My adoption romance

chapter 4

Bobs pov.

Well it's been 2 days since Sky's accident and she's doing fine, she loves being in the wheel chair and being treated like a princess by me,Ella and her uncles.

"Daddy, jelly please." Sky smiled sweetly, shouting from the living room where her and Mikey were sat playing on his laptop.
"Right away pumpkin." I shouted back getting her jelly she made the night before out of the fridge. I walked past Ella who was sat playing with Jayden while he giggled away. I couldn't help but smile.
"Hey where do you think your taking that jelly?" Ella asked getting up and walking over to me.
"Umm..Sky wanted some." I retorted giving her a weird look.
"BOB! You shouldn't give her everything she wants just because she has broken legs." Ella shouted sounding really annoyed at me, but I couldn't say no to Sky's little face it was just so cute!
"Fine,but your going to have to tell her." I smirked walking back to the kitchen with the jelly.
Ella's pov

"DAMN YOU!!" I shouted at Bob as he left the room smirking. But I had to do this, I mean she's a little girl, she's not going to beat me up. I walked into the living room to see Sky sat on Mikey's lap on what looked like msn.
"Sky, you can't have jelly now, it's time to get ready for pre-school." I told her sternly.
"But mummy! I'm talking to uncle Frankie...Look." She turned round the laptop to show Frank on web cam talking to her and Mikey.
"Well say good bye because it's your first day of pre-school today and I don't want you to be late." I smiled hoping she would come round to the idea.
"OK, who's taking me." Sky rolled her eyes as she asked.
"Who ever you want sweetie." Mikey chipped in.
"Hmmm...Uncle Gerard and uncle Mikey." She smiled turning to look at Mikey, she had developed a close bond with the both of them. I looked at Mikey checking if that was OK and he nodded.
"OK then sweetie, your clothes are in mine and dads room on the bed, but knock first because dad might be in there if he is he'll help you get dressed. Oh and go and wake up your uncle Gerard and Ray, and if you still want to talk to Frankie he's in his room, I really don't see why you bother using msn..." I trailed off. Sky nodded at my instructions and skipped happily off to get ready.
Sky's pov.

Hmm...What should I do first? I think I'll go and talk to uncle Frankie. I walked up to his bedroom door and knocked.
"Come in Sky." He called.
"How did you know it was me?" I asked him giving him a weird look.
"Well you the only one here that ever knocks." He smiled picking me up.
"So what do you have to do now?" He asked planting a kiss on my cheek.
"Well mummy said I need to wake uncle Ray and Gerard up and then I got to get dressed." I told him.
"Well let me help, some of the sights in I have found in Ray and Gerard's room over the years has scared me, and I don't want that to happen to you, I'm willing to take the risk." Uncle Frank laughed as we walked to uncle Ray and Gerard's room. Frank didn't knock he just walked slowly in, then for some reason he stopped and his eyes went all big, it made me laugh, then he ran out rubbing his eyes.
"I'm so glad I went in then instead of you." He told me while he still rubbed his eyes.
"Oh..Aren't they awake then?" I asked getting a bit confused.
"Oh they're awake alright."Frank informed me walking away from the room and taking me to mums and dads room.
"Bob?" Frank asked peeking his head round the door.
"Yes." I heard daddy whisper.
"Sky's here to get dressed." Frank told him, dad said something to Frankie but it was to quiet for me to hear.
"Right Sky you be quiet because daddy said he's just got Jay to sleep." Frank told me before nudging me in.
"Daddy! mummy said you'd help me get dressed." I whispered trying not to wake up Jay who was asleep in the cot next to the bed.
"OK sweetie." Daddy smiled giving me some clothes.
Mikey's pov.

