Sweet Moon

Still Confused

They had walked for what seemed like hours, going further into the blackness. Not sure of where they were going or if they were still on sand. Dean held Celeste’s hand making sure they were still together, if he let go there was no way of knowing if she was still next to him.
“Celeste I can’t see anything, we are walking into nothing, maybe we should stop.” But she ignored him.
She had to find June, her June, without him then nothing would matter. Maybe Allégement was wrong, maybe it really was the dusk. Celeste will never utter those words out, for now dusk was around them and to speak in front of this darkness would be a fool.
“Dean if we stop then how will we find him, please be smart about this.”
“Be smart? We are walking in the dark trying to find someone we can’t see what good does that do?”
Feeling outrage he turned his back to her, taking one step ahead but falling. The instant he hit the ground a sky revealed itself from above, the morning blue and purple fading in black.
“That must have been the smartest thing you have done this whole time Dean, how did you do that?” He pushed himself up onto his knees.
“All I did was just trip over the rock.” When he looked the rock was no longer there.
“Well the dusk must have liked your fall because he is gone, now he will watch from up there.” She pointed to the sky. Dean wiped his hands on his jeans and as he did he saw the speck of glittering sand. He picked it up relieved it didn’t melt in his hands.
“What’s this?” Celeste’s eyes sparkled from tears; she felt the sudden urge to dig for the other pieces.
“Oh it’s a part of his bracelet I made him. Then he has to be here somewhere.”
“Maybe the dusk was trying to hide it, him, maybe he does have June.” He tried to get up but something was holding him down. A black cloak swished past his face as he looked up to see a man.
“Finally, a mere human; who drops to his knees worshipping at my feet. Feels grand.”
“Dusk he is not here to worship but to help me find someone.” He looked bored with himself.
“Yes so I have head, nice for Allégement to defend on my behalf, King sol is very upset. But I of all is grieving as well, I am not able to see our beautiful face each night we pass.”
Dean saw the glimmer in dusk’s eyes, nothing but bones and flesh. Deep circles under his eyes the color of a rich purple.
“What are you staring at young man? I’m starting to feel hatred towards you.” Dean realized he was able to get up.
“What for? Because I think you actually do have June?”
“Be wise son, why would I need the King’s child? I have enough as it is, and what’s forever more I have this lovely lady to look at, but not no more.”
“Oh dusk, I too miss seeing you but please if you do have June return him.” He was now insulted.
“Why would I need that fool? Means of nothing to me but to have him brighten you. Such mockery you make of me…if that is what you think then fine child think that.” A light started to break though the dark.
“Could it be him?” The dusk fled away. Dean couldn’t see for the light burned his eyes.
“Celeste I have come to ask for your hand”
“Brice what are you doing? I only shine for June.”
“Yes but June isn’t here no more, the other stars are now speculating that you need someone new, even your father Iio agrees.”
“You have a father?”
“He governs Jupiter.”
Everything was going to fast for him. Putting the clues together for this mystery wasn’t easy not even Holmes himself could solve it.
If the dusk fled at the sight of Brice then he must have for June as well. Dusk’s world revolves around the dark.
What would be his need to have June? Unless he had someone else take him.
Dean was finally able to look at Brice seeing a tall muscular man.
“Are you a giant star?” Brice gave him a look of dismissal.
Dean left Celeste alone to look around. There wasn’t much but a cave and sand; the water was farther than he thought.
The sand was black so the specks of gold shone out even brighter; he wanted to look in the cave but it was to dark. Though after the little journey he thought this cave would be much easier. It was drawing him in; he began to walk towards it.
“Dean where are you going?” He didn’t answer. Brice fled as he saw where Dean was heading; the fear creeping into his eyes.
Celeste caught up to him; trying to figure out what he was up to, tugging on his arm with no success. At the entrance to the hole in the mountain was as dark as when they first arrived. The path of sand that marked their way inside; tiny glimmers of gold shinning from the darkness that still resided on the walls of the opening.
