Sweet Moon

The New Sun Has Arrived

Celeste stood up; she couldn’t believe that June was leaving her. She didn’t want to believe it.
What was she to do now? Her life just ended right there the moment he said he won’t go back.
She looked over at dean and what would have been the moonlight coming through his window it was darkness. Then was she able to see his bracelet with the stones hanging from it.
Celeste didn’t understand why she couldn’t see it. Now looking at it the glimmer that bounced off of it, it didn’t make sense to her. Why in the darkness of the room was she able to see it glittering?
She sat up now and went on the floor, she took his hand and touched his bracelet, the stones were real and the glistening was so bright she wondered why it did this.
None of this made sense to her. June leaving, Dean appearing out of all the people on this Earth.
Her Haven wasn’t safe anymore and now she lay on the floor pretending to be a human, she would have preferred to be the nymph but now she is the human.
Dean stood sleeping unaware of her being there. She tried to take off the bracelet but it only dug into his skin. She didn’t want it to hurt him so she stopped and combed back his hair.

“Where’s Celeste young one?”
“I don’t know I’m looking for her myself.”
Aria walked ahead and came back to him.
“I’ll know if you lie.”
“Why would I lie to you though? I was expecting to see her, I thought I saw June but-
“How would you know what June looks like?”
“He looks like me doesn’t he? Besides you don’t see people around here that much.”
A light came from behind him and he knew who it was before he could see. In an instant he was yanked away.
He woke up in his room.
Celeste sat there making sure he was okay. She knew he was in trouble by the way his face scrunched up. Only problem was she didn’t know what happened.
She was starting to feel so lost, the only one who wasn’t up to speed with anything.
Dean rolled over to his back, the room was dark so he couldn’t see, and the only thing he was able to see was the bracelet.
“What was happening in your dream?”
“Aria was asking where you were; she thought I was lying, just then this bright light came up behind me.”
“Light? What kind of light?”
He lifted his hand and saw the light spilling from it.
“Think of the stones but five times brighter.”
“It had to be Brice then…but why would they bother you, I’m so lost. Do you know that this is the first time I seen all the stones? In the night time but not in the morning, it puzzles me Dean. Nothing is making sense and yet you seem to get it.”
“Listen I think Allégement was right, Aria and Nuvens was right though. Why would she ask where you were if you weren’t with me? What would be the need to know where you are? Why did Brice show up?”
He knew they had something to do with June but they didn’t know what. June said he wanted to leave on his own yet Aria and Nuvens keep coming into the picture. Brice as well, who is very annoying.
They heard foot steps walking along the hall but they paid no mind. The walking stopped in front of his door and when it opened they weren’t able to see who it was.
Celeste grabbed Dean’s arm making sure he stood still.
“No need to pretend you aren’t there, your bracelet gives you away young one.” Mer came in the room, her dress flowing around her. Celeste felt the envy rise in her body, she wished for her gown to come back. She wished everything was back to normal.
“I too wish for normalcy but we must not wish now because things are calling for action. Dean you are completing the bracelet.”
“Why is it completing though? It is freaking me out.”
Mer sat down and told him what it meant. His eyes grew with shock and anger.
The forming of the bracelet meant that June was passing it over to someone else, the last piece of the stone was in Dean himself but he only needed to find the other five stones. Once the bracelet was complete then Dean would become the next sun to light up the sky.
June had seen himself in Dean and knew it would have been easy. Only difference between the two was that June would do as he pleases without concern, Dean put others before him.
It was Dean’s turn to not believe anything. He didn’t want to become a star he liked being a human, living out his pathetic life with the people he cared about the most.
Who the hell does June think he is he thought for a while.
“I don’t want to become the damn sun, I want to be a human and die and probably have kids. Go see a movie and other things a human does.”
“If it makes you feel better when you become a star you too will die.”
“Yeah how long will that take? Twenty million years from today? Mer you don’t get it, here on Earth is where I need to be not up there lighting up the Earth.”
Celeste spoke out.
“You won’t only light up the planet Dean, I have to shine also, and it affects Mer when I am not around.”
Mer left them alone and Dean left Celeste alone. He forced himself back to sleep wanting the new day to start.
In the morning Celeste left a note stating that Mer wanted her for something.
Dean seized the opportunity to shower and run out the house.
The park was empty except for the parents with their children and dogs. The laughing and barking surrounded him. When he looked over to the swings he saw Stefany slowly swinging herself.
“Need help there?”
She looked up at him and smiled.
“No thanks I’m a pro when it comes to the swings.”
“Oh really?”
“Yes sir hold the state record for slowest swinger.” They laughed at her joke but it quickly became quiet.
“So who was that girl I saw you with?”
He thought of Celeste and tried to think of an excuse.
“Oh that’s Celeste; she is an old friend of mine.”
“Friend, you both make it seem like it is more than that.”
“Aw no we don’t, don’t think that, she just needs me that all she is going through some stuff and she needs my help.”
Stefany only nodded her head.
“Why are you in the park by yourself? Should be with your friends.” She looked up at the sky as she leaned back on the swing.
“I needed to take a break from them, they all have their boyfriends and it is tiring to hear about them all the time.”
“So why don’t you get a boyfriend it would be easier?” She laughed and looked at him, wondering why he was sitting with her.
“I had one but he wasn’t any good, stale actually. But I was looking in the market for a new boyfriend.”
“I didn’t know you could buy them, do they have girls also?”
“No only guys.”
“Sucks for us guys then.”
“It does unless a girl picks you up and tries you out, you know like a jacket, but instead we test you and see if you are boyfriend material.”
“Well…am I boyfriend material?” He blushed, the heat rising in his face while he hoped she would say yes.
“I don’t know I think I would have to try you out.” She flashed a smile at him and the heat stood there. He couldn’t shake off the color that swept into his cheeks.
She found it to be the cutest thing, a guy who can be embarrassed. They laughed shaking off the awkward moment they felt.
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I'm starting to make them longer so yay its hard to catch up with it but i'm trying my best