My adoption romance

chapter 3

**Mikeys' pov**

"Ummm...well I guess we should get going." I smiled nervously.
"What's up Mikey? You seem uptight." Gee asked worriedly. Damn my brother for knowing me so well.
"Well, it's just that i've never really taken care of kids." I told him.
"It'll be fine, just put Jayden and Sky in the double buggy and let's get going." He smiled more confident then he's ever been. I did as he told me and put them in.
"you know what I might just stay here." Ray told us sounding kind of annoyed. Gerard and him had probably had another fight.
"Pretty please uncle Ray?" Sky begged. Ray looked into her eyes, you could see from his expresion he was starting to give in.
"Oh go on then, but i'm only doing it for Sky." He reminded us all. Every one rolled their eyes before heading to the door, we walked out and stood in the street looking at each other.
"Does anyone know where we're going?" Frank asked looking confused.
"No, but the first thing I need to do is go and get coffee." Gee smirked looking at the starbucks across the street. I looked into the buggy, which for some reason I had ended up pushing to see Skys face light up at the word coffee.
"Coffee it is." I smiled crossing the street and entering the coffee shop. I found a group of seats while Gerard and Ray went off to buy the coffee and hopefully sort out what ever's up between them. I snapped out of my weird little daze thing to see Frank trying to stop Jayden crying, but he wasn't doing to well, so I picked him up and rocked him back and forth.
"Come on stop crying for uncle Mikey." I soothed rubbing the back of his head.
"What's up with him, is he ill or something?" Frank asked in panic. I put my palm on his forehead to feel his tempreture.
"I'm not sure, he's burning up quite bad." I informed Frank.
"Oh god, he just threw up on you." Frank told me looking kind of grossed out. I got a napkin and wiped it off and handed a still crying Jayden back to Frank while I sorted out Sky.
"Right sweetie you sit here inbetween me and uncle Gerard." I smiled indicating her a seat. She cheerfully skipped to it and grabbed the cup of coffee Ray had put down for her.

"What's up?" Ray asked walking over and seeing Jayden crying. Frank shrugged, leaving me to explain.
"Well Jayden has a tempreture and he just threw up on me." I told him turning and showing him the wet patch where the sick was, Ray pulled a grossed out face.
"That's ummm....nice." Gerard mutterd taking his seat next Sky and Ray.
"Today isn't going to well." Frank chipped in,still trying to stop Jay crying, with out succsess.
"I know what'll make things better." Ray grinned grabbing something from behind him.
"CHOCOLATE CHIPS MUFFINS!!!!" He shouted passing Sky a muffin.
"Muffins come out your ass?" Gerard asked Ray looking confused. Ray noded.
"So your cheating on me with a muffin!?" Gerard asked Ray agian.
"NO! Don't be stupid." Ray retorted. The room went silent as the public stared at us like we were in a freak show.
"I think it's time for us to leave." I hinted towards Ray and Gereard who were fighting over the muffin then looked over to Frank who was now getting quite frustrated that Jayden wouldn't stop crying.
"You know what, for once I think your right." Ray smiled taking Jay off of Frank and putting him in the buggy.
"So what do we need to do?" I asked everyone as we walked to the door.
"Bob asked us to get stuff for them." Gerard recalled.
"Well if that's the case let's ignore him and go to the park." Frank grinned hyperactivly.. He was in one of his strange moods today where he kept being really hyperactive, so I couldn't stop him from doing what he wanted.
"Sure what ever." I agreed. I decided to go and ditch the buggy back at home because it was only across the road and just carry the kids.

