My adoption romance

chapter 1

Bobs pov.

If you have ever had your heart ripped out you would know how I feel now. Having to carry my own little girl to her grave was killing me inside, but I had to stay strong for everyone else. Her coffin was tiny and pink, carrying it was no problem, but letting it into the ground, well, that was a hell of alot harder.During the service I couldn't look at them burying her, I just stood staring at a picture I had tucked in my pocket from last Christmas; She'd brought me a new drum kit. I was sat on the stool wearing one of her many pink hats that she owned and she was sat on my lap wearing my black parade jacket. We were both giving Ella,who was taking the picture,a big cheesy grin. Looking at it just made things worse, I felt my self start to break down. I turned to the person closest to me, that person happened to be Ray. He pulled me close to him burying my head into his chest, not allowing me to see the tears that started flowing out of his eyes as well.

"Come on, we have to be strong, not just for our selves but for Ella and the others." Ray whispered in my ear.
"I know, and I've tried, but I just can't do it! My little girl's gone and I'm never getting her back." I shouted at him pushing him off of me and running back to the car. I locked myself in,unable to deal with what was happening. But seconds later I heard banging on the window. It was Frankie.

"Bob! BOB OPEN THE DOOR!!" He shouted covering his head with Ella's jacket to protect himself from the rain. I rolled my eyes and decided to take pitty on him. He climbed into the car and sat on the seat next to me, he was acting like everything was OK, but I knew there was something he wanted to tell or ask me.
"So..." Frank smiled nervously.
"So what?" I asked confused.
"Umm...Well Ella is really upset and she's asking for you, please come back." He begged me.
"It's to late now." I told him, indicating the groups of crying people leaving.
"Well just go and see her, you two need to go and talk, she has something to suggest." Frank smiled sweetly. I couldn't say no to him, even at a time like this he always managed to find a way around me.
"FINE! I give in! I'm going." I half said half shouted, as I got out the car and headed to my baby girls grave.
Rays pov.

"Bob! Come back." I shouted as he ran off to the car crying. I don't think he heard what I said though...He had been like this ever since Medina died just under a week ago, just really unpredictable. It was hard on us all, we were like family, Medina called us all her uncles and because I was her god father she used to call me daddy Ray-Ray which always put a smile to my face. But the person taking it the hardest had to be Gerard.He blamed her death on himself, you see, the anti-depressants she found and ate were the ones that Gerard had left open on the table the night before, but no one could have expected him to take it as hard as he has. Over the last week he's tried to over dose, slit his wrists,hang him self and a number of other things, he just can't be trusted alone.

"Come on Ray I think they need some time alone." Mikey told me, bringing me out of my day dream.
"What?" I asked confused. Mikey pointed to Bob and Ella who were stood just looking at Medina's head stone. We knew what they needed to talk about. Ella had been desperate for another child and she wanted to adopt, but I'm not so sure how Bob would take it.

I put a hand on Gerard's shoulder and started to walk back to the car, it was weird because we always used to have races to the car, everyone would let Medina win, the look on her face when she did was priceless.
Ella's pov.

Well I guess it's now or never....

"Bob, you know how me and Frank were adopted as babies?" I asked him. He said nothing, he just looked at me and nodded.
"Well would you want to adopt a baby?" I asked worried at his reaction.
"That would be great baby, I know how strongly you feel about this." He smiled happily for what seemed like the first time in the last week.
"Are you sure, I mean, you don't think it's to soon do you?" I questioned. He smiled and nodded again. Wow!I didn't think he would be this quick to make the decision. I smiled and hugged him, before bending down and talking to Medina.
"I hope you don't mind Meds." I kind of told kind of asked her.

**I know it's short but I think the next one will be longer**