I kind of missed Sky, I know she was only upstairs and she had only been gone 5 minutes, but hey. I guess I still had Frank on msn to keep me company.

skittles whore: OK I'm back.
The better uncle: cool, did she get off OK?
Skittles whore:She did...but I didn't!
the better uncle: What do you mean?
skittles whore: Well...i went to wake up Ray and your brother and when I got in there they were doing...things *cringes*
The better uncle:Oh good god!!!
Skittles whore: I know!
The better uncle: Well at least Sky's OK.
Skittles whore: don't worry about poor little Frankie then!! *pouts*
The better uncle: Puppy dog whore.
Skittles whore: any ways I got to go and give Gee the message that he has to get his ass in gear, see you in 5 minutes down stairs, I'll bring pumpkin with me.
The better uncle: Pumpkin?
Skittles whore: It's my nick name for Sky.any ways byes
-Skittles whore has left the conversation-

I signed off and headed to the kitchen for coffee, but when I got there I saw Ella trying to do a million jobs at once.
"Ummm...Ella what the hell are you doing?" I asked confused at why she was so busy, after all I couldn't think of any thing at all that needed doing.
"Well, I'm making sky's lunch, getting you and Gee a coffee because I know you always have one in the morning,washing up from last night, making Frank some toast and skittles, trying to help Ray find his contact lenses that he dropped on the floor, oh and I have to make a bottle up for Jayden because Bob and him are going out later." She told me reeling off the massive list of things, I felt sorry for her, so for once I helped.
"Look, let me do mine and Gee's coffee and I can do Sky's lunch box." I smiled at her, she smiled back grateful for my help. I took Sky's lunch box and started searching through the fridge for something to put in it. I found some sandwiches that Ella had already made, some carrot sticks, some cookies(well they were Frankie's but I stole them. Mwahahahaha) and a Disney princess carton of juice.
"That'll do! Now for coffee." I evilly grinned walking over to the coffee maker.
"Mikey, no time for coffee, Sky has to be at school in 20 minutes and it's at least a 15 minute walk." Gerard told me walking in with Sky, she was ready she had her clothes on,her back pack and her coat on.
"Damn being an uncle." I moaned, as I grabbed the packed lunch I had made her and put it in her back pack.
"Come on lets go." Sky shouted over excitedly. I rolled my eyes at her.
"Wait! your not just going to leave with out saying good bye to us are you?" Bob asked, faking to be upset as he walked down stairs with Jay in his arms.
"Sorry daddy." She smiled and ran up to hug him.
"Bye, see you tonight everyone." She shouted so everyone could hear.
"BYE! have a good day." Ray shouted from his room.
"Bye pumpkin, and remember what I told you, if anyone is evil to you either beat them up or say we'll beat them up." Frank told her as he scooped her up into a big hug. Ella slapped his arm.
"Any way we really need to get going." Gerard told everyone.
"OK we'll let you 3 get off then." Ella said unlocking the door to let us out.

"You exited?" I asked sky who was holding mine and Gee's hands.
"Kind of, I want to meet new friends, but in my old pre-school people were horrible and I don't want to leave you and the others." Sky told me, her face dropped.
"Well sweetie it's something you have to do." Gerard informed her, I know he felt sympathetic, because he was just like her when he was little.
"This is it." I pointed at a small building at the side of a massive school. Little kids played out side on their bikes, it was just like the first time I had to bring Medina here.
"OK, see you later." Sky hobbled off happily towards the bikes.
"Wait...No tears, no screaming because you want to stay with us!?!" I asked confused with her sudden burst of confidence.
"No..." She looked at me like I was crazy, before going back to what she was doing. I rolled my eyes and went off to see her teacher.
"Umm...Hi, Just here to tell you that Sky's hear but she didn't want to come in she's to busy out side." I told the woman who worked there.
"OK Mr.Bryar." She smiled writing something down on what I assumed was a register.
"Oh, I'm Mikey, Sky's uncle and this is my brother Gerard, we'll be picking her up and dropping her off alot." I smiled.
"OK if you would like to write on this piece of paper who is aloud to collect her, because we don't want anyone that shouldn't." She grinned handing Gerard a bit of paper. He wrote the names down.
"Mikey who should I put?" He asked confused.
"Let me do it!" I yanked the piece of paper off of him.
"Right, Ray, you,me,Frankie,Bob and Ella." I looked at Gerard trying to think of anyone I had forgotten. Gerard nodded in agreement that i had everybody.
"Right, if you can come and pick her up about three that would be great." The woman smiled.
Today was going to be weird without my little princess.
Sky's pov

