Sweet Moon

Where's The Moon? And Which Is A Lie?

It has been a month since his dream that he hasn’t seen the moon; he knew it moved a lot but still to have no sign of the moon at all was unnerving. He prayed anyway, this time to have the moon come back.
Dean wasn’t ready to go to sleep yet though, he needed a few minutes to think about everything so he pulled a yellow note pad out from his desk and started to jot down things that didn’t make sense versus the things that did. He had a short list for the things that was making sense to him. But he knew Celeste would answer his question, hopefully she would.
“What’s that in your hand?” He was sitting on the grass with Celeste holding the notepad try to concentrate on his thoughts.
“It’s a notepad; I’m trying to make sense of everything.”
“We use the stars for that…they hold a lot of secrets.” Dean looked up at the ceiling noticing just the crystal but no stars. He nodded to agree with her.
“You know what’s strange…lately I haven’t been seeing the moon, but I pray to it every night and still no sign of it.”
“I’m sorry for that really, I am but without my June I can’t shine.”
“Why are you apologizing?” She threw five gems in the air and they stood in an arch floating from one hand to the other.
“You haven’t guessed it yet have you Dean? Just like a human too. Dean I am Celeste Creese, the moon for you to understand and without my June I can’t shine.”
“So what is June suppose to be the sun or something?” She became excited now, he was catching on to everything.
“Yes he is.”
He shook his head trying to clear everything.
“That doesn’t make sense though Celeste, I see the sun everyday.”
“Only because of his father Sol, but June is my heat the one who takes over when his father rest. His mother knows many secrets but the where about of her son she doesn’t. It saddens her but it isn’t her fault. June and I are a pair, we work together and yes I do know you have been praying to me but I am sorry I can’t answer you. I can’t shine without my June’s light and I fear he will never return.” She was very serious about it all. Her emotions never faltered only when she felt the need to cry which would be now. Dean didn’t know what to make of it all, it would explain why she knew his song but what goes unanswered is how this all came to be. Why is he the one to have to deal with this? He knew the answer as soon as he thought the question and it simply was because he resembled June.
“What about Nuvens and Allégement what are they?”
“Well Nuvens is the clouds, he loves to hide us he claims, and Allégement is the lightening that strikes your world and ours.”
“That explains why Nuvens is big and why I never see the other guy.”
“Yes, but it doesn’t explain why June is gone. He shines so brightly when the summer is due and now he won’t be able to.”
“Also explains why the summer is always hotter.”
“Dean what should we do?”
He looked around; they were always in the same place, never in a new.
“How do we leave here?”
“We ask Aria.”
So finally he was going to meet Aria, she didn’t explain who she was but he would just wait to be surprised.
A gust of wind passed through their legs and to the right of them stands a woman, her hair in curls reaching her back, the dress she wore was the color of a light golden rod that matched the color of her hair. Her face long with almond shaped eyes.
“Celeste, Dean, what is it you need?”
“Aria, have you seen my June? Allégement said he saw him being carried by a shadow but he doesn’t know who.”
“Well it sounds like the dusk. He feels he doesn’t get enough time, complains much. I shall check, did you think they took him back to the skies?”
“His mother would have known.”
“Some things she doesn’t he is probably in another part that doesn’t know of her.” With that Aria was gone leaving Dean to go back to his list.
“She is related to Nuvens.”
“You didn’t ask her how to leave.” Celeste asked the question aloud, receiving the answer.
Celeste walked over to the cliff touching the water and feeling stone. She pulled something out that looked like a key.
Dean started walking to her when she walked away, in return he followed her the other way, she was heading towards the wall and for the first time he was a hole.
“Was that always there?” She put the key in and they watched it dissipate, opening the walls all around. The gaps were revealing a black sky, the stars shining, with the haze following.
“Aria said we must speak to Allégement for he is the only one who has actually seen June.” The haze started to fall on them, covering them, taking them to the sky. The haze grew larger; Celeste sat down along with Dean.
“Celeste I am glad it is you in here.” A man as tall as Dean formed from the haze, wearing what it seemed to be a dress Dean thought, or a very nice toga. He was lean and muscular with hair cropped to his ears.
“I am sorry to hear that June is gone but I am getting word that he was taken.”
“Did you not see for yourself?”
“I did but brief moment, as I looked back it was gone. I wished not to talk to you in the haven for fear Aria might hear.”
Dean spoke aloud. “Why wouldn’t you want Aria to hear?”
“I do not trust that one, the queen of wind, she hears all and takes all. Nothing is safe with her.”
“But Nuvens is the keeper of clouds right?”
“Yes but only the ones he makes, the haze is of gas, I am safer here than residing along Nuvens. Those two together are a conspiracy. If you ask me I believe Nuvens must have taken him.”
“Why would Nuvens take my June? He adores him.”
“He only adores what belongs to him my dear, Nuvens is old, he has seen the hatred the humans give when he starts to form, he built off of that and for that reason he has been gone a lot as well.”
“He would have no reason to take June, Allégement, don’t speak ill of him. Nuvens is old with time as the rest of us but please be reasonable he has no means to take him.”
“Celeste is right what would be the reason to take him, Aria thinks it’s the dusk that took him.”
“Boy you look much like June, Aria would say anything to keep you around and rid of June. The dusk, what lies that will be, for I have seen dusk, never an angry soul.”
“He has more reasons though.” The haze stopped.
“I have to bid you farewell, there seems to be a need for storms today.” The haze brushed away from them having Celeste and Dean standing on a beach of black sand. They looked ahead and saw nothing.