You're the Direction I Follow


“Can you leave already,” I rolled my eyes, walking behind the counter in the fake diner the crew had built.

“I could,” Nick smirked, pretending to look at my nametag. “Cindy, but I could really use another cup of coffee first.”

I rolled my eyes, shifting my weight to my other feet as I put my hand on my waist. “Look, you’ve been here for 4 hours. You’ve had about 20 cups of coffee. I swear your ass has been to and from the bathroom about 8 times. You do not need any more caffeine. You need help. And I need to close. So buh-bye now.”

Nick smirked at me, his eyes flashing with real amusement. He pulled out his wallet, and stood up, throwing a hundred dollar bill on the counter. “Okay I can see you’re impatient to leave. So where are you headed to in such a rush then?”

“No where,” I rolled my eyes as I pulled my apron off and walked out from behind the counter. “Now if you could just—“

“Well if you’re going nowhere,” Nick moved to cut me off. “How about I take you to dinner?”

I laughed. “How about you just leave so I never have to see you again psycho?”

“Now that hurts,” Nick said. “You don’t even know my name ma’am, how can you be so quick to judge?”

“What’s your name,” I asked.

“Louis,” he said.

“Well Louis,” I said, shoving him aside. “Now I know your name. And I still want you to get the hell out.”

He laughed. “Come on Cind, haven’t you felt it?”

“First of all, don’t call me Cind,” I rolled my eyes, though I wanted to laugh. “Secondly, if you mean irritation, then yes I felt it.” I threw him a pointed look

He started laughing. “Sorry, sorry,” he said loudly.

“Cut,” the direction yelled as I started laughing too.

“Kenz, don’t make that face,” Nick laughed, leaning onto the counter. “It makes me laugh too much.”

I smacked him playfully. “Maybe cause you’re an asshole.”

“Aww don’t be like that babe,” he said, moving towards me and wrapping his arms around my waist. “You know I think the face is cute.”

I laughed. “So it doesn’t make you laugh?”

“It can be cute and funny at the same time,” he shrugged.

I laughed. “You’re so full of shit.”

He laughed, and kissed me. I froze, so caught up in the kiss. Nick’s kisses were – perfect. They gave me butterflies in my stomach every time. And I loved it. He was way to good He slowly pulled away, his thumb gently stroking my cheek as he kept his face close to mine. “I’m sorry,” he said.

“If you’re done this love fest,” the director said. “Can we move on please?”

We broke apart quickly. “Sorry,” we both mumbled.

He sighed, shaking his head. “Teenagers,” he grumbled. More loudly, he said, “places people. Take it from him telling her his name.”

We got back into our positions, smiling at each other until he called action, at which time, I glared at him while his smile turned into a smirk. Ah, acting.


Did they really need to kiss like that? I mean, in public? Weren’t both of them against PDA? Didn’t they know it made me want to die? No of course they didn’t. Why would they? I sighed, as I sat back in my seat as they started rolling the film again.

Nick laughed. “Come on Cind, haven’t you felt it?”

“First of all, don’t call me Cind,” Mackenzie rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. “Secondly, if you mean irritation, then yes I felt it.”

“Not irritation,” Nick exasperated. “That feeling, the moment your life changes, and the world as you know it ends because you found that one person, the one who makes everything else obsolete.”

Cindy rolled her eyes. “Wow you’re more psychotic than I thought.”

I sighed, and looked at her as the script went on, not paying attention to anything but her. The rest of the world and everything in it was obsolete, everything but her. The one person that changed your whole life. The one who made the world as you knew it end. The one who was made for you. She was standing right in front of me. Unfortunately, she was made for Nick too.

"Psst, Joe," someone said. I turned to see Courtney, one of the stage crew staring at me. "What are you staring at?"
♠ ♠ ♠
I know, short. But I think it got the point across :]
Anyways, yeah. Haha what do you guys think?
Comments/feedback, yes?