"Bye uncle Gee and uncle Mikey." I shouted to them as the left. They turned round and waved back. I was really exited about today, I couldn't wait to make new friends and play. But so far no one had talked to me, they were all in their little groups, so I just got on a bike one peddled round ( it was kind of hard with 2 broken legs). A big girl came over to me, she looked scary.
"Get off of my bike." She growled at me. But uncle Frank told me to stick to my ground and not to let anyone push me round.
"No! It's not your bike, and I'm having a go on it. You can have it when I'm finished." I told her trying not to be freaked out by her size,she was at least 5 or 6 inches taller then me, but I guess that wasn't hard I'm really short and skinny.
"I don't want to wait." The big girl shouted as she tipped up the bike with me sat on it. I felt tears gather in my eyes.
"Uncle Gerard? Uncle Mikey? Come back!!!" I shouted but it was no use, they were long gone, so I went off to find somewhere no one would ever look for me. In the end I found a small bush which I decided was going to be my place for the day. I got out my I-pod and started to listen to some songs that me and uncle Mikey had put on, I looked down at my back pack. I decided to see what uncle Mikey had packed me. I popped open my bag to see a small lunch box.
"Hmm..samidges(I call them that because that's what uncle Gee does),carrot sticks, uh oh! Frankie's gonna be mad at Mikey because I got his cookies. But at the bottom of the box there was a small thing, I picked it up so I could see it better. It was a cell phone, on the back it had a piece of paper attached to it.

Hey Sky,
If your reading this your probably in trouble or not listening to what your being told, but this is your cell phone so if you need us REALLY bad just call, I put all the important numbers on there for you.
See you
love uncle Mikey and the guys

I smiled knowing I had someone there for me. I decided to call someone, I was hurt, alone and bleeding from every where possible, I just really didn't want to be at school right now. But who to call? I think I'm going to call uncle Ray, I never hang out with him. So I picked up the cell and flicked through to find Ray's number. I clicked it and let it ring a few times before he came and picked it up.

"Hey Sky what's up?" Ray asked.
"I got pushed off the bike by a mean girl, and my face is bleed from where I hit the floor, can you take me home please?" I begged him.
"Umm...OK, I'll be there as fast as I can, I'll bring Gerard and Jayden because they're with me now." I could tell he was worried about me, but he was trying not to let it on to much.
"OK, I'm round the back of the play ground behind a bush." I told him, making sure he knew where to find me.
I waited quietly for a few minutes until I heard a familiar voice calling my name.
"Pumpkin? Pumpkin you there? It's Ray come here." He half whispered half shouted. I shot up as fast as I could and hobbled over to him using my crutches.
"Uncle Ray it was horrible, a big girl hurt me and now my face is bleeding." I cried burying my head into his big soft chest.
"It's OK now, I'm here for you, we'll sort out that little girl tomorrow, but for now let's get you out of here." Uncle Ray smiled picking me up.
"What about the teachers?" I asked getting worried about what they would think.
"It's fine, Gee's in there right now dealing with them." He smiled at me.
"Thanks uncle Ray." I kissed him on the cheek.
"No problem pumpkin pie, your mum and dad said you can spend the rest of the day with us seeing as everyone else is to busy. I thought we might go and get an ice-cream." Ray informed me,heading to the front doors to meet uncle Gerard and Jayden.
"So, what actually happened?" Uncle Gerard asked putting us both in his car.
"Well, I was trying to ride the bike, but it was kind of hard because of my casts." I was interrupted by Gerard.
"You shouldn't be running round, the doctor said you should only be walking! You'll hurt yourself if you do that." He told me looking kind of mad at me.
"Gee calm down and let the girl talk!!" Ray shouted at him.
"And then a big girl came up to me, she said get off of my bike, but then I remembered Frank told me not to give in and give people what they want, so I told her no, then she tipped me off and I fell on the floor and cut my face, so I ran away and hid." I was almost crying thinking about how much it hurt.
"My poor little girl." Gerard cried turning round from his seat and planting a kiss on my forehead.
"It's OK, I'm fine now, I'm sure ice-cream will make it better." I grinned, hoping they would buy it.They looked at each other and nodded.
"Ice-cream it is." Ray laughed, pulling out of the car park and heading to the ice-cream store, New Jersey was home to one of the best ice-cream shops in the world, well that's what I thought anyway. My favorite flavor was candyfloss. But it was really boring with Ray and Gerard they talked in adult speak so we wouldn't understand them. And all we ever did was go to the park.
"Uncle Ray, Where is everyone?" Ray looked at me through the mirror.
"Well, your mum and dad are busy doing...umm...things.., your uncle Frank is working on some new stuff for his clothes line at their office and Mikey is with his girl friend Katie." He told me not taking his eyes off the road. But I wanted Mikey and I wasn't going to stop until I got him.
"But I want Mikey!" I half shouted.
"Well you can't have him." Gerard retorted, I started crying, when I cried I always got my own way.
"I WANT MIKEY!!!" I grizzled.
"OK,OK, I'll call him." Gerard caved in, picking up his cell and dialing Mikey's number. I stopped crying while he was on the phone.
"Hey Mikey it's Gerard, Sky's crying because she wants you." He told Mikey.
"OK, are you sure that OK?" I wished I could hear what Mikey was saying.
"OK, I'll be right over." Gerard finished his conversation and hung up.
"Your in luck, he's in and he said you can spend the day with him and Katie at your house." Gerard told me, looking quite angry.
"YAY!!!" I shouted and began smiling again. We drove back to our house where Mikey and a lady were stood out side.
"MIKEY!!!" I shouted asI ran up to him, he picked me up and hugged me.
"Hey, next time just say you want to come and see me instead of crying." Mikey winked at me.
"Aren't you going to introduce us?" The lady asked Mikey.
"Oh, Sky this is my girl friend and i guess she's your auntie as well, any ways her name's Katie. And Katie this is Bob's and Ella's daughter Sky, but she likes to be called pumpkin." Mikey told me and Katie. I smiled at Katie, she seemed nice.
"Hey." Katie smiled giving me a hug, I hugged her back.
"So what are we going to do?" Mikey asked me and Katie.
"Well...." Katie started. "It's not really up to us." She looked at Mikey then back at me. I think Mikey got the hint.
"Oh right! Pumpkin what do you want to do?" Mikey asked coming down to my level to talk to me.
"I don't know." I shrugged.
"Oh I almost forgot, when's your birthday because no one really knows." Mikey asked me.
"I'm 4 on the 31st of October." I smiled. Mikey turned to look at Katie they were both shocked.
"That's so weird! You have the same birthday as your uncle Frank." Mikey told me in disbelief.
"Yep, and there's only a week to go until I'm finally 4!" I smiled proudly.
"Oh god we better get you something, we need to get Frank something as well." Katie told me.
"So should we go shopping to get Frank a birthday present?" Mikey asked me and Katie. We both nodded.
"Right, let's go then." Katie smiled picking me up and handing me to Mikey. We decided to walk there because it was only a 5 minute walk down to the massive shopping center.
"Mikey?" I started, Mikey turned his head and looked at me. "Do I have to go back to school?" I asked him, worried about his answer.
"I'm not to sure, you'll have to ask your mum or dad." He smiled. I rolled my eyes at him. That's all adults ever say! I pretended to be in a mood with Mikey for the rest of the walk and would only talk to Katie.
"I think your cool Katie." I smiled at her.
"Why thank you." She smiled back.
"Your my bestest favorite auntie." I grinned showing all my teeth.
"She's the only auntie you've met!" Mikey told looking at me like I was crazy, I ignored him and carried on talking to Katie.
"So does that mean I have more?" I asked Katie, hoping she would give me the answer.
"Yep, you have Franks girl friend Becky she's my best friend." Katie smiled.
"OK we're here. Me and Katie are going to go off to different places who do want to go with?" Mikey asked me confident that I would say him.
"Katie." I smirked at Mikey.
"Fine then." He handed me over to Katie and left in a big sulk.
"Just ignore him, he's always like that." Katie told me.
"So while Mikey's doing what he's doing do ou want to come grab a coffee with me?" Katie asked heading over to the coffee shop. I really wondered how many coffee shops there were in this city!
"Yes! I love coffee, can I have a small black coffee with 2 sugars please?" I asked giving her puppy dog eyes.
"Sure pumpkin." She poked her tongue out at me and ruffled my hair.
Mikey's pov

Mwahahaha this was a wicked plan. I had already got Frank his present for his birthday so I was really getting one for my Pumpkin and while we were out Ray and Gerard were putting the finishing touches to her Birthday present. I was kind of hurt that Sky was ignoring me, but I knew she was only playing, well at least I hope she was. But there was a slight problem I had no idea what to buy her, I knew she really wanted to learn guitar so I guess that's a starting point. I headed over to the guitar shop called strings that my friend Ben owned, I'm sure he could help me.

"Hey Ben! Long time no see, how you doing?" I asked giving him a manly hug.
"Hey Mikey, I'm OK thanks, how are you doing?" Ben questioned returning the smile.
"Good to hear, I'm OK thanks. Any ways I'm not here to have a chat I have t get the most awesome guitar ever for my niece Sky." I told him. He paused thinking about what I'd just said.
"Well we have a half sized Gibson SG which comes in pink or blue." He smiled grabbing the 2 different colored guitars out of the storage cupboard.
"Wicked she would love that, I think I'll take the pink one." I grinned looking the tiny guitar up and down thinking about how many brownie points me and Katie would score by giving her this.
"OK do you want it with her name on? I'll do it for free." He bargained.
"Go on then." I gave in to the temptation. Ben got out his stencils and air brush kit and looked at me.
"Sky as in S-K-Y?" He asked I shook my head at both options.
"She doesn't like being called that, just put Pumpkin on there please." I smiled he just rolled his eyes at me being difficult I couldn't help but laugh. Once Ben had finished painting it on he handed it over to me.
"That should be dry with in a hour or so just don't knock it!" He warned while jokingly pushing me out of his shop, I laughed at him and headed off to find Sky and Katie but the shopping center was damn big so I gave up and used my cell to call them.

"Hello?" Sky's voice greeted me.
"Hey Pumpkin why do you have Katie's cell?" I asked confused.
"I'm at the table alone waiting for her to bring our coffees and her cell went so I picked it up." I thought for a second then slowly turned to see Sky sat at a table by the window in the coffee shop just next to where I was standing, I waved my hand to her, she waved back whilst leaping from her seat to greet me.

"Uncle Mikey!!!!" She shouted throwing open her arms and grabbing on to me.
"Hey I thought you were in a mood with me?!" I half asked half told her, she shook her head and lead me back to the coffee shop where Katie had set 3 cups of the boiling liquid down.
"So what's in your bag?" Sky asked pulling at it trying to peek in.
"You'll just have to wait and see until Franks birthday won't you." I winked at her.
"Did you get a good one?" Katie asked looking at the guitar bag, I simply nodded in reply eager to drop the subject.
"Do you think they'll be done yet?" I asked Katie about Gee and Ray, she shrugged.
"Well if we finish our coffees then we'll leave." I smiled sitting Pumpkin on my lap. I hope they had finished anyway...
*Back at home* no ones pov.

"No you sponge that goes there!" Ray pointed our to Gerard showing him the booklet, Gerard rolled his eyes.
"You would have thought that we've done the hard bit by putting up the main structure!" Gerard joked as he fell on to the grass tired out. Him and Ray were trying to decided what to put where in the 2 story play house they had brought Sky, but they didn't always agree.
"Oh just put it any where." Ray shouted giving up and throwing the booklet on the floor.
"Look you two calm down! You can put anything any where just remember the smallest room on each floor is the bathroom because it has the plumbing for the toilet." Ella called from inside the house where she could here the 2 arguing. The two men got back to work. and soon enough there was a massive two story playhouse with all a little girl could ever wish for inside. Gerard and Ray took a step back to look at what they had achieved.
"Not to bad I guess." Ray reluctantly spat out.
"It's really cool, but how are we going to keep it from her 1 whole week I mean we're going to play a few shows round some local areas during the next week meaning that most of the time Ella will be left at home with the two kids by her self,there's no way she can stop Sky going in the garden." Gerard Told Ray.
"Well I guess we can bring her to the shows with us...." Ray trailed off.
"Umm, I don't know if you've noticed but she's a 3 year old girl and 3 year old girls don't tend to go to rock shows." Gerard pointed out.
"Well Ella could come with Jayden and stay back stage with them to watch the show and if Ella needs help I'm sure Katie will come along and help out." Ray gave Gerard puppy dog eyes.
"Well your the one asking her." Gee gave in.
Ray's pov

"ELLA?" I called round the house.
"Ray shut up! I'm right behind you and I've only just got Jayden down for his afternoon nap." Ella shouted at me.
"Oh hey, look me and Gee were wondering if you the kids,Katie and Becky wanted to come to the concerts we're doing this week, seeing as the kids have never seen us play and it's been a while since you girls have as well." I pleaded trying to show her all the good points.
"So basically you want Sky to go because you think she'll go out side and find the play house." Ella told me.
"Yes." I gave up on the act I was putting on.
"Sure why not." Ella smiled, I smiled back and ran up to her giving her one of my bear hugs.
"Thank you Ella your the best." I grinned running out side to tell Gerard the great news.
"Hey hang on a sec...." Ella started, I stopped in my tracks and turned to look at Ella. "Gerard called earlier to say you had Sky.." Ella looked at me confused.
"Oh yes I forgot to tell you, Sky threw a fit saying she wanted to go with Mikey so we called him and Katie and they said they would take them for the day." I told her, she laughed at the way her daughter had behaved and walked off to check on Jayden. She came down a few minutes later holding a fully awake baby boy.
"I thought you only just put him down." I told Ella giving her a weird look.
"I did, he started crying that's why i went up there to try settle him but he wouldn't go back to sleep so I brought him down." Ella informed me looking annoyed, no one has been sleeping that well since the kids got here, every few hours Jay will wake up for his bottle he'll scream and scream until someone wakes up and hands it to him.
"oh..." Is all I could think of to say. Jayden held his arms out to me so I took him off of Ella and held him. Since he's been here it's like he's always with me and Gerard, not that we're complaining, we love it.
Katie's pov.

Today has been awesome, Sky is such a cool little girl and we seem to get on really well, she loves Mikey as much as I do so we have quite a bit in common, it's made me feel quite broody looking after her, but I wouldn't dare tell Mikey that, I mean after Gee had called us earlier and we were waiting for Sky to come we got talking about kids and he said he loved kids but only when he could give them back. But I felt now was the right time to have kids we're at the perfect age and it's not like he doesn't have the money because he does.

"Katie you coming?" Sky asked snapping me out of my thought bubble.
"Sorry sweetie, where are we going?" I asked her.
"grandma Iero's house to the BBQ." She smiled sweetly.
"Ella just called telling us to meet them all there." Mikey added in.
"Sure sounds like fun." I smiled to the two of them.

Linda's awesome, when we were little me and Becky used to pretty much live there with Frank and Ella, that's how we met the guys, they always had band practice in the basement.
We all call her mum, I mean she was a better mum then I ever had.