
Chapter 3

Vera’s P.O.V:
Avan drove me to Chase’s house and when he asked me to look through his window, I was quite shocked. But, I shouldn’t jump to conclusions right? Maybe that is his good friend or something? Oh well, there’s only one way to find out.

“Chase are you there?” while knocking on the door.

While I was waiting, I turned away from the door to examine the beauty of Chase’s lawn. The sweet and addictive smell of roses, iris and gardenias are very exhilarating. There was a click of the door and when I turned around, there stood my boyfriend in all his glory. It was no surprise that girls adore him, dark blond-brown hair, blue eyes, nice facial structure and captain of the lacrosse team, what’s not to like?

“Vee?” Chase asked shocked.

“Wow, don’t sound too happy to see me, I bet you’re overjoyed right now” I said sarcastically while patting him on the shoulders.

“Well, it’s not that I am not happy to see you, just a bit shocked. You never come over without telling me beforehand.” He explained.

“Why? Is there something you’re hiding from me?” I quirked and eyebrow and walked inside his house. He was trailing behind me after closing the front door. “Where’s Ash? Usually he’ll be over at your house 24/7 and you guys can’t be separated. Some would think that you guys are actually gay and he’s your ‘girlfriend’ ” I laughed.

Okay, background check. Ashford Chevalier has been my best friend ever since we could walk. Our mothers would set up play dates every week with hope that one day we would be together and get married but that plan had fail, we’re not attracted towards each other. At all. But, there was a good outcome from those play dates, even if we’re not slightly attracted to each other, we have been best friend ever since. I introduced Ash to Chase when I first started dating Chase , and they clicked right away and some sort of brotherhood was formed, it seems.. Ash Chevalier, part French, tall, black-brown hair, brown eyes, captain of the soccer team and a girl’s magnet. Enough said. Anyways, back to the story.

“Ha Ha Ha, you’re so funny Vee” Chase said with a smile. Standing behind me and wrapping both of his arms around my waist. I leaned backwards and get comfortable. “Some would actually say that YOU are his girlfriend, because you spend more time with him rather than your own boyfriend and what not” Chase shot back with a smirk.

Pfht , he should know me by now, I won’t go down without a fight. “But darling, I’m not gay”. And, insert cheeky smile here.

“You’re saying that YOUR boyfriend is gay, and YOUR boyfriend secretly has a crush on YOUR best friend” Chase said skeptically. “Wow, I knew there was a reason I like you” Chase said with a teasing manner.

Like. Not love. Phew, thank god. I knew there was a reason I like this guy. Yeah, he is attractive, athletic, a genuinely nice person, and I really care about him and I DO like him, but I am just not ready for that kind of commitment. Love seems like such a big word with a huge and deep meaning. Teenagers these days don’t take the word seriously.

“Anyways, what brings you to my humble abode?” Chase asked with a bow, gesturing his arms towards his living room.

“Oh, not much just wanted to see my lovable, caring, nice and kind boyfriend” I said while fluttering my eyelashes.

“Ha-ha, lovely Vee. But seriously what are you do –“

“Chase, I need to go back now, can you send me? I have no transport . . . home.” Came an unknown feminine voice walking down the stairs. And when she saw me, she became silent. I raised my eyebrow.
Ah, so this was the girl Av and I saw through the window. I scanned her up and down, taking in her clothing and appearance and stopped at her face when I was done. Hmm, blond hair, blue eyes , tall and curvy .At least she doesn’t dress up like a slut, putting aside from what she’s doing here, I can actually say she has good taste in clothing.

“Who’s this?” I asked curtly.

Yes, I can be such a bitch but what should I do when I see a pretty girl, a very pretty unknown girl who is not related to my boyfriend in his house? I can see Chase’s nervousness appearing back on his face.

“Err, Vera meet my friend Tori. Tori this is Vera my... Err” Chase stuttered at the end.

“His girlfriend” I said, emphasizing on the girlfriend part and holding out my hand towards her. Hey, I can be civil.

“Oh.” ‘Tori’ said while reaching out for my hand and shaking it.

“I’ll see myself out Chase. It seems like you’re busy.” I said and walked away from them. While I was twisting the doorknob, Chase grab hold of my wrist and turned me around to face him.

“Vee, nothing is going on between me and Tori. Trust me” he said frantically. Yeah right, for now. When I’m gone I’ll bet you’ll be over her. Screw the genuinely nice person, kind and caring shit. A guy is still a guy.

While he was babbling, I cut him off with a sigh and said “Look, there was a reason why I came here. An important reason. Since there was an interruption. I don’t think we can continue this now here.” When Chase wanted to say something and opened his mouth I cut him off again. “Ash and I will be waiting for you at Starbucks tomorrow at 2pm; I have something to tell you guys. Be there and don’t be late.” I said sternly.

When I looked at him, my eyes immediately softened, he looked so sad. I cupped his face using my right hand and pecked him on the mouth and whispered “I’m sorry, I got to go. Avan is waiting for me outside, and I wouldn’t want to make him wait longer. Bye”.

It seems like my mission to tell him today was unsuccessful, well. Tomorrow is a brand new day, and it seems like I have to try and tell him again. This time, Ash will be there. Two words .

Oh shit.
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If I do have any readers , sorry for the lateness . Feedback pls .