I'll Show You My World

Don't Leave

I woke up early in the morning. I didn't need an alarm clock; the traffic noise outside was enough. I knew I hadn't fallen asleep in my bed, because if I did then when I rolled over I wouldn't have fallen onto the floor like I did just then.

I groaned and sat up. Lenobia meowed loudly and hopped into my lap.

"Hey, Lenny." I scratched her behind the ears. "You hungry? Me too." I stood up but went over to the window instead of the kitchen. There he was. Still there. I shouldn't have expected anything less. It looked like he was just waking up too. He was standing up and stretching. He bent down and rolled up his sleeping back. It looked like he was packing his stuff up. I kept watching. He put his long dark coat on and picked up his bags.

That startled me. Was he moving away? I know I barely knew him; he was no more than a stranger. But I still didn't want him to leave. He was my supply of entertainment. Better than any gaming system or technology around. Though, that was my own opinion.

I frowned and walked to the kitchen. I set out some food for Lenobia and then made some scrambled eggs for myself. There was too much. I was full before I finished my plate. Lenobia jumped up onto the table next to me.

"Still hungry?" I asked her. I shook my head but pushed my plate towards her. She bent down and started nibbling at the scraps left on my plate. It most likely wasn't good for a cat to be eating people food, though it never hurt her before. "What a strange cat you are." But I stroked her back. I sighed and got dressed.

The shop didn't open for another two hours, so I decided to take a walk around the city. It was raining out today. Oh well. Maybe that would mean the sidewalk would be less crowded with people.

I felt a rush a relief and joy when I exited my apartment/shop and saw that the guy was in fact still there. Purposely, I walked towards him. It actually wasn't raining that hard at all. It was starting to let up.

He was standing next to a tree, his back to me. He was fixing his hood when I approached him and said, "I thought you were leaving." They were my first words I'd spoken to him, and they didn't make much sense.

He turned around to face me and in that moment I actually saw him. Up close. He was a scruffy-looking guy. He didn't have a lot of facial hair, but he definitely had some. His light brown hair was wet and hanging in his face. The eyes that stared at me questionably were a shockingly bright blue.

"Yes?" he said.

"But you didn't," I concluded like an idiot. "You're back now."

I thought he was going to say well, obviously but instead he said, "You must have been up early to have seen me leave my spot." He completely ignored the fact that what I was saying was a bit stalkerish. I mean, come on. A normal person wouldn't stop and take the time to pay attention to a homeless guy on the street; where he was going, what he was doing. I'm not a stalker!

"Yes," I said slowly. "Well, this is the city that never sleeps. Besides, I know for a fact that there were tons of people up before me."

He smiled and I couldn't help but smile back. My heart thumped loudly.

"I don't believe we've been properly introduced." He stuck out his hand. "I'm Garrett."

I took it right away, not bothering to think what kind of germs were on it. "I'm Allison."

"Allison," he repeated, still smiling.
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