
Chapter One

Lori never knew her age, only guessed by the red moon that shone through the tiny crack in the ceiling every few hundred days.

Her days were filled with wandering around her Home with Lonmar, her only friend. Lonmar was average height, black hair in a bowl cut and in his fringe, two white stripes, he had a pale complexion with gray eyes, and a muscular build. Lori was the opposite, with long blond hair, so pale it was almost white, she too had a pale complexion, but her eyes were ringed with dark lashes and were blood red in contrast to Lonmar's gray. She was short, only reaching her companions shoulder, but she too was muscular, as with nothing important to do, the two spent much time fighting in good nature.

After the two marked their seventeenth remembered red moon, they spent the rest of the night in the largest room of their home, resting on their beds. The walls were cold and made of steel, and their bunks were uncomfortable, but it was their own.

"Do you ever wonder what else there is to this, Mar?" Lori asked, interrupting the silence.

"What else could there be? There is just us and nothing else. We were born here and we'll probably die here. This is life and all there is too it." Lonmar frowned at the girl, shrugging his shoulders and returning to his drawing.

Lori scowled, not wanting her pensive thoughts to be dismissed so easily. She flipped her legs off the bed and left the room, wandering through the metal corridors uneasily. Her large boots made loud noises as they hit the metal beneath her feet, and she looked around, wondering what lay in the shadows, watching her.

Lonmar knew Lori was probably going to sit underneath the chink in their ceiling, but he made no move to stop her as he usually did. He normally told her to stop the fantasies, accept her life, but tonight he decided not to. Seeing the red moon shining in on their hall always made a strange atmosphere.

Hearing the faint sounds of Lori running, he looked up in time to see her burst into the room, then stopped, looking away embarrassed. Lonmar did not mind, he was used to his friend scaring herself in the dark halls. She had nightmares each night, waking them both with her screams.

But the subject of the nightmares remained a secret. Either Lori could not remember, or she did not want to remember. In an unspoken agreement, the two decided this was for the best.
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we're just gonna make 4 ish chapters for now to see how it goes. We want to see what people think, so please leave comments.