You're the Direction I Follow


I tried to stop the color from flooding my cheeks, deciding to test my acting skills by trying to appear as if I had expected Mackenzie’s question. Raising an eyebrow, I managed to curve my lips into a smirk before I answered, “Jealous?”

I could faintly see her cheeks tint the lightest shade of pink, her eyes registering shock for a millisecond before she recovered, rolling her eyes. “Oh yeah Joe, cause I’m completely in love you, and you’re just so studly, I can’t help myself,” she joked.

My stomach lurched forward at the words ‘I’m completely in love with you’ – even though the sarcasm that dripped off her words was clear, I couldn’t help it if my insides suddenly started performing gymnastics. “Wow, Nick was right. You do sound like a fan girl,” I laughed, hoping that Mackenzie couldn’t hear my heart thumping loudly in my chest.

“Are you kidding me? Oh my gosh, I’m like your biggest fan ever! Will you marry me? I swear, I have a shrine dedicated just to you. Like I worship the ground you walk on. Forget about Taylor Swift and all the tears on her stupid guitar. Psh,” she continued brightly, her eyes shining enthusiastically.

My eyes were fixated on Mackenzie, my mouth spread wide into a grin at her overdramatic imitation; she was just so funny, and I loved how she didn’t take things too seriously. Too bad she didn’t know that Taylor Swift and all the tears on her stupid guitar were already long forgotten about. I opened my mouth to reply, but Nick came over, handling a tray carefully in his hands, interrupting our playful conversation.

“Aww, I don’t get a shrine?” he pouted as he slid into Mackenzie’s booth.

“Sorry, but my heart belongs to Joe,” she replied coolly, “Plus, you’re the gross one, remember?”

“Ouch, you guys. Betrayed by my own girlfriend and brother? That’s harsh,” Nick answered, glancing at both me and Mackenzie, shaking his head disappointingly.

I chuckled, my eyes shifting over involuntarily to Mackenzie’s slim figure; it took all I could not to just sit and melt in her stupid gorgeous brown orbs that glistened with amusement, her stupid shining white smile, her stupid sleek brown hair. Stupid Mackenzie. I snapped back to reality abruptly, chipping into the conversation, hoping that her and Nick hadn’t noticed my short interval of silence. “You wouldn’t be in this position if you hadn’t disagreed on buying onion rings,” I taunted in a sing-song voice, reaching forward to unwrap my burger.

“I did buy onion rings! I just don’t like them,” Nick protested, his eyebrows contracting.

“And that is exactly why you’re the gross one, my friend,” Mackenzie retorted, grabbing an onion ring, waving it in the air slightly before popping it into her mouth. “Yum.” She smacked her lips loudly, causing Nick’s lips to curl up with disgust.

“You’re missing out,” Nick brushed his girlfriend’s statement off, turning his attention away from her, to his burger and fries.

You’re missing out on some onion-y goodness,” I said, chomping noisily on another onion ring.

“Wasn’t talking to you, Joe,” he rolled his eyes, biting into his burger, licking his lips satisfactorily after he set it back down.

Mackenzie kinked an eyebrow. “And would you care to tell me exactly how I’m missing out?”

“Cause onion rings have onions—“

“Yeah, great discovery, Captain Genius,” I interjected his sentence, rolling my eyes, catching Mackenzie crack a smile out of the corner of my eye.

“You didn’t let me finish,” he threw me an annoyed look, his voice strained. “Onion rings have onions. Onions make your breath smell. Meaning that Miss I-Think-Nick-Is-Gross-Cause-He-Doesn’t-Like-Onion-Rings over here won’t be getting any lip action any time soon.”

I snickered. “Lip action?”

Nick shrugged, his gaze returning to the brunette sitting next to him, curious as to what her reaction would be; and he was surprised to see that Mackenzie seemed unperturbed by her boyfriend’s threat. She simply sat, smirking, taking large gulps of her drink, making no move to object to his threat.