Dean woke up from the pull.
For and instant he had all the answers, but within that instant he lost them all, was left with only one.
“I know what happened to June.”
“Do you really?”
“Technically no, I do know that he tried to runaway for what ever reasons he had.” Celeste felt the sadness over come her, why would June want to run away?
“I’m sorry…I don’t know how I got that answer but the cave…well the cave spoke to me, telling me everything and then when I woke up all the answers I thought I had was gone. With the speed of a light bulb it just vanished but it was kind enough to tell me that he tried to run away. Though why would a cave know that he ran away or tried to at least I mean that seems downright weird.”
Dean rambled on so much that he wasn’t aware that she sat on the sand, facing the entrance of the cave. Her dressed stopped flowing around her and all the black sand near her turned blue, causing the specks of gold to turn green.
“Look at that, it looks like the sea. Are there mermaids?”
“No there aren’t just nymphs. Do you think my June ran off with a nymph?”
“No no why would he want to do that when he has you, the moon. You shine because of him I mean that is close to worship now you won’t be able to guys usually don’t want to mess that up even if they are the sun.” He dropped to his knees looking at the entrance of the cave. They both wondered if they shall enter it completely.
“How is it that we are still able to see the specks of gold?”
“I don’t know…I also don’t know why Brice left in a hurry when he saw you near the cave, he looked scared.” Dean hadn’t noticed that Brice wasn’t there, just the certain pull that the cave had to him.
“I think we are close to finding him, and Brice must have something to do with it. Think about it for a moment Celeste don’t shoot it down. Brice was afraid maybe he didn’t want me to go in the cave for fear I might know where June is at. Maybe he is a part of this conspiracy theory I have going on but it doesn’t explain why. What I really want to know is why June would want to run away, no I do not think it is because of a nymph so don’t think that.”
“Dean is right my dear Celeste.” The dusk and Allégement appeared at the mouth of the cave. “It isn’t a nymph but for other reasons, Mer might know of something as well, let us go to her.”
“Another woman? What is she?” They walked back to the beach and stared off at the waves till they slowly got closer. To the left Dean saw the crest of a moon and pointed it out to Celeste.
“That is my father who is probably gloating.” The waves stood above their heads rising as each new wave came. At the very top was a woman who seemed to be floating, her feet meshing with the water. Then the water crashed down at their feet and stood Mer.
“Dusk, Allégement, Celeste, what is the honor I owe thee?”
“My dear Mer, lovely at this time of day, please tell us what you might know about the young June?”
“Please Mer I must know, too much speculation of him running away has caused quite a stir within me.”
“Running away… I believe I heard him say that when he arrived here but I also saw Nuvens and Aria, who would have thought. Anyway something about helping him leave, he expressed how he needed to get away, feel normal. Well I don’t know what is so bad about being us, I love it.” Mer; a very plump curvaceous woman, her hair of black trailing at her feet, while her eyes of green with long lashes; blinked at him. Tiny beads of water resting on them.
“Well you look like him the most, probably heard that all day yes but I guess everyone must think to themselves well why look when we have him here.” The flow of water along Celeste’s dress began to flow once more, her skin shining.
“Yes, you must have a piece of him within you, you are able to understand June, well know of him more than I for you must have a piece of him within you. You were the one who noticed the gold specks before me, something June was able to do.”
Deep within Dean he felt a tugging within himself, then a very faint whisper.
“Celeste I have to go but don’t forget what you just said finish talking about it.”
“Finish talking about what?” Dean sat up in his bed, sweat dripping down his back. His mother helped him out of the room and into the bathroom. His head was swimming with all the possible directions that were taking place but no final answer as to which direction was which. She turned on the shower for him and left him to finish the rest.
The warm feeling of the water hit his head felt cooling, he saw the scissors at the window and decided to cut his hair properly, and since he was in the shower it made it easier. With that he was relaxing for once, no thoughts of other people invading his dreams.