"I did it." Ray smiled proudly showing us a sleeping Jay who was snuggled up in his arms. Frank looked at him in disbelief.
"What?...How?" He stammerd.
"It's a womanly touch." Ray joked.
"I'm dating a woman!?" Gerard asked Ray confused.
"Ok lets just go to the park before we get into this fight agian." I butted in. They all noded in agreement. I took hold of Sky's hand while Ray kept hold of Jayden and walked across the road to the local park.
"Right you can go and play but your not aloud out of my sight." I told Sky with a serious face. She noded slowly.
"Wait ,even better go and tell your uncle Frank to keep an eye on you." I grined at my plan to stop both of them being so hyperactive. This time Sky noded quickly and ran off shouting Franks name, leaving me sat in the freezing cold with my brother and Ray cooing over a sleeping Jayden. I rolled my eyes at them.
"Awww...Look how cute he is." Ray smiled pulling back the blanket Jay was wrapped in. Gerard noded and peeked in to have a look at him.
"I want one." Gerard pouted.
"Gerard it's simple, men and men can't have kids." I told him in a smart tone. He turned to me and gave me and evil look.
"Umm...well i'm going to check that Frank and Sky are ok." I told them while shuffling away before I got hurt. I walked to where I heard screams of joy. When I arived there I saw Sky on the swings being pushed WAY to high then she should be by Frank.
"Frank, you bring her down this minute! She's going to hurt herself!" I shouted at him marching up to the pair of them.
"NO!! We're having fun,she's fine, we're just trying to see if we can flip her over the top." I looked at him in disbelief, he couldn't be serious.
"Uncle Mikey,uncle Frank, help! My hands are slipping." Sky shouted still swinging way to high for me to be able to stop, I could see her little fingers loosing their grip one by one, until finaly both hands were compleatly off, Sky lost her balence and came flying off, followed by a crunching sound.
"SKY!!!" I screamed running to her side, I think Ray and Gee must have heard because they came running over to where we were.
"I'm sorry, we were only having fun." Frank argued, but I ignored him.
"What the hell happend?"Ray shouted running over to where we were all huddled round Sky.
"Frank was pushing her on the swings way to high and she lost her grip and fell off." I informed him.
"She shouldn't have even been on those ones, it's for ages 5 and up! she should be on the baby ones." Gerard turned and told us all from his position on the ground where he was gripping Skys hand.
"I think something's up with her leg." Frank pointed out, indicating her mangled and twisted leg. I proded it gently. Sky didn't cry because I think she was still in shock.
"We need to get her to a hospital and fast." Ray told us. I scooped a shaking Sky up into my arms and walked as fast as I could back across the road home.
"Look you guys i'm going to take Sky to A&E will one of you come with me while the other 2 stay and call Bob?" I asked looking at my group of friends. Gerard raised his hand asking to come with me.
"Right ok Gerard put Sky in her car seat, i'll sort out what's going to happen in here." He noded, took Sky and the car keys off of me and ran out to the car.
"As for you two, you just stay here with Jayden, he seems quite settled so you should be ok and can you also call Bob and Ella for me and tell them where we are?" I asked Frank and Ray who were staying. They agreed so I ran back out to the car where Sky was strapped in and Gerard was sat in the drivers seat ready to go. I hopped in and Gee left heading toward the hospital.
"She will be alright, right?" Gerard asked looking in his mirror into the back where Sky was now screaming in pain, I think it had only just sunk in what had happend.
"I don't know man." I shook my head. We arived at A&E and rushed into the room.
"Hi this is my neice Sky Bryar, I think she's done something serious to her leg." I blurted out. The woman at the desk lent over to take a look at Skys swollen and mishaped leg.
"Oh my... I'll get a doctor right away." The woman rushed off to find someone. I turned to look at Gerard, he looked at me quite worried at the way everyone else was rushing round.

"Right is this Sky?" A doctor in a white coat asked coming up to us.
"Yes that is her." I told him, he took her out of my arms and took her inot a hospital bed.
"Right I really don't think we need to do an x-ray, her right leg is totally shattred and her left leg is broken quite badly aswell." He told us looking worried.
"What are you going to have to do?" Gerard asked holding tightly on to Skys tiny hand.
"Well, firstly we're going to have to put a cast on both legs and put her in a wheel chair for about 6 weeks and if they haven't healed by then we might have to consider surgery." The doctor told us while writing notes on his clip board.
"Ok then." I really didn't know what to say, but luckily for me Bob and Ella rushed in.
"SKY!?" Ella rushed to her side and hugged her.
"Mummy!! Daddy!!" Sky shouted giving them both a big hug.
"Don't worry, Frank explained everything." Bob told us. I breathed a sigh of relief.
"Right as I was saying, Sky will have to have a cast on each leg for at least 6 weeks if they're not healed after that then we have not option exept to operate." The doctor repeated.
"Ok we understand." Ella told the doctor.
"Right then let's get things moving, if you just take her to the room on your left they will put the casts on for you." The doctor smiled.
"Thanks." We all grinned as Bob carried Sky to the small plastering room.

Well I can safely say today hasn't been that good....