finding her on the floor.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m trying to see if it would work.”
“It wont if we are in their world, you didn’t wish for him to be taken away right?”
She looked back at him, she couldn’t believe he asked her that.
“No of course not Dean what do I look like to you? I’m not a killer, I was wishing to see you, and when I fell asleep I was here with you.”
He shook his head. It felt so filled with thoughts and images. Wishing he can store them away in another brain.
Dean went to the floor next to her, picking up a piece of chalk to draw with her.
He noticed her hands swiftly moving along the floor, the drawing being scattered.
He dropped the chalk and watched her as she kept drawing; she got up to move along the floor, the story continuing.
She dropped her piece, and stared at the drawings.
“What happened?”
“I don’t know, none of this makes sense to me.”
“If you drew it then it should make sense.” He stood up and looked down. Puzzlement rushed through him; he didn’t understand what she drew.
“This doesn’t make sense Dean, I did this without realizing what I’m drawing but I can’t figure it out, there was no story behind it.”
No story behind the drawing he thought. Then why would she do it.
“There is no story because we haven’t thought of it, we haven’t figured out what to do. Our minds aren’t processing the thoughts of making a move.”
Dean went back to the room to see Celeste sitting on the floor, her head in Mer’s lap. Mer stroked her hair and looked up at Dean.
“No story, there isn’t a story because there is no idea. We don’t know what to do so there is no story.”
“We shall make one up then.”
“By doing it, playing our parts and continuing on. Be the thoughts that want to play. We must find June and save him.”
“I know that has been our act since the beginning.”
“No it hasn’t, not it has, I wasted time trying to find him, when now is when he needs our attention the most.”
She was right, June could die and they wouldn’t know what to do.
“But we know who took him.”
Stefany came in the room.
“We have to form an army.”
They looked at her now, not sure of what she meant.
“I get the drawing, it isn’t a story it is a hint, we have to form an army. They are planning to fight and we are no match. We need people who can help.”
There was silence. They couldn’t think of others who would help in a battle of their own. If it wasn’t for the universe then they wouldn’t part take.
“I know of a way to help.” Their eyes adverted to the other person behind Stefany. Not sure of who it could be.
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ok so just in case you are thinking im trying to be like the avatar or something i'm not. though i do love that show.....i'm just take our very nature and putting it into a story, a what if our actual sun was taken away, trying to be replaced by another sun smaller or bigger than ours....the circumstances of these individuals with their actual ability to do these things. Aria i believe is Italian for air, Nuvens is i think Portugese for clouds, Allegement means lightening, i'm just taking elements and giving it a story, hopefully a good one.