Sweet Moon

I'm Here

The bell had rung announcing that he was late for class again for the fifth time in a row.
Going into his science class he saw a girl standing next to his teacher as everyone talked amongst them selves.
“Nice for you to join us Dean have a seat please.” Dean slipped through the seats making his way to the back. When he looked up at the girl still standing he fell into a complete shock.
“Okay students I know she is late with the year but she is finishing up like the rest of you, she is new to town and her name is Mary-Alice Creese. Diane go sit next to Dean, Dean raise your hand so she can see you. Today I just want to hand back your test and we can relax today. I don’t feel like doing much.”
Mary-Alice sat next to Dean putting down her bag and checking out the other classmates.
“Celeste?” She looked up at him happy that he was able to notice her.
“How is this possible? How can this possibly be? Your hair is brown…you are wearing glasses your eyes are still grey but what? How?”
“When you left we had figured that June was here…please Dean I need more help than I thought, Mer told me how to be human and I needed more time with you. You are my link to June and if you stop appearing then what else am I to do?”
“I must be sleeping still.” His eyes wide from the surprise she had given him.
“Dean please focus it is important, because if June is here then we can take him back.”
“Sir may I leave please?” His teacher put down his book nodding knowing the possibility of getting in trouble.
Dean took Celeste’s hand and they ran out of the school and into his car.
As he pulled out of the parking space he sped away down the street to anywhere he thought it would be safe to stop at.
He had decided to stop at the diner near his house when he saw Stefany sitting at the booth before him. She got up coming over to him.
“Dean hey… I haven’t seen you in a while.” He averted his eyes down to the table.
“Yeah I have been busy, but how have you been?”
“Good, I was wondering there is a party tonight would you like to come with me?” Dean looked at Celeste who was mouthing no to him.
“Can I call you and let you know?”
Stefany said yes and went back to her table. Celeste looked at Dean and waited for him to say something. He didn’t so she took her turn.
“I won’t ask what that is about…but please don’t fool around with someone else while we are working on something.”
“Celeste what are the possibilities that June is around here? If he was people would have thought I was him. Maybe me and him are connected but I doubt he is down here, I still think that Nuvens had got rid of him.”
The tears swelled up in her eyes.
“No I’m sorry Celeste I didn’t mean that really I didn’t…I just don’t think he is here.”
“Mer thinks so, Iio is telling me to forget about it. King Sol is begging me to find him and dusk is upset. Our lives are out of balance Dean you just don’t understand that. How can I live without June?”
“…June wanted to live without you though, he ran away and is now somewhere hidden. Nuvens had taken him and now we don’t know where he is at but what we do know is that June wanted to leave you.”
Her heart broke and shattered and was returned to her chest by the hands of Dean.
“So should I give up then? What good could I be if I have no one to help me shine?”
“Live here.”
“I can’t…I can’t stay in this world if I do then my life changes…I wouldn’t be the daughter of Iio any more. I would be just Celeste no longer with the last name Creese. That is not a life I would enjoy.”
They ate in silence trying to figure out what would be the next step.
Dean had put his knife down to see a gold piece in it, when he lifted up Celeste he noticed there wasn’t one.
“Look at this…it’s a gold piece like the one I had found near the cave.”
“I had not noticed that just like I hadn’t noticed it before, Dean what do you think that means? Do you think June is near?” He didn’t know.
“It means he is here but I don’t know if he is near or not.” They paid for their food and walked out. When Dean looked back he saw Stefany watching.

The trip to his house was quick, but upon arriving he saw someone in his house.
“Who are you?”
The guy turned around looking at Celeste first then Dean seeing a shiny pebble hang around Dean’s wrist.
“I will not go back…Celeste I am sorry but I will not return.” She ran to him but he moved back keeping at a distance with his hands.
“June but why? Please everyone is worried.”
“No Celeste understand me, I will not go back to that place, I cannot continue that life I need to go. Stop following me love and continue to shine, Brice will do the job.”
“But you despise Brice, June talk to me tell me what is wrong.”
“I can’t.” He pushed her to the side and rushed out the house. Celeste stood there crying in Dean’s arms.
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no it is not the end trust me there is more to it and also i am sorry it is short