Sweet Moon

Boxes of Candy

Celeste kept leaving Dean behind; she was still confused on things so Mer took her around the world, helping her understand what goes on with life when a person gives up.
Dean worried about her wanting to be there but not knowing how to.
He couldn’t worry about something that he couldn’t control.
Dean left his house, Stefany sat on the front step of his house waiting for him. The draw strings of her sweater were hanging down when she was circling them around each other, knotting them into different shapes.
“Are you ready to go?” She stood up, bouncing on the ball of her heels. A smile growing along her face.
“Yes, yes let’s go I want to have fun and kick your ass.”
“Why do you want to kick my ass?” He laughed at her hoping she wasn’t serious.
“I had about…three big cups of soda and a box of Swedish Fish.”
“So you are in hyper active mode?”
“I think so.” She laughed jumping on his back. He ran down the block with her on top of him, she almost fell twice but he kept her balanced.
The second block he had to put her down, and dropped himself on the floor. She was still on top of him laughing so hard tears fell from the corner of her eyes.
Her ribs closing in on her.
When she got up she helped him up trying to keep on moving. They didn’t have a place to go yet not sure of what to do.
“I’m hungry let’s go eat something.” Her energy spiking by every thing around her.
The found a store and decided to get four sandwiches in case whatever they did they had food with them.
The park was empty, the clouds forming over them. At that moment he felt uneasy not sure what to make of it. He knew Nuvens controlled that but he didn’t understand what that meant. He wasn’t sure if being there was safe.
“So maybe I was thinking that me and you can go out tomorrow night if you would like to.”
“You was thinking?”
“It probably crossed my mind a couple of times.” She smiled twirling around in front of him. She kicked a leg up jump all over till she tired out and lay on the ground.
“Does your mother know you are on drugs?”
“Yeah she knows I had a whole box of fishies.”
“I think we should take you to rehab for this you are getting out of hand.” She laughed, feeling the muscles in her stomach tighten.
“Don’t make me laugh I might pee on myself.”
He laughed with her sitting down next to her.
“Dean I haven’t laughed this much since we were five, remember that when we used to draw pictures on the floor.”
“I don’t remember that.” She punched his leg, shocked that he couldn’t remember a thing like that.
“Dean come on how can you forget, we would always buy chalk every day because we would spend the whole day drawing pictures of this world remember the crystal cliff? It was our other dimension we had. I forgot what we called it.”
“Heaven…I can’ believe I forgot that.” His mind raced with the moments of the playground being theirs in their world. Their mother’s liked the park to themselves and it was easier for them to play without getting lost.
Heaven he remembered he called it that.
“See you do remember, Heaven, our Heaven. We would laugh all the time and until we hit the age of twelve that was it. Junior high school took over and we stopped playing.”
“Was when my father left.”
“Yeah I remember, but you stood over my house and reenacted the whole scene with my Barbies…then you made me pee on myself for making me laughing so hard.”
“What do you have like a storage bank in your head that records all these moments?”
“Yes it is called a long term memory you should get one.”
“I’ll save up my money to buy one.” She laughed again, feeling free and young again. High school was almost over and she didn’t know what they were going to do.
“Let’s play again, I have chalk with me.”
“You carry chalk with you? What are you five?”
“When you eat a whole box of fishies mister you then tell me who is five and who is not.”
She sat up now looking through her bag. The box of Rose Art colored chalk was in the bag hiding under papers and gum.
“It looks like it is going to rain though.” She stopped looking through the bag and focused her attention on the sky. The gray clouds slowly circled around the Earth. She sniffed the air and laid back down.
“Okay maybe next time.” He nodded his head. He looked up hoping that his childhood fun had nothing to do with the world he was being sucked into. Dean hit Stefany’s leg smiling down at her as she started to play the strings of her sweater.
“Don’t hit me you crazy man.”
“Crazy is what crazy does.”
She sat up staring straight into his eyes. She closed one of her eyes and stuck her tongue out.
“See you are crazy.”
“But that line didn’t make sense.”
“Makes perfect sense start reading some more in school and you would understand.” She dropped her smile.
“How do you know I’m not paying attention in school?”
He looked at the floor now holding onto his feet. Can he say he was secretly watching over her making sure she was okay? If he did does that make him sound like a stalker?
“Um…because Stefany I take a class with you and you are always doing other stuff when you are supposed to be reading. Why aren’t you focusing though? You were at the top of the hill now you are just rolling down.”
“Problems at home, I have been so tired and stressed out and just down right bored Dean you have no idea. I miss hanging out with you and playing around. The way your sister is always so mean to you yet she loves you to death. My brothers and sister are in their own world pretending to be dumb, damn idiots.”
“Pretending? Wow that is a new standard then huh? Well I guess I’m going to be dumb today and tomorrow smart.”
“You do that and today I will be smart and tomorrow dumb we can do a switch.” They shook hands.
“Deal.” She went in her bag taking out the other box of Swedish Fish she had.
“Where do you buy these at?”
“Costco, when ever my mom goes I tag along and buy about ten boxes of this, M&M’s, Snickers, Twizzlers, Butterfingers and Skittles.”
“Wow can I get half of each?”
“Sure.” She opened the box taking out a fish and handing it to Dean.
They sat in silence eating the candy wondering when it was going to rain.
Dean said he would like to go out with her tomorrow night, their first date since they were children.