

Vera’s P.O.V :

The moon is shining bright and the stars are sparkling with beauty. It’s unfair isn’t it? The moon and stars looks like they have no care in the world, all they have to do is hang up high above and shine down on us. I sometimes wonder, can the moon and stars think? Are they friends with the sun or enemies? I’m practically not making sense here, but since when have I?

I think the temperature just dropped. It’s such a cold night tonight. The wind is strong and chilly. It just stopped raining a few hours ago. I can smell the wet grass and fresh air. That’s rare. It’s not always like this, or is it just me realizing? Perhaps. Oh, the wonders of nature .I don’t usually think metaphorically and appreciate the beauty of the environment around me.

“Vera!” I turned around and saw a boy walking towards me. Tall, black hair, broad shoulders and a handsome face. That boy turns out to be my only older brother,my only older twin brother by 5 minutes. Hmm, so it is true. People say that my brother and I have the same eyes. Blue-grey. Well, that’s the only thing we share in common base on appearance then.

“Vera!” that boy shouted once again while waving his hands in front of my face.

“Oh, sorry Avan. What were you saying?” I replied, snapping out of my trance.

“Finally, it looked like you were nightdreaming just now. Heh , get it? Nightdreaming? Daydreaming? Since it’s night now. “

“Okaaay, insert weird look here. Seriously Av, that was lame” I said while walking towards the house.

“Whatever Vee, anyways, I came out here to tell you mum’s looking for you. She said she needs to tell us something” said Av, walking beside me.

“Oh, that’s well, strange. She’s home? That’s amazing, she’s actually home in time for dinner, and we should award her a medal Av.” I said sarcastically.

Well, if you people haven’t noticed, I’m not exactly too fond of my mum. It’s not like she’s one of those people where you read in stories that are cruel and cold-hearted. She’s the opposite actually; she’s nice, loving and caring. It’s just that she is barely home to spend time with us. She’s a fashion designer. After dad died, she basically threw herself into her mountains and piles of work. Making herself busy and jetting off to god knows where for work. I know she’s upset and all, but what about Avan and I? It feels like we lost both of our parents while we just lost one.

“Don’t be like that Vee.”

“Avan! Don’t do that, you scared me” I said punching his shoulder.

“Ouch! That actually hurts Vee! It’s not my fault, I called you three times and you didn’t answer “said Avan, while rubbing his sore shoulder in a whiney voice.

“I’m sorry. I’m just, not feeling good right now”

“Vera.” Avan said softly and stopped walking.

Damn, it is never good when he use that tone.

“Look.” Avan said, while gently taking hold both of my shoulders.
“I know you’re still upset about dad. And now, mum’s like this you’re feeling even worse”

“Gee, thanks for the comfort” while rolling my eyes.

“Just listen Vee. No matter what she does, if she’s ignoring us, jetting off to Paris, Milan or Brazil with just leaving a note behind and not a proper goodbye, she’s still our mother okay. And nothing can change that.

“I know that Av! It’s just that, after dad’s gone, I expected her to take care of us! Not you taking care of me! No offence, you’re doing a fine job with that, but I want my old mum back! The caring, funny and loving mum!” I said, in the verge of tears

“I know Vee, me too” Avan pulled me into a hug.

I know Avan wanted to cry, I can feel his body shaking. But he is holding back. He is like the only thing I have now. After dad is gone, he’s been taking care of me when I’m sick. Protecting me and the shoulder for me to cry on.

“I love you Av”
“I love you too Vee. Now come on stop this mushy lovey-dovey thing, let’s see what mum wants”
“Ha-ha, whatever loser. Hey Av? “
“Last one to the house needs to buy lunch for the winner for the whole week! “

And we both took of running. I won, and maybe it’s because I took a head start but who cares? We were laughing when we reached the house. Mum said she wanted to talk to us in the living room, and so we went the smile still on our faces.

What I didn’t know is that how our smile is going to be wiped off when she tells us her news.

My name is Vera Alexandra Lancaster and this is my story .
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This is the first time I posted a story . Hoe you guys like it (: