You're the Direction I Follow

Too Cute

“What? Who? Um, you know uh,” Joe looked at us. I stared at him, confused. Was he going crazy or something?

“Taylor Swift,” Courtney spoke up. “He doesn’t love Taylor Swift.”

“Wait, so you guys did go out?” I asked. I found it difficult to believe, even when Taylor had come out with all that stuff. I mean, Taylor was pretty and on the few times I had met her, she had seemed cool. But I mean, the whole writing about every relationship and every guy she had every liked seemed a little anal. I guess it was whatever floated your boat.

Joe nodded blushing slightly.

Nick smirked at me. “You sound like a fan girl.”

I rolled my eyes, smirking at my boyfriend. “It’s because I’m so in love with your brother. I mean it’s Joe Jonas.”

Nick pouted his lips at me. “But I’m cuter.”

I laughed. Nick was too cute. I couldn’t believe I was actually with him after so long. I remembered liking him years ago And finally, I was with him. It seemed so surreal. I couldn’t possibly have been so lucky. After everything that had happened, after Massie died, it was like I had something to live for again. I had my salvation. I had Nick. “If that’s what you want to believe,” I teased.

He narrowed his eyes. “Admit it,” he said, grabbing me by the waist.

“Put me down,” I laughed as he started spinning me around.

“Admit it,” he smirked.

“Fine, fine, you’re cuter,” I laughed.

He put me down, keeping his arms around my waist as I put my arms on his shoulders. “Told you,” he smirked before kissing me. I sighed into the kiss. He was so hot. Courtney cleared her throat, bringing us back to reality. We pulled apart slightly as Nick kept his arm around my waist as we faced Joe and Courtney. It was so easy to get caught up in Nick so fully that everything else disappeared. Love? Maybe it was. But I liked it.

“You guys are so cute,” Courtney cooed.

Nick and I blushed slightly, reveling in each other. His arm tightened around my waist. “We’re going to go grab a bite to eat,” Nick told them. “You want to come?”

Joe shrugged, as if he didn’t care. He was our ride, which meant he was coming anyway. Courtney smiled apologetically. “Sorry, I have to go pick up my brother from the airport after this.”

“Oh okay,” he said. “I guess we better be off then.”

Joe and I nodded, and after we said bye to Courtney, we left. “Let’s go to Burger King,” I suggested. “I want onion rings.”

Nick made a face. “Onion rings are gross.”

“You’re gross,” I glared at him.

“No, you’re gross,” he stuck his tongue out at me.

“Joe,” I said, putting my arm around him. He looked at me, slightly uncomfortably. I wondered why that was. I moved my arm. “Who’s grosser?”

“Um,” Joe said.

“I’m your brother,” Nick said as we reached the car.

“But I’m cooler,” I pointed out.

“I have curly hair,” he said.

“But Joe and I both have straight hair,” I said.

“That’s because he straightens it,” Nick smirked.

But you also smell,” I stuck my tongue out at him as he opened the front door for me. I got in. “Thanks.”

“No problem,” Nick smiled as he got in the back. He was so sweet. “Now Joe, which one is it?”

“Well-” Joe started.

“No pressure,” I assured him.

“Besides the fact that I know where you live,” Nick reminded him. “But no pressure.”

“So do I,” I rolled my eyes.

“Yes, but I’m in the room next door,” Nick smirked. “Which means I can go shave his eyebrows while he sleeps.”

“But you sleep deeper than anyone I know,” I said. “Which means he’ll probably get you first, which means you’re grosser.”

“She’s right,” Joe said, smirking at Nick.

Nick narrowed his eyes. “Fine, I see how it is.”

We stopped at Burger King. “You guys sit,” Nick said as we walked in. “I’ll go order. What do you guys want?” He took our orders and went to the line. Joe and I found a booth.

“So,” I said, sitting across from him. “Taylor Swift huh?”
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I know, it's been too long. I've been sucky with updating. But here it is :]
Kinda short but eh. So comments anyone?