
Chapter 2

Avan’s P.O.V:

When mum told us that she was sending us off to boarding school in England, I won’t lie and say I am not hurt, because I am. It was shocking really.
Vera took it very hard. She thinks that mum is sending us off because mum blames her of dad’s death. Even though I wasn’t there when it happened, I know that Vera is not to blame. It’s all in god’s hand. Our fate has been determined by god even before we were born, and we can do nothing to change our fate. Only god has the power to do that. God, there’s a lot to pack! And only two days. Mum is crazy she should’ve told us at least a week ago. I don’t believe her when she said, “I thought about it last night”. Bullshit. It seems like she’s been planning this.

I’m worried about Vera. She’s my twin sister, what do I expect? Sighs. “Oh Avaaaaaaaan my dear!”

Speak of the devil.

“Dearest brother, what are you doing?” asked Vera in an ‘I love to annoy you’ voice.
“Err, isn’t it obvious? I’m packing.”
“Ohh, well brother, since my car is in the workshop I was hoping you can send me to Chase’s house?” said Vera.

Urgh, Chase Anderson. I loathe him. He is Vera’s boyfriend for 5 months, and sadly they are STILL together. I saw him with some other girl who is not my sister at the mall. And they don’t look like they were just friends. They were too close to comfort in my opinion. I told Vera about it, but she just waved off my concern and warning. I don’t even know what she sees in him. He’s a jerk. Plain and simple.

“Avan? You still in there?” Vera knocked my head.
“Hey! Lay off the head or I’m not going to send you to Chase’s!” I warned.
“Fine, fine, fine. Hands off now!” Vera put up both of her hands in defense.

“Come on, let’s go now while I’m feeling nice” I said while grabbing my car keys. We walked downstairs and out of the house. I opened the garage’s door and unlock my car. Dad bought me a silver 2006 Ford Mustang GT for my birthday last year, and that car is my baby. Vera sat shotgun while I turned on the engine. Ahh, I miss this car. Chase live just 5 minutes from us by car. Usually, Vera would just walk if she doesn’t want to drive. Driving out from the garage, I realized why she didn’t want to walk. It was so hot outside. Luckily we’re inside the car.

Vera turned on the radio and Taylor Swift’s ‘Love Story’ was on. Oh my god. No.

“ ROMEO TAKE ME SOMEWHERE WE CAN BE ALONE” Vera sang. Scratch that . More like shouted.

I think, my eardrums just popped. Ohh, she can sing beautifully. When she wants to. She sings like crap just to annoy me, and it works every single time.
Thankfully, we reached Chase’s house and the song ended 2 minutes ago. I stopped in front of the bungalow and turned off the engine.

“Go and make it snappy, I want to go back and return to my packing” I said sternly.
“Yeah. Whatever” Vera said. Totally ignoring me . Wow , I sure do love that girl. Things I do for her.

While I look towards the window, I saw Chase hugging a girl. Hey, it’s the girl from the mall! And like I said before, they are too close for comfort. Why is my sister with a jerk again? “Hey Vee. Chase doesn’t have any sisters’ right?”I asked innocently. “No he doesn’t. He has 1 older brother and 2 younger ones” Vera replied obliviously. “Oh really? Then who’s that he’s hugging?” I pointed towards the window.

I could see Vera’s eyes widen at the sight. Even though I am not a girl and I don’t have those ‘sixth sense’ that girls does. I know there is something going on between Chase and that girl and it’s not just friendship. I might sound mean, but I’m only being mean for her. She needs to realize that her boyfriend is a jerk.

“I. I -I’m going to go inside and see Chase for awhile” Vera stuttered.

In a way, I’m actually excited to see how things are going to turn out between Vee and Chase. *grins*
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It's sort of short, but oh well . Enjoy ;)