“I don’t know about you, but I think I could last a pretty long time without kissing you,” she said, her lips drawing closer to Nick’s, the gap between them inching smaller by the second; they were unbearably close, and I could feel my throat closing up as they stared into each other’s eyes, Mackenzie smiling lightly, while my younger brother’s expression resembled a great look of intensity. She seemed just about to close the distance between them, but pulled back at the last second, continuing brightly, “But then again, that’s just me.”

I watched as Nick narrowed his eyes humorously, the glint in his eyes revealing that he was obviously displeased with his girlfriend’s actions. “Okay, I take it back: onion rings don’t make your breath smell bad.”

“Nice try, but you’re still gross,” she giggled.

My stomach flipped over as I turned my line of vision away from the ‘too cute couple’ as my younger brother commenced a gentle kiss between them. Instead, I focused on my burger, jealousy adding to the anger I felt. They really were too cute, if you asked me. Always kissing each other in public, and holding each other’s hands. Yeah, it was really freaking adorable.

When they didn’t stop, I mumbled a word about the bathroom, speaking through gritted teeth, before rushing to the restroom. Examining my reflection in the mirror, I wondered how it was possible that only Courtney had accused me of loving Mackenzie. I was just lucky that Nick and Mackenzie were always too busy making out to notice that my jaw tightened and I blushed about fifty different shades of pink when there was PDA between them.

Get a grip on yourself, I thought sternly, splashing my face with water.

I sighed. Sometimes, it really sucked being in love with your brother’s girlfriend.


“Nick, you’re such a jerk,” Mackenzie announced as we walked home from the restaurant I had taken her to for dinner.

“Wow, such a grateful girlfriend,” I scoffed, “I take you out to dinner and that’s the thanks I get? Fine then. Go by yourself next time.”

Her melodious laughter filled the night air, causing the corners of my lips to turn up slightly. I loved seeing her smile; it was like she could light up the sky with just a flash of those pearly white teeth. “No, it’s just that it was so good! And oh man, I stuffed myself and now I can barely walk. You just want me to get fat, don’t you?”

Grinning, I grabbed her hand, lacing her fingers with mine as I closed the space between us as we walked. I leaned down slightly, kissing her temple, my lips lingering by her ear as I whispered, “You know I would love you no matter what.”

Mackenzie slowed her pace, coming to a stop, facing me, her chest pressed against mine. The moonlight shone down perfectly on her, reflecting in her brown hues. Her other hand wrapped around my neck, tugging lightly at my curls as she whispered, “I know. And that’s why you’re the best boyfriend in the world.” She brought her lips to mine, as I slipped my hand out of hers, sliding it around her waist while she molded her body to mine.

I pulled away slowly, both of us unveiling content smiles on our faces. A cool breeze ruffled our hair, and I noticed that Mackenzie gave a slight shiver. I peeled my jacket off wordlessly, causing her to arch an eyebrow at me curiously – but once I had handed her the clothing article, her face lit up, and she grinned gratefully.

“Thanks,” she said, pulling it on. “Does it look good?” she smirked, flapping the sleeves that were covering her hands, the jacket hugging her body loosely.

“Perfect,” I told her, putting my arm around her shoulder. Mackenzie leaned onto me as we walked, her arm around my waist as we made easy conversation.

“Thanks again for the amazing dinner, Nick,” she repeated as we crossed the street, almost to her house.

I opened my mouth to answer, but there was no time – headlights were blinding my vision, and they were getting brighter by the second; the car horn blared loudly in my ears, and all I could think of was saving Mackenzie. I couldn’t let this happen to her. Everything from that point on was a blur: I pushed Mackenzie out of the way, and I could faintly hear her scream my name before everything went black.
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haha so... not that great, but i'm trying to get back my pace of updating, so that i'm not such a slow poke with it :P
hehe so comments/feedback?